On Jun 21, 2020, at 13:17, Ken Cunningham wrote:

> On one of my systems, 10.5 PPC, things are taking a long time when 
> uninstalling a port - like 4-5 minutes of heavy tcl interpreter use.
> The registry.db is pretty huge:
> $ ls -la
> total 1286264
> drwxr-xr-x     7 root  admin        238 21 Jun 11:06 .
> drwxr-xr-x@   15 root  admin        510 18 Dec  2018 ..
> -rw-r--r--     1 root  admin          0 21 Jun 10:59 .registry.lock
> -rw-rw-r--     1 root  admin          0  1 Oct  2015 .turd_MacPorts
> drwxr-xr-x  2954 root  admin     100436 21 Jun 10:59 portfiles
> drwxr-xr-x   185 root  admin       6290 13 Jun 19:51 portgroups
> -rw-r--r--     1 root  admin  658564096 21 Jun 11:06 registry.db
> As you can see, this install has been going along for 5 years, so I guess 
> some bitrot could occur. I’m sure I could blow out the installation and start 
> fresh, but that’s not terribly trivial on 10.5 PPC with no functional 
> buildbot. 
> Is there something else I can do to put that registry.db on a diet?

Since the registry contains information about every port you have installed, 
and every file installed by those ports, it's natural that it will be larger 
the more ports you have installed. On our Catalina buildbot worker, for 
example, since they keep all ports installed, the registry is 1GB. If you don't 
have many ports installed, then that size of registry would be unexpected.

The registry doesn't immediately shrink if you uninstall a port, but after 
enough free space builds up in the registry MacPorts will perform the SQLite 
"vacuum" procedure to reclaim space. MacPorts does not print any status 
information to tell you when this is happening.

It is normal that it can take a long time for MacPorts to write the modified 
registry to disk after you've installed or uninstalled something if it is large 
because you have many ports installed, or if MacPorts happens to perform the 
vacuum procedure. How long would depend on the speed of your disk. The 300MB 
registry on my main Mac takes a few seconds to rewrite but that's on a fast SSD.

On Jun 22, 2020, at 00:28, Ken Cunningham wrote:

> I decided to do the obvious, backed up all the built software, and 
> reinstalled everything.

Has that helped? Do you now have a much smaller registry with the same set of 
ports installed? If so that would be unexpected and might indicate a problem in 
how we're cleaning up the registry during normal use.

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