Hi Krister, if you have access to sighted assistance for the initial set-up, I 
can recommend the Synology products highly. Their iOS apps are wonderful. So 
for day to day use, it's really good. Administration is right now a dreadful 
business, unless you don't mind the command line. I will paste below a post 
from my blog at:
While I am constrained in what I can say, I will say that since this post was 
published, I have had extremely productive dialogue with Synology and I am 
confident the access issues are temporary.
My new Synology NAS. Great product, NASty accessibility
30/05/2014 by Jonathan Mosen 
A chance remark by a friend of mine a few weeks ago saw me embarking on quite a 
journey. He asked me if I had one of the Synology NAS (network attached 
storage) devices. When I indicated that not only did I not have one, but I 
wasn't familiar with that manufacturer, he launched into quite a soliloquy 
about how incredible they were, and how having one was like having your own 
Linux-based server in your house. My friend Gordon knows his tech, so I decided 
to bring myself up to speed.
Coincidentally, we had this conversation just as the idea of the Mosen Channel 
was crystallising. I've kept a lot of my terrestrial and Internet radio shows 
over the years, mainly so I can pass them on to subsequent generations of my 
family. As I was going through the extensive archives, I was reminded about a 
glaring flaw in my backup strategy. I take backing up very seriously, but one 
area where my approach fell short was that there was no off-site backup. If my 
main network drive failed, I have copies of my irreplaceable data in other 
locations, but all those locations were in my house. Having a backup elsewhere 
would guard against data loss in the case of some sort of disaster. I'm not so 
concerned with music I could get again, but it's the personal mementos, not 
just radio stuff but home recordings of my kids, that I really care about.
When researching this question, I finally found a few back-up services that 
would allow you to back up network attached storage to the cloud. Not many do, 
and quite a few that do charge a premium for the feature. These services varied 
widely in their accessibility, and I didn't like having the application running 
in the background all the time. Some of them impacted quite markedly on system 
performance. They also demonstrated just how easy it was for the NAS I was 
using, the Western Digital MyBook Live, to get bogged down. The processor in it 
is on the old side now, and if a couple of Time Machine backups and another 
cloud backup package were writing to the drive, it was affecting data access.
The Synology Disk Station products are powered by their own operating system, 
Disk Station Manager (DSM for short). When I started to research the feature 
set of DSM, I was delighted to learn that by installing a number of packages, 
which effectively are apps for the OS, Synology Disk Stations can be backed up 
to a number of cloud services, including Amazon Glacier. Glacier is an 
extremely cheap form of mass-storage, designed for occasional retrieval, so 
it's ideal for making a cheap backup of last resort.
I was impressed to read glowing reviews of Synology Disk Stations by almost 
everybody. Many IT people I trust said Synology make the best NAS products on 
the market, period.
Looking at the wide range of models of Disk Station available, it reminded me a 
bit of Nokia's Symbian days. There are quite a few models with subtle 
differences and models full of numbers and letters. Synology offers a handy 
feature on their site where you can indicate what features are important to 
you, and you get a narrowed down list of products based on your specifications.
Having done some reading, I placed my order for my first Synology product last 
week, and promptly cancelled it. My usual rule of thumb is that after 
researching a product range and determining what I'll buy, I make the purchase 
online, and busy myself reading the user guide and doing whatever research I 
can until the product arrives.
Right after placing the order, I stumbled upon a very helpful feature on the 
Synology website. You can actually log in to one of their NAS devices, and 
experience the user interface for yourself.
To do this, visit http://demo.synology.com:5000. The username is admin, and the 
password is synology. You're then working in a real drive, with a few of the 
functions disabled for security reasons.
