On Jan 24, 2021, at 21:42, Tong Sun wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 10:31 PM Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I found this article about how to do this. Maybe it will help?
>> https://medium.com/@mreichelt/how-to-show-x11-windows-within-docker-on-mac-50759f4b65cb
>> Where it says "install XQuartz", don't, since you already have the MacPorts 
>> X11.app which is equivalent to but newer than XQuartz.
>> It sounds like the key may be to set "Allow connections from network 
>> clients" in X11.app's Preferences window, close and reopen X11.app, and run 
>> "xhost +" and "export DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0" in the 
>> Docker image.
> Hmm... I've looked everywhere but cannot find this "Allow connections
> from network clients" in X11.app's Preferences window. Where can I
> find it?
> Without such step, I'm getting
> $ xhost +
> xhost:  unable to open display ""

Open X11.app. Choose Preferences from the X11 menu. Select the Security tab.

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