I tried the latest build again. Although there are some things that it baulks 
at, it seems to be doing the main things that I require – essentially, keeping 
track of crypto purchases.

I’ll hope for the best and press on.


Peter West
…the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a 
loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the 
King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the 

> On 2 Apr 2022, at 12:56 am, Peter West <p...@pbw.id.au> wrote:
> From that site, I get to the daily builds of origin/master. I can’t see a 
> stable build. The latest build is 
> origin/master: Build #1341 of Revision 
> c0ca54a38f8a0f363ea8a2136be7bdf173114db1 (origin/master)
> I tried this build, and it is unusable, at least on M1.
> Is a stable 5.1.2 dmg available anywhere, to your knowledge?
> —
> Peter West
> p...@ehealth.id.au <mailto:p...@ehealth.id.au>
> “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming, and is now here, when the 
> dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.”
>> On 2 Apr 2022, at 12:43 am, Stanton Sanderson <stans...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:stans...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> On Apr 1, 2022, at 4:32 AM, Peter West <p...@pbw.id.au 
>>> <mailto:p...@pbw.id.au>> wrote:
>>> My Xcode version is 13.3. #61789 was closed as fixed 8 months ago.
>>>> On 1 Apr 2022, at 7:22 pm, Peter West <p...@pbw.id.au 
>>>> <mailto:p...@pbw.id.au>> wrote:
>>>> I just tried to install kmymoney4 on my M1 running 12.2.1. MacPorts spat 
>>>> the dummy with
>>>> Error: Cannot install kmymoney4 for the arch 'arm64' because
>>>> Error: its dependency qt4-mac only supports the archs 'ppc ppc64 i386 
>>>> x86_64’.
>>>> Is it possible for me to install this somehow?
>>>> Should I file a ticket for this?
>> I am a long-time user of KMM, initially through MacPorts. I should emphasize 
>> that I do not have an arm86 machine. Some time ago I visited the kmymoney 
>> website and discovered that the latest version (precompiled for Mac OS) was 
>> easily available, so I downloaded it. I tested KMM 5 on a backup of my KMM 4 
>> file and found no errors. I have been running KMM 5 since. The current 
>> stable version is KMM_5.1.2.
>> My suggestion would be to download it <https://kmymoney.org/download.html 
>> <https://kmymoney.org/download.html>> and 1) see if it runs 2) test it with 
>> a copy of your data file. 
>> Stan

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