well heck;  it plays ok in safari.  wonder what i did wrong.  Thanks  
for letting me know, Max
On Jul 2, 2009, at 10:55 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Windows can't play this. Neither can Linux.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 2-Jul-09, at 8:29 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> Hello;  Thanks for that.  I wish i had known, but the stuff i was  
>> reading on the web was talking about mp4 as if it wouldn't play in  
>> quicktime.  Got any suggestions for how i create a download link to  
>> go with the streaming one?  Thanks again, Max
>> On Jul 2, 2009, at 10:14 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Quicktime can play mp4 files just fine. The example I gave below  
>>> is from a working site with mp4 video embedded on it.
>>> CB
>>> Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>>> Hello;  This is pretty much what I had come around to.  I don't  
>>>> like
>>>> the idea of running something on my site that I can't use  
>>>> myself.  I
>>>> finally decided to search for a program that would convert my mp4
>>>> files to mov for quicktime. Turns out vlc which is free did the  
>>>> trick
>>>> very nicely.  Now, I have the file and the player embedded on my  
>>>> site,
>>>> but I'm not sure how well its working.  would appreciate it if  
>>>> someone
>>>> would check the site and click on the watch video and tell me what
>>>> they think.  Still needs some tweeking i believe.  Thanks, Max
>>>> On Jul 2, 2009, at 10:00 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>>>> Flash works fine but is not accessible in Mac browsers. It has  
>>>>> some
>>>>> accessibility on Windows with Jaws (dunno about WindowEyes) but  
>>>>> even
>>>>> then it has to have been coded with labeled buttons and such.  
>>>>> HTML5
>>>>> supports a new video tag which should be accessible but I haven't
>>>>> tried
>>>>> that out. What I have done is used quicktime to embed video in the
>>>>> page
>>>>> and then made HTML links to start and stop it. Here is a snippet  
>>>>> of
>>>>> code
>>>>> which does this:
>>>>> <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
>>>>> codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab"; width="335"
>>>>> height="312" id="movie2">
>>>>>    <param name="src" value="/videos/accessibility/
>>>>> JawsFormGoodMarkup.mp4">
>>>>>    <param name="qtsrc"
>>>>> value="/videos/accessibility/JawsFormGoodMarkupQT.smil">
>>>>>    <param name="autoplay" value="false">
>>>>>    <embed src="/videos/accessibility/JawsFormGoodMarkup.mp4"
>>>>> qtsrc="/videos/accessibility/JawsFormGoodMarkupQT.smil"
>>>>> autoplay="false"
>>>>> width="335" height="312"
>>>>> pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/";
>>>>> enablejavascript="true" name="movie2">
>>>>> </object>
>>>>> <div>
>>>>> <a href="#" onclick="document.movie2.Play();return false">Play  
>>>>> good
>>>>> form
>>>>> markup video</a>
>>>>> <a href="#" onclick="document.movie2.Stop();return false">Stop  
>>>>> good
>>>>> form
>>>>> markup video</a>
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> You probably could do something similar for flash but the video  
>>>>> player
>>>>> you use would need to enable control by javascript.
>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>> CB
>>>>> Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>>>>> Hello List;  I need to know if there is a definitive answer about
>>>>>> whether or not flash players and their files will play on a  
>>>>>> mac.  The
>>>>>> reason for this has to do with my website.  I'm wanting to add a
>>>>>> video, and everything I read seams to be about using some sort  
>>>>>> of a
>>>>>> flash player.  I've run across a lot of websites that talk about
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> a flv player.  As macs seam to be gaining popularity I don't  
>>>>>> want to
>>>>>> put something on my website that exclused people just because  
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> aren't using internet explorer.  I'll appreciate any help I can  
>>>>>> get.
>>>>>> thank you, Max
> >

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