T*h-i-s g+e*m is re*ally movable!'_!
T.h+i+s o*n_e is reall'y profit*able,!!!

H a,v*e y.o u b-e*e+n wat'ch_ing t,h.i+s f.o+r t h.e l a_s.t w+e,e*k+?

T+a k+e a l'o o-k at it:
re+cent n_e*w s re-'leases s'e+n t gen.e,rating gr-owing i nte,rest in C*Y.T V

Comp-an y: CH-INA YOU'TV C O.R,P ( O+T-C BB:CYTV.O.B.)
S t o c k:      C+Y+T+V
C.urrent P+rice: $,. 4,9
4+t,h Straigh+.t d.a'y+s we h'a*v*e s'e,e-n t'h'i_s cli-mb. (-S,e'e Yah-oo 
Chart-,Ne'w N-e,w+s rele ase)

T'h i s o-n_e h a-s h_a,d n,i.c'e retu-rns f-o'r i n*vestors o,v'e_r t'h,e 
summe.r, and

n*o-w sho'ws promis,e to b*egin a sec.ond w.a.v+e of ret-urns.

K.e+e*p a e,y'e o,u-t agai-n on Wednes*da+y A'u'g 15.-...

T.h*e.y h_a,d rec,ognize'd Yura'-s voi+ce.

B*asalt wren-'ched h-i*s wea-pon free-, wh'i*rling to l o'o_k aro'und t-h.e 

It is o-n.l.y w*h.e*n y*o*u agai.n chang.e t h+e palle .tte of eith.er of t'h-e 
m w_i+l-l t h'e y be a_b+l_e to t.e*l'l t h*e d+iffere,nce.
S etup t'h,e g*-raphical bu-tton b-a'r*.
S.ince t*h_e n*e-w par_a*digm d.es.cribes a univ* erse w*i_t_h additio+ nal 
c+onstrai+nts, it d+,escribes a u+n iverse wh_ere additio_n al ph eno,mena 
a_r-e p hysical-ly p+ossib_le.

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