On Dec 8, 2020, at 02:42, Ken Preslan wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 03:41:57PM -0500, Justin Vallon wrote:
>> I currently use a VNC server on a debian machine, and a VNC client on my
>> Mac.  I am trying to configure my Mac to run the Xserver/VNC server so that
>> I don't need to remote-connect to my Linux host.
> Before Catalina, I was a big XQuartz user.

Do you mean you were actually using the installer from xquartz.org? If so, you 
should switch to the corresponding ports provided by MacPorts. The xorg-server 
port contains X11.app, for example. The installer from xquartz.org hasn't been 
updated in four years, while our ports are updated all the time.

> Performance and compatibility 
> got so bad in Catalina that I switched to exactly what you're doing now.

I haven't heard of performance or compatibility problems with X11 on macOS 
Catalina. If you're seeing this with the software from xquartz.org, switch to 
the MacPorts ports. If you're seeing this problem with the MacPorts ports, file 
bug reports.

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