I've used the prebuilt binary and done a source build myself, it just won't 

A few startup messages are in the ErrorLog, but they don't note any reason for 
the crash.

The OS does manage to save crash reports when I try to start, all looking 
similar to the one below.

Googling about various specifics from the crash report (e.g. 
 makes me suspect that this has something to do with how httpd initializes 
itself. Telling bit is the "crashed on child side of fork pre-exec"

I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this and if anyone has a sense of 
whether this is really a MacPorts-specific problem or if it is (as I suspect 
but have not been able to confirm) a problem with httpd.

Contents of crash report 

Process:               httpd [2068]
Path:                  /opt/local/sbin/httpd
Identifier:            httpd
Version:               0
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
Responsible:           httpd [2068]
User ID:               0

Date/Time:             2021-09-21 12:26:37.866 -0400
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.11.6 (15G22010)
Report Version:        11
Anonymous UUID:        DBCB60BF-452B-41AE-45BC-977D8F360144

Time Awake Since Boot: 3400 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000110
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

VM Regions Near 0x110:
    __TEXT                 000000010c8a1000-000000010c8f6000 [  340K] r-x/rwx 
SM=COW  /opt/local/sbin/httpd

Application Specific Information:
crashed on child side of fork pre-exec

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff85630661 
_dispatch_queue_push_queue + 345
1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8562eb06 
_dispatch_queue_wakeup_with_qos_slow + 126
2   libcorecrypto.dylib                 0x00007fff8a355ddc 
ccrng_CommonCrypto_generate + 309
3   libcommonCrypto.dylib               0x00007fff8ea8648f 
CCRandomGenerateBytes + 28
4   libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f2efb 
rand_pool_acquire_entropy + 69
5   libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f204f 
rand_drbg_get_entropy + 364
6   libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f1296 RAND_DRBG_reseed + 
7   libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f16f3 RAND_DRBG_generate + 
8   libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f1fd5 
rand_drbg_get_entropy + 242
9   libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f1296 RAND_DRBG_reseed + 
10  libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f16f3 RAND_DRBG_generate + 
11  libcrypto.1.1.dylib                 0x000000010f1f1819 RAND_DRBG_bytes + 139
12  libssl.1.1.dylib                    0x000000010f0878e1 SSL_CTX_new + 614
13  mod_ssl.so                          0x000000010f03aca2 ssl_init_ctx + 344
14  mod_ssl.so                          0x000000010f03a194 ssl_init_proxy_ctx + 
15  mod_ssl.so                          0x000000010f039e66 
ssl_init_ConfigureServer + 3896
16  mod_ssl.so                          0x000000010f038a03 ssl_init_Module + 802
17  httpd                               0x000000010c8a4521 ap_run_post_config + 
18  httpd                               0x000000010c8abb68 main + 2112
19  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff92f3f5ad start + 1

[remainder elided, including details of loaded dylibs and memory zone status]

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire

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