On Tue, Mar 08, 2022 at 01:13:36PM +1100, macpo...@raf.org wrote:

> > Il lun 7 mar 2022, 12:38 Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> ha scritto:
> > 
> > > On Feb 26, 2022, at 12:04, Haren Samarasinghe wrote:
> > >
> > > > After reading the installation guide [1], quite a few people that I've
> > > introduced MacPorts to have thought that a full XCode installation is
> > > required. They're uncertain of doing this due to the large amount of space
> > > it requires.
> > > >
> > > > In reality, I'd say that the majority of ports only require the command
> > > line tools. In the scenarios where XCode is required for a port, the user
> > > is normally alerted to this.
> > > >
> > > > I was planning on changing the docs [1][2] to show that XCode isn't
> > > required, but I wanted to first check whether this would be an acceptable
> > > change.
> > >
> > > Yes that's a good idea.
> > >
> > > If the port you're installing (and its dependencies) are available as
> > > binaries, you do not need Xcode and you do not need the command line 
> > > tools.
> > > MacPorts will just install the binaries. MacPorts will probably print
> > > warnings about Xcode and/or CLT being missing but in this case they can be
> > > ignored.
> > >
> > > If the port (or its dependencies) are not available as binaries, you'll
> > > probably need either Xcode or the command line tools. If you don't have
> > > them installed, you'll get warnings, and then probably a build failure.
> > >
> > > Some ports need Xcode to build. These are (hopefully) marked with
> > > "use_xcode yes". If you try to install such a port and you do not have
> > > Xcode installed, MacPorts will tell you to install it.
> On a related note, the other day I was on my brother's
> 10.14 mac, and I needed to migrate its macports from
> a version for 10.13. There are instructions at
> https://guide.macports.org/#installing.xcode that say:
>   2.1.1. Install Xcode on OS X 10.9 or Later
>   Download the latest version of Xcode from the Apple developer
>   website or get it using the Mac App Store.
> But the latest version of XCode is incompatible with 10.14,
> and the Mac App Store won't install it (or any other version).
> So those instructions might need an update.
> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Migration says:
>   Install the latest version of Xcode that is compatible with your OS.
>   Open the Xcode application once after installation and follow any prompts.
> But it links to the page above, not to a page showing
> the latest compatible versions of XCode for each macos
> version.
> I'm sure I've seen such a list in the past, but can't
> remember where it is, and I can't seem to find it today.
> Is it somewhere prominent and I'm just not finding it?
> It would be great if either of the above pages linked to it.
> Ah, this has a great compatibility chart:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xcode#Xcode_11.x_(since_SwiftUI_framework)
> I know this thread is about letting people know that XCode
> isn't always needed, but I think the instructions for getting
> the right XCode for old macos systems could be better too.
> cheers,
> raf

I think is the page I originally saw:



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