Hello everyone, this is Chanel it's been a long time since I've posted out here 
however, a friend of mine has a Mac Mini 2009 city drive is not working 
correctly in the spitting out CDs we went to system preferences then to city 
drive we checked all the boxes that needed to be church and it was still 
spinning out the CDs she's trying to upload music to her iTunes library and 
cannot do this task because your driver is not working so what is shesupposed 
to do about this problem any assistance would be gratefully appreciated thank 
you so much

Sent from my iPhone

> On 9 Oct 2014, at 10:01 am, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
> macvisionaries@googlegroups.com       Google Groups              
> Topic digest 
> View all topics
> It’s official, Apple confirms October 16th special event: ‘It’s been way too 
> long’ - 10 Updates
> hot to download youtube videos on mac? - 1 Update
> select all in pages and text issue - 5 Updates
> mactubes question - 5 Updates
> iCloud - 2 Updates
> need some help with mactubes: how to dowload videos and to search for author? 
> - 2 Updates
> It’s official, Apple confirms October 16th special event: ‘It’s been way too 
> long’           
> Sabahattin Gucukoglu <listse...@me.com>: Oct 08 11:23PM +0100 
> My newly-arrived iPhone 6 Plus seems perfectly robust. I love it. What's all 
> the whinging about? You'd have to go mad at it to bend this.
> As to the new stuff, well, I'll have to save up for anything new, but I think 
> it likely I'll be staying put regardless. My earnest wish, should I ever have 
> the good fortune to get it, would be a top-spec Mac Pro for all my server and 
> virtualisation duties; then I could give up on hounding the Minis all the 
> time. The iMac--despite the fact that I keep plugging in optical drives, I'll 
> keep my mid 11. iPad--nah, time to step off that bandwagon, I fancy, and not 
> just because the iPhone 6 really is big enough for my needs. The current 
> full-sized iPad Air is just fine, and I don't need anything else. The watch 
> can wait until it's proven. So really, the Mac Mini, if I don't cast it aside 
> and keep saving up for a Pro, which Apple is well within its power to ensure 
> doesn't happen.
> Much as I love Apple products, I happen to agree with those who worry about 
> the incremental nature of recent announcements. Not sure what the problem is 
> there; perhaps Apple should go back to touting functionality rather than 
> specs, which is always a losing battle for Apple nowadays. And their costs 
> too; something needs to be done about those, or else Apple will end up in the 
> same place with iOS as it is for the Mac ecosystem, which is actually showing 
> some gratifying growth. Now that Windows 9--sorry, 10--is announced, with 
> Windows 7-compatible metaphors, it remains to see whether that trend will 
> continue, or whether it wasn't just the Windows 8 escapists gasping for a 
> quick breath of usability. It'd be the ultimate irony if Micros~1 failed yet 
> again, and Mac gained market share not because of some intrinsic superiority, 
> but simply that the alternative was much worse. :)
> Jamie Pauls <jamiepa...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 08:58PM -0500 
> This pretty much echoes what the panel on MacBreak Weekly said on their 
> latest podcast. The latest tokes is that people are claiming that their hair 
> is getting caught in their iPhones. Things are getting a little out of hand 
> if you ask me. I plan to get an iPhone six as soon as IiOS 8.1 comes out.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Cheree Heppe <che...@dogsc4me.com>: Oct 08 07:24PM -0700 
> I had been waiting to upgrade my phone for some time and did choose the 
> 6plus. The phone isn't here yet, but feels like a mini, mini in my hand. I 
> did test to see if it would fit in my pocket -- and it did.
> I have not upgraded my current phone to IOS 8 due to multiple bug warnings 
> from a number of blind people around here.
