
Yeah. This service is totally awesome. I have created an account on  
the website, but I haven't used it yet.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 11/08/2009, at 23.57, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hello All, here is one of the rare occasions when I feel it is  
> absolutely a necessity to post an off-topic note to these lists, as  
> I believe this is truly of the utmost import to the blind / VI  
> community.
> the below article / plea is by Bernard Maldonado, of The Solona  
> Captcha Service.
> http://www.solona.net
>   My sincere apologies to those of you who'd rather not receive  
> this. Please do feel free to delete this rather lengthy note if you  
> so choose…
>   to all other readers, I do hope you'll give this note your serious  
> attention as this is truly a beneficial service to us, in the extreme…
>   thanks so much for your time and do have a lovely day / evening,  
> wherever you may be!…
> Sincerely,
> Cara Quinn
> ---
>   I'm not going to beat around the bush in this article.
> The bottom line is that I have failed to attract Volunteer Operators  
> for Solona.  I am basically still a one man show!  I am thankful for  
> 'Xavier' from London who does serve when he can, but his schedule is  
> full with work-related activities.
> My original marketing strategy did not work, so I have a new plan  
> and hopefully it will work better in future months.
> In fact, the best response was from an article published by Dean  
> Martineau from Top Dot Enterprises in his Top 10 Tech Tidbits for  
> Thursday Newsletter.  I am very grateful for his willingness to  
> include a piece about Solona.  Even though I didn't get any  
> volunteers from that group, it was a really effective campaign, and  
> I would like to recognize Dean's Newsletter as a great resource.
> I realize now that many people need to be reached in order to yield  
> a small number of volunteer operators.  The process of getting  
> volunteer operators is simply taking more time.  I still believe  
> that the process will work.
> The main problem is that I cannot continue to provide night time  
> Captcha Solutions by myself.  Why?  It's not healthy, and it has a  
> profound impact on my daily productivity.  Inconsistent sleep  
> patterns are difficult for me to tolerate on a regular basis.
> Moreover, it is not fair to the users who submit captchas that never  
> get solved.  Luckily, I don't miss many, but I certainly do miss  
> some.  I took pride in providing service at all hours of the day and  
> night, but now I realize that I'm harming the integrity of Solona  
> since the quality of my service during these night time hours is  
> lower than during the daytime.
> I am going to start turning the status to "Off" during my sleep  
> hours, which are basically from 11 PM CST to 6:30 AM CST.
> The Status will be "On" during all other hours as much as possible.
> This is the only way I can sustain a high quality service for Solona  
> Users until there are more operators in the proper time zones to  
> provide around the clock attention.
> I consider this a move in the right direction.  It means that Solona  
> will continue to provide high quality service during hours that are  
> manageable.  Once Operators are online during those deep night  
> hours, the high quality service will be even more prevalent around  
> the clock.
> Once there are operators available during my sleeping hours, then  
> the status will be updated.
> The good news is that you have an opportunity to help.
> How?  By being an Ambassador for Solona.  If every Solona.net user  
> would just ask one sighted person to be a Volunteer Operator, the  
> results would likely be tremendous.  There are over 1,000 registered  
> users.  Try to imagine the impact.
> If you care about the  free service that Solona provides; if you  
> want to see Solona be a sustained service, then take action!
> Ask someone at your place of worship, ask a family member, ask a  
> teacher, talk about it in your podcast, write about it in your blog,  
> talk to school friends.  Solona works well for people who sit at a  
> desk for several hours and can take 20 seconds or so from time to  
> time to browse to a different window.  On the other hand, almost  
> anyone can be an Operator from home:  sitting on sofa with a  
> netbook, or while sitting in a home office.
> The good thing is that Solona is not invasive at all.  The Operator  
> dictates when he/she is available to serve.
> One thing you can do is show people how it works.  You know how  
> simple it is.  Just ask someone to take a moment and watch how you  
> do it.  Maybe they will like what they see and want to get involved.
> I am doing my part to provide a high quality service that meets the  
> needs of people who need help solving captchas independently.   
