On Sep 1, 2020, at 18:58, jam wrote:

> On 1 Sep 2020, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-request wrote:
>> I have always been too cautious to change the default shell on MacOS to 
>> anything other than one that is officially provided, especially for the 
>> root account, even if those shell versions are as old as the hills.?? 
>> For scripts and launchd process simply put the #!/path/to/bash5 at the 
>> top and that's what they run as.? For interactive sessions simply put 
>> the new bash exec in the PATH and run it first thing after login, 
>> perhaps even automatically by insertion into default shell startup 
>> file.? If you really want to change the default you can using the chsh 
>> command (man chsh), but I've never done so for the root or startup user. 
>> Too much experience based paranoia I guess.
>> Just my 2c.
> I'm the only user on my mac. What am I being paranoid about?

I don't think that's the issue people are concerned about here. Rather, it's 
that a MacPorts-provided bash could break. For example, MacPorts bash links 
with MacPorts libiconv, libintl and libncurses. What if one of those libraries 
is updated to a new major version, requiring everything linking with the 
library to be rebuilt? This does not happen often, but does happen every few 
years. If you happen to upgrade that library and then close your terminal 
before upgrading bash, you won't be able to open a new terminal again because 
bash is linked with an old version of the library that no longer exists so bash 
can no longer launch. You'll then have to work around the problem by 
configuring your terminal to use a different shell and use that shell to use 
MacPorts to upgrade bash.

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