> Sent from my IPhone 4S
> On 8 Oct 2014, at 13:00, Cheryl Homiak <cah4...@icloud.com> wrote:
> No, the bugs aren't all ironed out but I for one wasn't expecting that this 
> soon. As for never wanting to own a 6+ and not being crazy about the 6, 
> that's opinion to which we are al entitled. I am enjoying my 6+, with iOS8 
> despite the bugs, imensely and the reason many different phones are available 
> and sell well is because people's likes and dislikes are diverse. I realize a 
> lot of people feel the 6+ is too large and that certainly is a valid opinion; 
> for myself, I would upgrade my remaining 5S to a 6+ now if I could which is 
> probably minority opinion but proves the diversity of people's responses. As 
> for bending, I am not expecting that to happen, but if it does I have Apple 
> Care and wil request a replacement just as I would for any other product.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
> thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears!
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind,
> and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord
> never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> "BobH." <long.c...@virgin.net>: Oct 09 09:43AM +0100 
> The article I read was about the guy who put it in his back pants pocket and 
> sat on it for an hour driving to work. Couldn't understand why it was bent 
> when he got there.
> I mean, it is long and thin, so he sits on it, and then looks surprised.
> The sort of intellegence suggesting they aren't up to having such a device.
> Daa! R.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Sabahattin Gucukoglu" <listse...@me.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:23 PM
> Subject: Re: It's official, Apple confirms October 16th special event: 'It's 
> been way too long'
> My newly-arrived iPhone 6 Plus seems perfectly robust. I love it. What's 
> all the whinging about? You'd have to go mad at it to bend this.
> As to the new stuff, well, I'll have to save up for anything new, but I 
> think it likely I'll be staying put regardless. My earnest wish, should I 
> ever have the good fortune to get it, would be a top-spec Mac Pro for all my 
> server and virtualisation duties; then I could give up on hounding the Minis 
> all the time. The iMac--despite the fact that I keep plugging in optical 
> drives, I'll keep my mid 11. iPad--nah, time to step off that bandwagon, I 
> fancy, and not just because the iPhone 6 really is big enough for my needs. 
> The current full-sized iPad Air is just fine, and I don't need anything 
> else. The watch can wait until it's proven. So really, the Mac Mini, if I 
> don't cast it aside and keep saving up for a Pro, which Apple is well within 
> its power to ensure doesn't happen.
> Much as I love Apple products, I happen to agree with those who worry about 
> the incremental nature of recent announcements. Not sure what the problem 
> is there; perhaps Apple should go back to touting functionality rather than 
> specs, which is always a losing battle for Apple nowadays. And their costs 
> too; something needs to be done about those, or else Apple will end up in 
> the same place with iOS as it is for the Mac ecosystem, which is actually 
> showing some gratifying growth. Now that Windows 9--sorry, 10--is 
> announced, with Windows 7-compatible metaphors, it remains to see whether 
> that trend will continue, or whether it wasn't just the Windows 8 escapists 
> gasping for a quick breath of usability. It'd be the ultimate irony if 
> Micros~1 failed yet again, and Mac gained market share not because of some 
> intrinsic superiority, but simply that the alternative was much worse. :)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> "BobH." <long.c...@virgin.net>: Oct 09 09:47AM +0100 
> I caught something in my pants zipper once, I didn't sue anybody, it wasn't 
> in fashion then.
> I'm still hoping the 6/6+ form factor finds its way into a new iPod Touch, 
> but have to wait and see like the rest of us.
> Rh.
> Rh.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jamie Pauls" <jamiepa...@gmail.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 2:58 AM
> Subject: Re: It’s official, Apple confirms October 16th special event: ‘It’s 
> been way too long’
> This pretty much echoes what the panel on MacBreak Weekly said on their 
> latest podcast. The latest tokes is that people are claiming that their hair 
> is getting caught in their iPhones. Things are getting a little out of hand 
> if you ask me. I plan to get an iPhone six as soon as IiOS 8.1 comes out.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com>: Oct 09 06:43AM -0500 
> Hi there 
> I don't think the bugs are that bad. If I lose VoiceOver, and sometimes when 
> I press the home key when getting out of an app it happens, I just tell Siri 
> to turn VoiceOver off then tell her to turn it back on again. The other thing 
> has to do with the music coming on when you use two finger double tap to 
> answer the phone or other things, too. I just do it again, and the music most 
> of the tine shuts up. The other annoying one is when a link or button refuses 
> to work. Most of the time I can get it to work with flicking up or down and 
> then double tapping, (it was suggested on this list.) Sometimes it works if 
> you locate it on the screen and split tap. Usually, I can find a work around. 
