On Nov 14, 2022, at 03:14, Lukas Oberhuber wrote:
> I was wondering where the port command flags are documented. For example, I'm 
> trying to uninstall a port in a script, but when two versions of the port are 
> installed, it interactively asks which I want to uninstall.
> The following versions of gimp3 are currently installed:
>  1) gimp3 @2.99.14_0+debugoptimized+quartz+vala
>  2) gimp3 @2.99.13_1+debugoptimized+quartz+vala (active)
> Enter option(s) [1-2/all]: 
> This kills my script. What I can't tell is if port -N uninstall gimp3 exists, 
> or if that is only for port install.
> And before you say: "try it", it's on a ci system so a little harder to try, 
> and really, I want a way to understand all the available flags.
> And finally, there is no error message when a flag is used in the wrong 
> place, so that makes trial and error even harder. Example port install -N 
> gimp3 does not apply the flag but doesn't error.

The port(1) manpage was already mentioned, but a web version of it is also 
available at:


Single-dash single-letter flags like "-N" are global and apply to all commands 
and go after "port" and before the command verb (e.g. "sudo port -N install 
foo" not "sudo port install -N foo"). Double-dash multi-letter flags are 
specific to the command verb and go after the command verb and before any 
subsequent list of ports (like "--no-sync" is specific to the "selfupdate" verb 
and is used as "sudo port selfupdate --no-sync" not "sudo port --no-sync 

If you have multiple versions of a port installed and try to uninstall just by 
name, it prompts interactively to ask which one(s). If you turn off 
interactivity with "-N", the uninstall will fail since it doesn't know which 
one to uninstall. If you want to uninstall all installed versions of a 
particular port, you could use e.g. sudo port -N uninstall installed and 

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