> On 25 Apr 2022, at 1:44 pm, Dave Horsfall <d...@horsfall.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Apr 2022, James wrote:
>> I too have old macs that cant be updated. I just keep a time machine 
>> backup and if ever I get hacked a quick restore will fix. For 10 years 
>> I've had no issues !! 
> Your "old macs" are not protected by a firewall?  One day...
> As for backups, consider malware that will not trigger until well and 
> truly embedded into your backups; not much use then, are they?

Dave methinks there is lots of hysteria in the arena

I have no firewall on my modem and no firewall on any of my machines. Yet the 
world is full of stories about exploits! Most of those are windows exploits!

Lets consider firewalls:

By RFC no router on the internet may route a private IP. So *every* router 
between you and bad guys is broken!
A firewall allows ESTABLISHED,RELATED traffic back, so if you've got a bad 
machine then bad guys can get to that machine and from there to your macs.
If you have a compromised machine then it is a target.

A decade ago one of the anti-virus companies offered $10 000 and a Sony Viao to 
first person to hack their honeypots. The windows honeypot was hacked in under 
an hour, the mac in a week (a flaw in safari) and the linux 'pot has never been 
hacked. They ascribed this to being unkewl to hack linux. Nonsense you'd be a 
hero for exposing a flaw (as has happened a couple of times.)

If you enjoy playing then by all means, if not then enjoy an icecream, except 
if you have windows machines on your network forget the icecream.

I guess IPV6 will change the landscape somewhat.
The subtle comment about ring 0: linux and mac work in a way that is very 
limited, what disk?, whereas widows you are not allowed, here is $100, well ok.

Query: heresay not allowed, who has ever had a mac hacked?

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