On Nov 9, 2020, at 16:51, Greg Earle wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2020, at 1:43 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Do what it says and clean the affected ports.
>> sudo port clean expat
>> sudo port clean db48
> Thanks Ryan.  That just pushed it down the road a bit, I kept getting other 
> errors like these.  I ended up doing a
> sudo port clean all
> and those particular errors stopped.
> I am scratching my head though - I was running things from scratch with no 
> ports installed, so I don't know why the "./restore_ports.tcl myports.txt" 
> stage would generate a bunch of errors where a port needed to be "cleaned".

When you say "from scratch" do you mean that you really removed the /opt/local 
directory entirely? The normal migration steps do not include doing that, nor 
is it recommended or required. But keeping that directory does imply that 
you'll be keeping any partial build attempts that you may have had in 
/opt/local/var/macports/build. You can of course remove them if desired, either 
manually or by cleaning the affected ports, or cleaning all. In MacPorts 2.7.0, 
port reclaim will also clean this for you.

> One last side question: in the
> port echo requested | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > requested.txt
> step, I found that several lines in the resulting "requested.txt" file were 
> repeated.  Should this command be
> port echo requested | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq > requested.txt
> instead?

That sounds like a good change to make.

> --->  Building db48
> Error: Failed to build db48: command execution failed
> Error: See 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_private_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_databases_db48/db48/main.log
>  for details.

Can't tell why without seeing the log.

> --->  Fetching archive for db53
> --->  Attempting to fetch db53-5.3.28_0+java+sql.darwin_18.x86_64.tbz2 from 
> https://cph.dk.packages.macports.org/db53
> --->  Attempting to fetch db53-5.3.28_0+java+sql.darwin_18.x86_64.tbz2 from 
> https://nue.de.packages.macports.org/db53
> --->  Attempting to fetch db53-5.3.28_0+java+sql.darwin_18.x86_64.tbz2 from 
> https://packages.macports.org/db53
> --->  Configuring db53
> Error: db53 requires the Java for Mac OS X development headers.
> Error: Make sure your Xcode installation is complete.

Install Java.

> --->  Configuring tripwire
> Error: Failed to configure tripwire, consult 
> /private/opt/local/var/macports/build/_private_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_security_tripwire/tripwire/work/tripwire-
> Error: Failed to configure tripwire: configure failure: command execution 
> failed
> Error: See 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_private_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_security_tripwire/tripwire/main.log
>  for details.

Can't tell without seeing the logs.

> --->  Computing dependencies for nodejs10
> Error: Can't install nodejs10 because conflicting ports are active: nodejs14

The various node versions conflict with one another. Pick the single version 
that you want.

> --->  Fetching distfiles for wine
> Error: wine cannot be built on macOS 10.14 or later.
> Error: Failed to fetch wine: incompatible macOS version
> Error: See 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_private_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_x11_wine/wine/main.log
>  for details.

The message is accurate. There will be an update to allow wine to be built on 
10.14 and later.

> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qtbase
> Error: Can't install qt513-qtbase because conflicting ports are active: 
> qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qtmacextras
> Error: Can't install qt513-qtmacextras because conflicting ports are active: 
> qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qtsvg
> Error: Can't install qt513-qtsvg because conflicting ports are active: 
> qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-sqlite-plugin
> Error: Can't install qt513-sqlite-plugin because conflicting ports are 
> active: qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qtdeclarative
> Error: Can't install qt513-qtdeclarative because conflicting ports are 
> active: qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qtmultimedia
> Error: Can't install qt513-qtmultimedia because conflicting ports are active: 
> qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qttools
> Error: Can't install qt513-qttools because conflicting ports are active: 
> qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qttranslations
> Error: Can't install qt513-qttranslations because conflicting ports are 
> active: qt5-qtbase
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt513-qtxmlpatterns
> Error: Can't install qt513-qtxmlpatterns because conflicting ports are 
> active: qt5-qtbase

Use qt5-whatever, not qt513-whatever. You were only using qt513-whatever on 
10.12 because 10.12 could not use the latest version of qt, but 10.14 can.

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