On Feb 5, 2023, at 20:27, Alan Needleman wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2023, at 6:32 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Feb 5, 2023, at 16:01, Alan Needleman wrote:
>>> I updated to Ventura 13.2 from Monterey 12..6.3 and migrated my Macports 
>>> installation. All ports installed and seem to be working fine except for 
>>> poly2tri-c-0.1.0_0.darwin_22.arm64. It downloads and then gets to 
>>> “installing patches”  and hangs so I kill the process (I haven’t seen any 
>>> error message in the log file).
>> This was filed here:
>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/66851
>> I hope I've fixed it.
> Ryan:
> Sorry. Still hangs.
> --->  Computing dependencies for gimp2
> The following dependencies will be installed:  
> gegl
> glib-networking
> poly2tri-c
> Continue? [Y/n]:  --->  Fetching archive for poly2tri-c
> --->  Attempting to fetch poly2tri-c-0.1.0_0.darwin_22.arm64.tbz2 from 
> https://packages.macports.org/poly2tri-c
> --->  Attempting to fetch poly2tri-c-0.1.0_0.darwin_22.arm64.tbz2 from 
> https://ywg.ca.packages.macports.org/mirror/macports/packages/poly2tri-c
> --->  Attempting to fetch poly2tri-c-0.1.0_0.darwin_22.arm64.tbz2 from 
> http://mirror.fcix.net/macports/packages/poly2tri-c
> --->  Applying patches to poly2tri-c

Please run:

sudo port clean poly2tri-c
sudo port selfupdate

Then try again. If it fails again, please attach the new main.log file to the 

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