After logging in, I was confronted with what I can only nicely call the 
significant accessibility challenges of the DSM user interface. With a bit of 
JAWS cursor work and some judicious pressing of Enter on clickable elements, 
quite a bit can be done. It seems to work far better in Firefox than it does in 
IE. However, one of the most significant issues is that checkboxes and radio 
buttons are non-standard, and do not appear to screen readers as the controls 
they are. In practical terms, what this means is that you might go into a 
screen where you have the option to enable a feature. The control behaves like 
a checkbox, but a screen reader will see an unlabelled button. You have no way 
of knowing if that option is checked or not, so a lot of trial and error is 
involved. With a patient sighted person's help, you can get a lot more done by 
using the JAWS features allowing you to assign names to buttons and elements on 
the web.
When you access the device from Safari in iOS, you get a stripped down, 
different interface, and in some ways it's more friendly for completing some 
tasks without help, using the VoiceOver screen reader built into iOS. So that's 
worth a shot.
So, much as I liked the feature set of the Synology Disk Stations, I cancelled 
my order to give myself a chance to rethink.
When I googled the matter of the accessibility problems with the OS, I was 
disappointed to read that Synology had been made well aware of the problems 
screen reader users are having, but to date have done nothing about them. This 
didn't fill me with confidence.
It is very hard to match the performance and feature set of the Synology 
products, but I was able to try the web UI of a couple of other NAS products. 
They really weren't much better. The Twitter exchanges I've had on this topic 
over the last couple of weeks would suggest there is a serious overall problem 
with access to quality NAS products by screen reader users. For those of us 
using products like this as I am, at home and for my small business, it's a bit 
of an inconvenience and work-arounds of a sort exist. More about those in a 
moment. But the real concern for me is that for blind people who are perfectly 
competent network administrators, it can create serious problems when a company 
they work for deploys these products that are inaccessible. It's hard enough 
for blind people to get jobs as it is, without these tough interfaces making it 
After realising that I was unlikely to find anything that did what I wanted 
that would be accessible, I went back and ordered another Synology product, the 
DS214Play. This is a two-bay NAS, and I put a Western Digital Red 4TB drive in 
both bays, running Raid for redundancy.
I chose the 214Play because it has a good processor speed, ample RAM, and is 
designed for multimedia work. I'll talk more about some of the slick things it 
can do when I look at the accessibility of the iOS apps, but here's a 
comprehensive review of the DS214Play.
When setting up the NAS, I found the only viable option was to enlist the help 
of one of my kids as a human screen reader. Notwithstanding the 
inaccessibility, the set-up of the drives, the opening of appropriate ports of 
your router for external services such as Telnet, SSH, FTP and more, and the 
installing of various packages to expand the drive's functionality is an 
effortless and friendly experience if you can see the screen.
The set-up process also takes you through obtaining a quick connect ID. This 
makes it easy to connect your DiskStation via the free mobile apps, and is 
particularly useful if you have a dynamic IP address. For services like FTP, 
you can obtain a free dynamic DNS from Synology.
You can even use this device to run your own mail server, Drupal, WordPress and 
much more. I wonder if anyone has managed to get Icecast or Shoutcast working 
on it?
If you're not afraid of getting your hands dirty with the command line, you can 
get a human screen reader to enable Telnet and SSH for you. The drive can then 
be controlled via the command line interface, which of course may not be the 
friendliest thing out there but is 100% accessible.
You can also create users and groups by carefully putting together a 
tab-delimited text file in Notepad, and running it through the importer in DSM. 
The Synology is a really good FTP server, so if you want to set up an FTP 
server and add people, the text file is a good way to get that job done.
Most people will want to migrate data from an old NAS or other storage device 
to their new one, and there are a couple of ways of getting this done. You can 
mount both the old and new volume on your computer and copy across that way, 
but a faster way if you have sighted assistance is to use File Station, a 
feature of DSM. File Station lets you mount an external drive as a volume on 
the Synology NAS. What this means is that you can then use the web UI to copy 
all the data from the old volume to the new one. The process all takes place in 
the background. No computer is involved, and if both devices are hard-wired to 
the router with good cabling, it goes like a rocket, even while DSM is 
verifying volumes after the installation of new drives.
