I am onboard. My organization developes such products.


On 8-Jun-09, at 8:29 PM, Tiffany D wrote:

> This is very interesting.
> From
> http://www2.edc.org/ncip/LIBRARY/vi/combo.htm
> "inTOUCH (TeleSensory, Inc.)
> For Macintosh. A software that works with the Optacon II to provide
> tactile access and large print access to the Macintosh computer. As
> the mouse is moved, inTOUCH shows the area of the screen around the
> cursor on the Optacon display. Features are set from the keyboard.
> Other features include: a camera mode that allows the user to switch
> from the camera to the computer; a command that stretches the image to
> increase legibility; a screen position command that raises a couple of
> pins on the Optacon to indicate position of the cursor on the screen.
> Price: $400."
> I never knew that they upgraded the Opticon so that itcould be used
> with a computer, let alone theMacintosh!  Just imagine what would
> happen if we could make a modern version and use it with Leopard and
> Voiceover.  So would this show you the screen tactually or just
> indicate a position on the screen?  This is actually very important,
> cause a friend of mine and I are interested in creating something
> similar.  Thing is, he's a programmer and not an engineer and we're
> both low on cash.  I'm thinking of writing a petition to send to
> TeleSensory and maybe even Apple etc about creating a modern version
> of the Opticon.  I think that with advances like the IPhone and other
> software, the time is right for such a thing.  Granted, things like
> the KNFB Reader are amazing and have their place.  But they can't
> convey visual information to us in the same manner that feeling images
> on a display can.  The remaining opticons aren't getting any newer.
> Most of us won't ever get to see with our hands like that unless steps
> are taken to insure that technology such as this is brought into the
> 21st century.  How many of you, especially students, educators and
> those working in relatively graphical environments, would be willing
> to sign such a petition?  If there are enough, I'll create a separate
> group, comprised of us and other blind and interested parties so we
> can getthis thing rolling.  In the meantime, I'll try and track down
> the Opticons' creator or his daughter.  Perhaps, they can help.
> All the best,
> Eleni
> >

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