> Please do your part to find sighted operators who can join me in  
> this quest.
> I would like to take a moment and talk about the website design.   
> Currently, the Solona.net website is not very friendly for sighted  
> people.  What I mean is that it is designed for people who use  
> screen readers.  The next site update is scheduled for late August.  
> early September.  The site will include a clear process for  
> interested parties to register as an operator and obtain one on one  
> training to be an operator.  The color scheme will be more friendly  
> for sighted people, as well.
> The reason I mention this is that you can't simply say to someone:  
> "just go to the website" (at least until September).  Rather, you  
> need to talk about it and even show it to people so that they see  
> how it works and how meaningful it is to so many people.
> Here is a link to a Volunteer document that describes how Solona  
> Operators work, and answers many questions about working with  
> Solona.  Download it, read it, publish it, refer to it, ask me  
> questions if you need clarification.  Give it to people you think  
> might like to be operators.
>  Keep in touch with me via Twitter (@solona) or email (mysol...@gmail.com 
> ) and let me know if you have a prospect that wants me to contact  
> them.
> In the meantime, I will implement the Marketing Plan for  
> Volunteers.  Between both efforts, there should be some new  
> volunteer operators.
> In order for Solona to work well at all hours of the day and night,  
> there needs to be people in Australia and New Zealand solving  
> Captchas.  This timezone is perfectly located to provide opposite  
> work from all North American time zones.
> Thanks to everyone who supports Solona.
> Bernard Maldonado
> Solona Captcha Solution Service
> mysol...@gmail.com
> skype:  bernardmaldonado
> ---
> Solona Volunteer Overview
> Do you have 15 seconds to spare?  That’s all it takes for you to  
> make a positive difference for visually impaired people from all  
> over the world who surf the Internet.
> Solona is a Captcha Solution Service.  Volunteers provide real-time  
> web-based assistance to people when they encounter an inaccessible  
> Captcha on a website.  Since Solona is not an automated service, it  
> is important to have volunteers available as much as possible during  
> a 24 hour period.  This is made possible by establishing volunteers  
> in different time zones around the world.
> You might be asking “What is a Captcha?”  A Captcha is a security  
> device used on websites to minimize automated posts, blog replies,  
> and automated registrations by spammers.  You know it’s a Captcha  
> when it says “Enter the words you see in the box above” or “Are you  
> really human, prove it?”  A Captcha is usually a word (or group of  
> letters) represented in a graphic that must be typed into a text box  
> before a user can proceed with the task.  Most Captchas are  
> inaccessible to visually impaired people since they are only in a  
> graphic format.  You might be asking “Well, what about those audio  
> buttons?”  Those are very poor quality and it is very difficult to  
> understand what they are saying.  Try one and you’ll understand.
> If you are looking for a way to help others without having to leave  
> your house, raise money, or make phone calls, then Solona may be for  
> you.
> Is It Easy to Volunteer With Solona?  Absolutely!  Solona makes it  
> very easy.  In fact, you make the rules:
> -Wherever you want (home, office, sofa, mall, library, )
> -Whenever you want (morning, day, night, deep night)  Can’t sleep?   
> Solve Captchas!
> -As long as you want (1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours, …..?)   
> There is no schedule to manage, or coordinate.  It’s a matter of you  
> working when you want, and when it’s convenient for you.  It’s only  
> a matter of logging in and logging out.
> -No software to install; training is very fast and easy.
> What Equipment do I Need?
> -Any computer with an Internet connection and browser
> -Push email enabled on mobile device (for notifications) is  
> preferred, ie: blackberry.  Why do I need a Push email Phone?   
> Because it’s the fastest and most reliable notification method  
> available currently.  Otherwise, browser notification works fine.
> Common Questions:
> -Do I have to talk to anyone?  Do I have to see anyone?  No, not at  
> all!  It’s all over the Internet and it is anonymous.  The users do  
> not know the operator and the operator does not know who the users  
> are.
> -Do I need any special software or programs?  No.  Just the browser.
