On Jul 26, 2020, at 01:15, Ian Wadham wrote:

> The above all worked very well, but only once… :-(
> If I test the app I have installed and find there is still some problem, I 
> need to edit the source and go back to the build step. But “build” just says 
> "--->  Computing dependencies for kpat”  and exits, even if I use “sudo port 
> -f build”. It does not see that the source has changed.

MacPorts keeps track of which phases have been completed. If you successfully 
build a port, for example, the build phase is marked completed and will not be 
attempted again until you clean and start over. 

To bypass that behavior, you can edit the state file (a file in the work 
directory whose name is .macports.${subport}.state) and remove lines from the 
end of it for completed phases that you want to retry.

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