About->system report

I’ve never noticed, very sorry about the noise


> On 10 Feb 2021, at 2:22 pm, james <j...@tigger.ws> wrote:
> The captain said to his men “Gather round my merry men I’ve a terrible tail 
> to tell”. This is the tail he told … "It was a dark and stormy night …”
> Once upon a time Craig did a port for mythtv. It was too hard to maintain and 
> building mythtv was incredibly hard. John Hoyt set about making an ansible 
> build that was a) much much easier b) made extensive use of macports.
> A recent change to macports jpeg library meant that the mythtv bundle used 
> the macports jpeg library. John has resolved this but (before he did) in 
> trying to track down and fix the issue I caused chaos on my MacBook.
> No worries, inconvenient, but I’ll just re-install. Gods snicker.
> I created a bootable Catalina disk and tried that way. Soon to learn the 
> error of my ways (explains: security stops booting from an external drive)
> I used the online tools to
> a) format the disk as a case sensitive apfs drive
> b) re-install Catalina (and there are reasons for not embracing Big Sur)
> After restoring some of my stuff I had no space !!
> I have 2 Mac OS - Data volumes. After much cleaning and fiddling it I have 
> 1/2 drive space.
> Who should I go to to ask for help on disk stuff (And the dark and stormy is 
> about going round and round eg enter passed to change security to allow ext 
> boot when main disk is blank. So Install os to change security ..)
> Thanks James
> [plasma] /Users/jam [63]% df -h
> Filesystem      Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused      ifree %iused  Mounted 
> on
> /dev/disk1s7   466Gi   10Gi  193Gi     6%  488254 4881964626    0%   /
> devfs          189Ki  189Ki    0Bi   100%     654          0  100%   /dev
> /dev/disk1s6   466Gi  182Gi  193Gi    49%  636680 4881816200    0%   
> /System/Volumes/Data
> /dev/disk1s5   466Gi  1.0Gi  193Gi     1%       1 4882452879    0%   
> /private/var/vm
> /dev/disk1s1   466Gi   19Gi  193Gi    10%   95000 4882357880    0%   
> /Volumes/Macintosh HD — Data
> /dev/disk1s2   466Gi   59Gi  193Gi    24% 1118568 4881334312    0%   
> /Volumes/Macintosh HD - Data
> map auto_home    0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%       0          0  100%   
> /System/Volumes/Data/home
> [plasma] /Users/jam [64]% ls /Volumes/ |od -atx1
> 0000000    M   a   c   i   n   t   o   s   h  sp   H   D  nl   M   a   c
>           4d  61  63  69  6e  74  6f  73  68  20  48  44  0a  4d  61  63
> 0000020    i   n   t   o   s   h  sp   H   D  sp   -  sp   D   a   t   a
>           69  6e  74  6f  73  68  20  48  44  20  2d  20  44  61  74  61
> 0000040   nl   M   a   c   i   n   t   o   s   h  sp   H   D  sp   �  80
>           0a  4d  61  63  69  6e  74  6f  73  68  20  48  44  20  e2  80
> 0000060   94  sp   D   a   t   a  nl
>           94  20  44  61  74  61  0a
> 0000067
> [plasma] /Users/jam [65]%

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