On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 10:31 AM Christoph Kukulies <k...@kukulies.org> wrote:
> I’m gettig the following:
> $ sudo port install gdb
> --->  Computing dependencies for gdb
> The following dependencies will be installed:  boehmgc
> Continue? [Y/n]:
> --->  Fetching archive for boehmgc
> --->  Attempting to fetch boehmgc-8.0.6_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2 from 
> https://packages.macports.org/boehmgc
> --->  Attempting to fetch boehmgc-8.0.6_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from 
> https://packages.macports.org/boehmgc
> --->  Installing boehmgc @8.0.6_0
> --->  Activating boehmgc @8.0.6_0
> --->  Cleaning boehmgc
> --->  Fetching archive for gdb
> --->  Attempting to fetch gdb-11.2_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2 from 
> https://packages.macports.org/gdb
> --->  Attempting to fetch gdb-11.2_0.darwin_20.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from 
> https://packages.macports.org/gdb
> --->  Installing gdb @11.2_0
> --->  Activating gdb @11.2_0
> Error: Failed to activate gdb: Image error: /opt/local/include/ansidecl.h is 
> being used by the active binutils port.  Please deactivate this port first, 
> or use 'port -f activate gdb' to force the activation.
> Error: See 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_devel_gdb/gdb/main.log
>  for details.
> Error: Follow https://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets if you believe 
> there is a bug.
> Error: Processing of port gdb failed
> $

This is bug 43591, btw: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/43591

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