> BARD Mobile has a few annoyances like jumping out of the app when downloading 
> files. And finally, if you have been waiting for the Braille keyboard, I cant 
> get it to work, even though I was fast with mBraille. 
> I haven't yet written Apple Accessibility because I haven't had the time, and 
> I think they probably know by now all these little annoyances. I am confident 
> they will fix them soon with the next updates. I am not one of these people 
> that gets hysterical about annoyances on an update. when you get your iPhone 
> 6 plus it will be under IOS 8, I believe. 
> Gigi 
> Cheryl Homiak <cah4...@icloud.com>: Oct 09 08:16AM -0500 
> let me just say: yes, there are bugs. However, I am using my iPad and both 
> iPhones every day just as I have always use them. Do I have to do a few 
> little work arounds? Yes. But still, I am using all of my devices with 
> braille, with speech, with dictation and Siri and everything else and with 
> the addition of braille input right from the screen without using a 
> third-party app. So yes, I would like to see the bugs addressed and fixed, 
> but no, I do not find any of my devices have become nonfunctional or so 
> difficult to use that I have abandoned their normal daily, all day long, 
> constant place in my life!this is not to minimize the problems people are 
> having; I would just like to bring a little bit of perspective to this 
> issue.by the way, it seems ironic to me; I could not for the life of me use 
> MBraille and now I am enjoying the screen input of braille and people who 
> could use MBraille are having problems. I have no idea why this is happeningi 
> but well I know it isn't really funny for those who can't use the braille 
> input,it does seem a little ironic to me. But believe me, I am hoping for 
> relief for those who cannot use the built in braille input as soon as 
> possible! 
> Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com>: Oct 09 08:26AM -0500 
> Hi Cheryl
> Which device is working okay for the braille input? I have a 5S iPhone, and 
> that is the one I'm having trouble getting it to work on. I don't have an 
> iPad, unfortunately. At least, not yet! Hey, I have been saying I was going 
> to get one of those forever. I still haven't done it. I'm trying to talk my 
> husband into getting one for his birthday which is coming up in November, but 
> he says he's not ready yet.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> Cheryl Homiak <cah4...@icloud.com>: Oct 09 08:35AM -0500 
> it is working on my iPad my iPhone 5 s and my iPhone 6+
> Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com>: Oct 09 08:48AM -0500 
> hi there
> That's really interesting. The only thing I can figure is that you got your 
> calibration set right, and I didn't. Maybe it has something to do with 
> getting it set wrong, and The iPhone won't change it once it gets set. That's 
> the only thing I can figure.
> I have tried starting over, but it didn't work.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> Back to top
> hot to download youtube videos on mac?           
> DD <dandun...@gmail.com>: Oct 09 09:37AM -0400 
> On Wed, 8 Oct 2014, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:
> > are there are program to download some videos on youtube, i just want to 
> > present it to my prof. thanks
> I use youtube-dl in terminal.
> http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/
> It will download a youtube playlist. It also downloads video from other 
> then youtube. It can also convert video formats as part of the download.
> XB
> Back to top
> select all in pages and text issue           
> denise avant <denise.av...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 04:53PM -0500 
> Hello all,
> I am attempting to select text in pages and text edit. when I do a command 
> aor even select all from the menu, I hear vo say unhighlighted. If I llok at 
> the copy function, it is dimmed. Can anyone provide some help with this. I am 
> running the latest version of Mavericks.
> Matt Dierckens <matt.dierck...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 05:56PM -0400 
> Select all with Command +A.
> Matt Dierckens
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> www.blindaccesstraining.com
> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 3
> Work email:matt...@blindaccesstraining.com
> Personal email: matt.dierck...@gmail.com
> denise avant <denise.av...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 06:15PM -0500 
> Sorry. yes, command +a is what I used. I mistyped it in my original e-mail. I 
> think I have discovered the problem though. It seemed that when I selected 
> all from the top of the document, nothing was happening. But when I went to 
> page 2, and selected from there using command +a, it worked.
> Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 08:44PM -0400 
> There is a well-known bug in pages where selecting across page boundaries 
> causes problems. I don't really know all the details as well as others do on 
> this list, so maybe they'll chime in and explain it.
> Sent from my IPhone
> denise avant <denise.av...@gmail.com>: Oct 09 07:22AM -0500 
> Hi Phil,
> Thank you for letting me know. It was when I would do a select all from the 
> top of the page that I had problems.
> Back to top
> mactubes question           
> Anouk Radix <radix.an...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 11:41PM +0200 
> Hi , thanks a great deal for that! That helps a lot already. How did you find 
> this? Normally i do see these kind of tags when there are actual buttons but 
> they dont seem to be here in this case.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> Rob <mr.robertc...@icloud.com>: Oct 08 07:21PM -0500 
> The way I solved the problems with ads on YouTube was to use the 
> VoiceOver Hot Spots.
> 1. find the skip ad button
> 2 press VO Shift 1
> that sets the hot spot to slot 1.
> to access it, press VO 1.
> Now whenever video ads start playing, press VO+1.
> I discovered this a few days ago. it works great for me.
> On 10/8/2014 4:10 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
> Anouk Radix <radix.an...@gmail.com>: Oct 09 09:25AM +0200 
> Hi, Just to clarify, I suppose you used a sighted person to find that skip 
> ads button the first time? Because i never see it in form controls or item 
> chooser.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> Robert Cole <mr.robertc...@icloud.com>: Oct 09 02:48AM -0500 
> No,
> You can do it by yourself.
> The button only shows while the ad is playing.
> So pause the ad, or quickly VO right arrow to the skip ad button.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Ray Foret Jr <rforet7...@comcast.net>: Oct 09 04:11AM -0500 
> Here's the trick to finding it. For one thing, the add MUST, absolutely must 
> be over three seconds long or it won't even present. Now, if you start from 
> the top left of the page and use VO+j, and if the add is over three seconds 
> long, you will find it.
> Sincerely,
> the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone user!
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in and fully protected by ClamXav Antivirus!
> Back to top
> iCloud
> Gabe Griffith <gabrielgriff...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 09:26PM -0700 
> Hi all,
> I had to change my apple iCloud password today and now can't seem to figure 
> out where to enter the new password on my mac. Can anyone help me with just 
> where to go to be able to log in with the new credentials?
> Thank you,
> Gabe
> Christopher Hallsworth <challswor...@icloud.com>: Oct 09 07:11AM +0100 
> System Preferences, iCloud. You should be able to sign out and sign back 
> in with your new password.
> Sent from my laptop
> On 09/10/2014 05:26, Gabe Griffith wrote:
> Back to top
> need some help with mactubes: how to dowload videos and to search for author? 
> Anouk Radix <radix.an...@gmail.com>: Oct 08 11:33PM +0200 
> Hi, 
> I am probbably doing something wrong here. I got mactubes and got it all 
> setup, i can search for a certain video and find results but then i am stuck.
> If I interact on the list of results and stand on the video I want then vo 
> shift+m does not do anything (I was assuming that this would bring up the 
> context menu so I could actually start downloading it.
> I have not been able to find a shortcut hotkey to accomplish this.
> Can anyone tell me how this works?
> Apparently you are also able to search for videos by the seem author or enter 
> urls to download from. Can anyone tell me how this is done?
> Thanks in advance
> Greetings, Anouk,
> Shawn Krasniuk <bbssh...@icloud.com>: Oct 08 04:47PM -0500 
> Hi Anouk. In order to download the video, it has to be playing. So when you 
> select the video you want to play, stop interacting with the list of videos 
> and find the play button which is unlabelled So you'll have to use VO+Shift+H 
> for the help tag of those buttons. Once it's playing, you should see a pop up 
> button. VO+Shift+Space doesn't activate it, but VO+Shift+M does. Download is 
> one of the options in that menu. HTH.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> Back to top
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