To be super-clear, the problems I am describing all relate to the M1 version of 
the python libraries.

> At some point I might try to determine whether I can get a useful python3 
> setup using Macports, but it is time-consuming and the status pages do not 
> help, as the comments indicate.
> When I tried a few weeks ago, I could install either py38 or py39, and that 
> is fine if I want to write "hello world".  But to be useful, I need libraries 
> like matplotlib, pandas, and and scipy.
> But these packages were all available too, and marked happy green in the 
> summary page.
> But they do not actually work.  For example, scipy will quickly crash if you 
> do most anything with it.
> The cause is well understood upstream on the scipy site.  The bug is not 
> caused by Macports.
> But, really, it is hard for me to understand how these packages get a happy 
> green label attached when all the build system, or the port maintainer, has 
> to do is run the package-supplied regression test to see if it works.  And it 
> does not.
> As a user, it seems time-consuming and wasteful to install packages that do 
> not work but claim to.  And it seems just too odd to file a bug report that 
> essentially asks the port maintainer to run the regression test.
> Maybe this all works now--I do not have the time to deal with it.  But 
> perhaps my recent experience and frustration could be useful to others.
> Here is what I presently do:  use the stock python from macOS and install 
> local version of the libraries, then run all my code using the "arch 
> -x86_64", which runs everything in x86 translation.  It actually works for 
> everything I do and is only a bit slower than it would be otherwise (but 
> still faster than my old x86).
> It would be better to have a native arm64 version of the python stuff.  My 
> understanding is that it is possible to cobble one together, and people have 
> done that.  (Maybe the fratboys at brew have done that, not sure, I cannot 
> bring myself to use brew.)
> Eventually the upstream problems will be fixed and eventually there will be a 
> macports version of it.  Until then, it would be useful to not report things 
> working when they are not.
>> *Sigh*.  The site has not been getting updates since Feb 
>> 20.  See recent threads.  Yes, this is *usually* reliable.  Not this month.
>> On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 8:23 AM Ken Cunningham 
>> <> wrote:
>>> > Having heard that python39 is the only one (so far) to compile natively 
>>> > on M1, I’m trying to force the python ports I use to python39
>>> Hello Peter,
>>> FYI, an arm64 version of python38 appears to be available:
>>> and is “green” on the ports review page:
>>> The page can be misleading at times, unfortunately, as 
>>> it will show “green” if the port has been blocked from building even if it 
>>> can’t be built, which is no doubt confusing to people at times and there is 
>>> (I believe) a ticket about that somewhere.
>>> The site is pretty reliable, although to be 100% 
>>> certain, you do need to actually install the port and examine it with 
>>> “file” or “arch” or similar.
>>> And the fact that the arm64 python38 exists doesn’t necessarily mean a 
>>> universal python38 exists for x86_64/arm64 or can be built. It might or 
>>> might not.
>>> So there are some caveats to the presence of the python38 file there on 
>>> packages, but it is there.
>>> Best,
>>> Ken

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