Having to depend so much on sighted assistance for a computer task in 2014 does 
not sit well with me in the slightest. But it was a necessary evil given that I 
couldn't find anything accessible to do what I wanted as well as the Synology 
does. Now that I have it set up the way I want, it really is impressive. It's 
very fast, it can do a bunch of intensive tasks without breaking a sweat, and 
as I write this, it's happily backing itself up to Amazon Glacier with no 
discernible impact on anything else I need to do.
Apart from the peace of mind of having my data backed up to the cloud without 
me having to worry about it, and all the seamless support for various ways of 
accessing content including a virtual private network, I'm very impressed with 
the Synology AudioStation iOS app. This is like a super-sized iTunes Match, and 
indeed I'm now considering not renewing my iTunes Match subscription for 
another year. One of the problems with iTunes Match is the paltry 25000 tracks 
you're allowed to upload to it. This is a fraction of my music collection, and 
it means I need to maintain two iTunes libraries, one for iTunes Match and a 
general one. AudioStation gives me access to my entire audio collection, 
anywhere I have an Internet connection. I've now set up the indexing so that 
not only my music, but also the spoken word content I have such as old time 
radio and audio described movies is all available through this app.
And this is where a feature of the DS214Play comes in very handy. Quite a bit 
of the spoken word audio I have is encoded in OGG Vorbis, which the default 
Music app in iOS doesn't play. The DS214Play has a transcoder built in. Behind 
the scenes, without you needing to even worry about the fact that this is going 
on, the NAS takes an OGG file, re-encodes it on the fly, and sends it to the 
iPhone in MP3 so it can be played. It will also do this with a raft of other 
audio and video formats. Genius! So now that it's set up, I can truly play 
absolutely anything, anywhere, all from my phone.
When you first install the current version of the AudioStation iOS app, there's 
one accessibility issue that can be fixed. When you flick through the list of 
albums, VoiceOver speaks nothing. This was seriously limiting my use of the 
app, until I discovered that the problem can be fixed by going into the app's 
Settings, and changing the view to "List". Voila, albums now speak.
Some of the buttons are labelled in a bit of a verbose way, but there's nothing 
that prevents use of this remarkable app. This gives you all the benefits of 
the iOS experience, but frees you from the walled garden of Apple's limited 
format support and small iTunes Match size.
The NAS itself is DLAN and Airplay-aware, so you can, for example, send content 
directly from the NAS to an Apple TV, without having to get your iOS device 
involved at all. AudioStation for iOS really does have that "wow" factor. It is 
There are similar apps for video, downloading, photos, file management and 
more, and they are all useable. 
In summary, the Synology DS214Play is a welcome addition to our network here at 
home that is quite the game changer. Setting it up is needlessly challenging. 
It occurs to me that there might be a bit of money to be made by a coder who 
could make an accessible GUI wrapper for the command line interface. And since 
most NAS manufacturers offer a command line interface with a common feature 
set, a product like this which takes user input from a GUI and sends it to the 
command line could be used on a wide range of drives. If any blind person 
fancies having a go at this, I'd love to test.
But I hope we might be able to use this post to somehow start a conversation 
with Synology about solving the accessibility issues once and for all. 

Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 26/08/2014, at 6:59 am, Krister Ekstrom <kris...@kristersplace.com> wrote:

> Hi, I'm thinking about switching my NAS from a Readynas that i have now to 
> something else, mainly because i think the web interface of the Readynas is a 
> bit complicated and i never could get the hang of the ITunes server and/or 
> how to make playing songs from the ITunes library that i have on my Nas easy. 
> The latter may just be me not being used to the whole Nas concept. I wonder 
> what people use and what you think about that from an accessibility point of 
> view? I heard of a NAS called Qnap it had among other features some kine of 
> sync that looked a bit like Dropbox and i wonder if their configuration apps 
> are accessible both on the mac an the IOs? Any other recommendations?
> /Krister
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