it looks like the legacy support library is not being included in the link.

This is common when only scripts are used, as there are many flags that might 
not be considered.

If you run the build on 10.6 using some extra verbosity flags like "-d" it will 
show you all the ENVVARs and LDFLAGS etc that macports sets. You should see the 
ones your script needs to account for in that list to get the proper 
legacysupport library on the link line.


> On Jun 6, 2023, at 7:44 AM, raf via macports-users 
> <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 11:52:26PM +1000, raf <> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm writing a Portfile, and I have two macOS
>> systems to test it on: 10.6.8 and 10.14.6. Both have
>> macports-2.8.1.
>> I'm having trouble getting it working on macos-10.6.8.
>> It doesn't know where to download the tarball from.
>> This is the Portfile (minus blank lines):
>>  # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; 
>> c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
>>  PortSystem          1.0
>>  PortGroup           legacysupport 1.0
>>  #PortGroup           github 1.0
>>  PortGroup           makefile 1.0
>>  # Need openat(), unlinkat(), fdopendir()
>>  legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy 13
>>  name                rawhide
>>  version             3.1
>>  #github.setup raforg rawhide 3.1 v
>>  #github.tarball_from releases
>>  revision            0
>>  categories          sysutils
>>  platforms           darwin
>>  license             GPL-3+
>>  maintainers
>>  description         (rh) find files using pretty C expressions
>>  long_description    (rh) An alternative to find(1) that is more fun to use
>>  homepage  
>>  master_sites        ${homepage}download/
>>  checksums           rmd160 230300b186a02dc5f2406b15f26a2d3e640b3a51 \
>>                      sha256 
>> f495311262b44d3b55ba301f8367c65fbfc075f09d6fce4018a5e5e0588cc6fa \
>>                      size 272193
>>  depends_lib         port:pcre2 port:libmagic
>>  # Only a script, not a real configure.
>>  use_configure       yes
>>  destroot.destdir    PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix}
>>  configure.args      --macports
>>        rh
>>  livecheck.type      regex
>>  livecheck.url       ${master_sites}
>>  livecheck.regex     ${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}
>> It works on 10.14.6, but on 10.6.8, it guesses a bunch of download locations:
>>> sudo port install rawhide
>>  Portfile changed since last build; discarding previous state.
>>  --->  Computing dependencies for rawhide
>>  --->  Fetching distfiles for rawhide
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  --->  Attempting to fetch rawhide-3.1.tar.gz from 
>>  Error: Failed to fetch rawhide: The requested URL returned error: 404
>>  Error: See 
>> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_Users_raf_macports_ports_sysutils_rawhide/rawhide/main.log
>>  for details.
>>  Error: Follow if you believe 
>> there is a bug.
>>  Error: Processing of port rawhide failed
>> I don't know why it tried first,
>> or why it didn't find
>> I then tried using "PortGroup github 1.0" (and commenting out name and 
>> version and
>> uncommenting github.setup and github.tarball_from), but it behaved the same 
>> way.
>> Any suggestions? Mind you, I'm expecting possible trouble compiling it on 
>> 10.6.8
>> when it does successfully download, but the legacysupport port group is 
>> supposed to
>> help (copied from bfs which uses it to access the same syscalls).
>> Ah, it's probably just TLS 1.0 not being supported by my website or github.
>> Maybe it'll work if the tarball ever makes it to 
>> How does that happen?
>> Assuming it will happen eventually, how can I tell it to use a local copy of 
>> the
>> distfile for the moment, just for the purpose of testing the compilation on 
>> 10.6.8?
>> Maybe I need to set up a temporarily non-https website to download it from.
>> And is there anything else I've done wrong? I haven't done this before.
>> cheers,
>> raf
> I set up a non-https server to get around the download problem,
> and now I'm getting compile errors on 10.6.8:
>  Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
>    "_fstatat", referenced from:
>        _prepare_target in rhcmds.o
>        _rawhide_traverse in rhdir.o
>    "_faccessat", referenced from:
>        _c_readable in rhcmds.o
>        _c_writable in rhcmds.o
>        _c_executable in rhcmds.o
>    "_openat", referenced from:
>        _get_dirsize in rhcmds.o
>        _rawhide_traverse in rhdir.o
>    "_readlinkat", referenced from:
>        _read_symlink in rhcmds.o
>        _visitf_default in rhdir.o
>    "_fdopendir$INODE64", referenced from:
>        _get_dirsize in rhcmds.o
>        _rawhide_traverse in rhdir.o
>    "_unlinkat", referenced from:
>        _visitf_unlink in rhdir.o
>  ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
>  clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 
> invocation)
> Any advice? I thought the following would work because it's what bfs uses
> and it compiles on 10.6.8:
>   PortGroup           legacysupport 1.0
>   legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy 13
> cheers,
> raf

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