On Apr 4, 2009, at 4:55 AM, John Shea wrote:

Brian Marick has a good chapter on testing in his "RubyCocoa, bringing some love..... " using standard ruby testing methodologies. You can get this as a pdf book (its not out in print yet)

Thanks. Note, though, that I don't test in Xcode. I don't even code in Xcode - I use Aquamacs emacs. So the testing I describe is plain old testing at the command line. It's the equivalent of Command-Tab and typing !! to the shell. (As an emacs user, of course, it's all done inside of emacs, so all I type is F4. I imagine a little AppleScript could make it one keystroke for non-emacs users.)

Brian Marick, independent consultant
Mostly on agile methods with a testing slant
www.exampler.com, www.exampler.com/blog, www.twitter.com/marick

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