I will.

Thanks Chris

On Nov 16, 2022, at 6:16 AM, Christopher Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

CAUTION: The Sender of this email is not from within Dalhousie.

That now shows a different error to what you previously reported. It is now a 
failure when configuring grace

Please check for an open trac ticket for the error you see, and if not present 
open one


On 16 Nov 2022, at 10:06 am, Vahid Askarpour 
<vh261...@dal.ca<mailto:vh261...@dal.ca>> wrote:

Please see the attached transcript.

> On Nov 16, 2022, at 6:00 AM, Christopher Jones 
> <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk<mailto:jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>> wrote:
> CAUTION: The Sender of this email is not from within Dalhousie.
> There is no indication below as to why your system is trying to build llvm-10 
> as part of installing grace, it does not appear in the dips tree
> please run
> sudo port clean grace
> sudo port -d configure grace
> and post the complete transcript of what you get back.
>> On 16 Nov 2022, at 9:53 am, Vahid Askarpour 
>> <vh261...@dal.ca<mailto:vh261...@dal.ca>> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> The port rdeps grace command results in
>> The following ports are dependencies of grace @5.1.25_5:
>> openmotif
>>  pkgconfig
>>    libiconv
>>      gperf
>>  xbitmaps
>>  bison
>>    xz
>>      gettext
>>        diffutils-for-muniversal
>>        libtextstyle
>>          ncurses
>>        gettext-runtime
>>        gettext-tools-libs
>>    m4
>>    bison-runtime
>>  flex
>>    lzip
>>  libjpeg-turbo
>>    cmake
>>      libcxx
>>      curl
>>        brotli
>>          cmake-bootstrap
>>        libidn2
>>          libunistring
>>            autoconf
>>            automake
>>            libtool
>>        libpsl
>>          python310
>>            bzip2
>>            expat
>>            libedit
>>            libffi
>>              expect
>>                tcl
>>              dejagnu
>>            openssl
>>              openssl3
>>                zlib
>>            sqlite3
>>            python_select
>>            python3_select
>>        zstd
>>          lz4
>>        nghttp2
>>        curl-ca-bundle
>>          unzip
>>          perl5
>>            perl5.34
>>              db48
>>              gdbm
>>                readline
>>      libarchive
>>        libxml2
>>          icu
>>        lzo2
>>        libb2
>>      libuv
>>    nasm
>>  libpng
>>  xorg-libsm
>>    xorg-xtrans
>>    xorg-libice
>>      xorg-xorgproto
>>  xorg-libXext
>>    xorg-util-macros
>>    xorg-libX11
>>      xorg-libXdmcp
>>      xorg-libXau
>>      xorg-libxcb
>>        xorg-xcb-proto
>>        xorg-libpthread-stubs
>>  Xft2
>>    xrender
>>    freetype
>>    fontconfig
>>      ossp-uuid
>>  xorg-libXmu
>>    xorg-libXt
>>  xorg-libXp
>> pdflib
>> xpm
>> openbrowser
>>  p5.34-mac-propertylist
>>    p5.34-xml-entities
>>      p5.34-module-build
>>        p5.34-cpan-meta-yaml
>>        p5.34-cpan-meta
>>          p5.34-cpan-meta-requirements
>>          p5.34-encode
>>          p5.34-scalar-list-utils
>>          p5.34-version
>>        p5.34-inc-latest
>>        p5.34-module-metadata
>>        p5.34-perl-ostype
>>        p5.34-podlators
>>          p5.34-pod-simple
>>            p5.34-pod-escapes
>>      p5.34-html-parser
>>        p5.34-html-tagset
>>        p5.34-http-message
>>          p5.34-test-needs
>>          p5.34-test-simple
>>          p5.34-try-tiny
>>            p5.34-capture-tiny
>>            p5.34-sub-name
>>              p5.34-devel-checkbin
>>                p5.34-extutils-makemaker
>>                  p5.34-extutils-manifest
>>          p5.34-clone
>>            p5.34-b-cow
>>              p5.34-xsloader
>>          p5.34-compress-raw-bzip2
>>            p5.34-test-cpan-meta
>>            p5.34-test-cpan-meta-json
>>              p5.34-json
>>                p5.34-json-xs
>>                  p5.34-canary-stability
>>                  p5.34-common-sense
>>                  p5.34-types-serialiser
>>            p5.34-test-pod
>>          p5.34-compress-raw-zlib
>>          p5.34-encode-locale
>>          p5.34-http-date
>>            p5.34-time-local
>>            p5.34-timedate
>>          p5.34-io-compress
>>          p5.34-io-compress-brotli
>>            p5.34-file-slurper
>>              p5.34-test-warnings
>>                p5.34-cpan-meta-check
>>                  p5.34-test-deep
>>            p5.34-getopt-long
>>            p5.34-time-hires
>>          p5.34-io-html
>>          p5.34-lwp-mediatypes
>>            p5.34-test-fatal
>>          p5.34-uri
>> Is p5/openbrowser the cause of the crash?
>> As for llvm-10, the “port install grace” picked it for installation.
>> Thanks,
>> Vahid
>>> On Nov 16, 2022, at 3:48 AM, Chris Jones 
>>> <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk<mailto:jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>> wrote:
>>> CAUTION: The Sender of this email is not from within Dalhousie.
>>> Hi,
>>> Your snippet below indicates that in fact you have not installed all the 
>>> dependencies of grace, as it is failing in building llvm-10. Please run
>>> port rdeps grace
>>> To identify which port in the dependency tree of grace is bringing this in.
>>> llvm-10 is quite old at this point, and only time will tell if building it 
>>> on macOS13 will be possible or not. Ideally, it would be best to update 
>>> whatever port is requiring this to use a newer llvm version.
>>> Chris
>>>> On 15 Nov 2022, at 9:59 pm, Vahid Askarpour 
>>>> <vh261...@dal.ca<mailto:vh261...@dal.ca>> wrote:
>>>> Dear MacPorts Users,
>>>> MacPorts installs all the dependencies of Grace successfully but the 
>>>> following error occurs while building Grace:
>>>> Configuring llvm-10
>>>> Error: Failed to configure llvm-10: consult 
>>>> /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_lang_llvm-10/llvm-10/work/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log
>>>> Error: Failed to configure llvm-10: configure failure: command execution 
>>>> failed
>>>> Error: See 
>>>> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_lang_llvm-10/llvm-10/main.log
>>>>  for details.
>>>> Error: rev-upgrade failed: Error rebuilding llvm-10
>>>> I have installed MacPorts for Ventura and Xcode 14.1.  Attached please see 
>>>> the log file for the Error.
>>>> A similar ticket #66265 reports similar error for llvm-9.0.
>>>> Thanks you,
>>>> Vahid
>>>> <CMakeError.log>


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