> My MacOS version is fully up to date 11.4, and my Xcode is fully up to date 
> (12.5) and I’m seeing these warnings:
> ld: warning: dylib (/opt/local/lib/libidn2.dylib) was built for newer macOS 
> version (11.3) than being linked (11.0)
> ld: warning: dylib (/opt/local/lib/libzstd.dylib) was built for newer macOS 
> version (11.3) than being linked (11.0)
> ld: warning: dylib (/opt/local/lib/libssl.dylib) was built for newer macOS 
> version (11.2) than being linked (11.0)
> ld: warning: dylib (/opt/local/lib/libcrypto.dylib) was built for newer macOS 
> version (11.2) than being linked (11.0)
> 2 Questions:
> 1 - Why?
> 2 - How can I make them go away?

For a while the buildbot was building software with a deployment target of 
11.2, and sometimes 11.3.

Now the deployment target is 11.0. We think that is probably right, to cover 
all 11.x systems with one buildbot.

Some software from the buildbot that has a newer deployment target of 11.2 or 
11.3 will have to be rebuilt with a dep target of 11.0.

That means rev-bumping the software to make a new build on the buildbot, or 
rebuilding the software yourself on your machine.

In this case, you would run

“port provides /path/to/troubled/lib.dylib” with your libs above, and rebuild 
from source what needs rebuilding by running:

sudo port -v -s install my_troubled_port

and if you want to be really helpful, PR some revbumps too for everyone else.



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