Thanks for the explanations
Sent from my iPhone

> On 21 Apr 2024, at 07:08, Ryan Schmidt <> wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2024, at 18:24, Horst Simon wrote:
>> What I tried to explain is that the curl I used in previous installs was 
>> from MacPorts, but when it failed I had only the macOS High Sierra native 
>> curl.
> That's what I thought you meant, but I don't think you've achieved that.
> You wrote:
>> after adding changing
>> the root profile using /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin it worked ok
> I assume you mean that you edited the shell startup file of the root user so 
> that /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin are included in its PATH environment 
> variable.
> I further assume that you either meant /opt/local instead of /usr/local or 
> that you have built MacPorts from source and specified the configure 
> arguments --prefix=/usr/local --with-unsupported-prefix when doing so, since 
> using /usr/local as your MacPorts prefix is not recommended.

Yes /opt/local and not /usr/local

> If that's what you did, then that will affect what commands are available 
> when you use a root shell but it will not affect which curl MacPorts uses.
> MacPorts doesn't use the curl executable. It uses the libcurl library. Which 
> one it uses is determined at configure time. If you use MacPorts installed 
> from our installer, it uses /usr/lib/libcurl.dylib. If you build MacPorts 
> from source, you can have it use whatever curl you like by using the 
> --with-curlprefix configure argument, except that using the libcurl installed 
> by MacPorts is not recommended because if you ever deactivate the curl port, 
> then you would not be able to run MacPorts anymore because it would not be 
> able to find the libcurl library anymore.
> To overcome this, some users who want to have MacPorts use a newer libcurl 
> than their OS provides build curl from source in some other prefix and 
> configure MacPorts to use that, or they install curl in a second copy of 
> MacPorts that they build from source in some other prefix and then build 
> their primary copy of MacPorts from source, using the libcurl from the second 
> copy of MacPorts.
> We try to keep things working so that this is not necessary, e.g. by having a 
> network of mirror servers, making mirror servers available over http for old 
> OS versions whose libcurls can't access https anymore, etc. When you find 
> situations like this one with getmail where it's not working, just report it 
> to us and we'll figure out what needs to be fixed.

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