> -Do the people know my identity when I am solving Captchas?  No, you  
> won’t know who is sending you a Captcha, and the other person will  
> not know who is solving it.  The entire process is anonymous.
> Is it Difficult to Solve a Captcha?  Not at all!  It’s just a matter  
> of looking at the image and typing what you see:  letters, numbers,  
> words, and sometimes characters.  The whole process takes about 15  
> seconds.  If for some reason you cannot solve the Captcha at that  
> moment, simply let it go.  Another operator will solve it.  Maybe  
> you can get the next one.  Once you solve a Captcha, you can go back  
> to what you were doing.
> OK, I Want to be an Operator. How do I get Started?  It’s easy to  
> get started.  First, fill out the Online Volunteer Form.  Once your  
> information is received, you will be contacted to schedule a brief  
> training session and then you can get started.
> Still want learn more?  Keep Reading for more information.
> Here’s How it Works:  After you become an Operator ..... You sign  
> into your Solona.net Operator Account and activate notifications.   
> Once you do that, you will start receiving mobile email  
> notifications that a Captcha is ready for you to solve.  You decide  
> if you are available or not when you receive a notification.  When  
> you want to stop receiving emails, you log back into your Solona.net  
> Operator Account and disable notifications.  Once that is done, you  
> will no longer receive anymore notifications until the next time you  
> are ready to volunteer again.
> While your notification status is active, you will receive an email  
> notification to your mobile device every time a user submits a  
> Captcha for solving.  If you are available to solve it, all you have  
> to do is open the Solona.net browser page and solve the Captcha – a  
> total process time of about 15 seconds.  If you are unavailable,  
> simply let it go by and maybe you will get the next one.  The beauty  
> of Solona Operators is that someone will always solve the Captcha  
> even if you cannot at that moment.
> Solving Captchas can be integrated to any computer activity and it  
> won’t get in your way at all.  You don’t have to look at the Solona  
> website until you receive an email notification and decide that you  
> want to solve a Captcha.  The email is informational only.  You do  
> not reply to anyone.
> You are in complete control of when you are volunteering and what  
> you do while you are volunteering.
> What does the image look like with the Captcha?  Normally, the image  
> is a partial screen capture that includes the Captcha which needs to  
> be solved.  Once you have identified the Captcha on the image, you  
> type the value, normally one word or two words, in the text box  
> below the image and click ‘Send’.  That’s literally it.  The whole  
> process takes around 15 seconds and does not have to interfere at  
> all with your task or your computer use.
> Why Does Solona Exist?
> So many websites use Captchas to limit the amount of Spam or rogue  
> account registrations that take place on their website.  These  
> Captcha devices make it literally impossible for a visually impaired  
> person to register or post on a website.  Solona provides an  
> interface for blind and visually impaired users to independently  
> solve Captchas and proceed with their intended task.
> You might be saying “yeah, but I’ve seen audio symbols and  
> handicapped icons next to those Captcha things.  So why can’t they  
> use those?”  That is an understandable question.  The problem with  
> those audio Captchas is that the audio quality is so difficult to  
> understand that they are, in most cases, are not a reliable  
> alternative for a blind person.  In case you’re wondering, give it a  
> shot for yourself and see if you can understand the audio speech.
> You might be wondering “Wow, but isn’t there a way to automate this  
> so that operators are not necessary?”  Well, it’s not that easy.   
> There are so many different kinds of Captchas, and so many sites  
> that use Captchas differently.  There is not any reliable way to  
> ensure a high degree of accuracy in an automated format.
> So as you can see, Solona fills a need for blind and visually  
> impaired people when it comes to solving Captchas.  If you like what  
> you see, then take a moment and consider whether or not you want to  
> be a volunteer.  It’s easier than you think!
> If you have any questions, or want to discuss this opportunity,  
> please contact:
> Bernard Maldonado
> Solona Captcha Solution Service
>  HYPERLINK "mailto:mysol...@gmail.com"; mysol...@gmail.com
> skype:  bernardmaldonado
> >

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