Hi, I just spent most of yesterday setting up Gmail filters and  
although I'm hardly the expert, I thought I'd put my 2 cents in.   
Definitely check the skip inbox checkbox, I didn't do this and it  
wasn't until much later in the day that I found the box and had to go  
back to edit all my filters.  THe other thing to check is found on the  
second step, after the button to create the filter.  You'll find a  
checkbox to allow existing conversations, or messages to which your  
filter can be applied.  Check this and then go back to the button to  
create, doing this will move existing messages.  Also, if that  
checkbox shows that 0 conversations will be filtered and you know you  
have messages that should match, choose go back and modify your search  
criteria as something's wrong.  In general, I used Holly's replyto:  
trick, however, i found a few lists for which this didn't work.  In  
those cases, I put the list address in the to: field and things seem  
to work fine.  Of course if someone CC's the list I'll be in trouble,  
but at least it works more often than not.  Another thing to keep in  
mind is that a mail header shows lots and lots of info including in  
some cases, a list ID (listid:).  In cases where this header exists, a  
listid: string can be used in the same way Holly uses replyto:.

Hope this helps, the Gmail filters are incredibly cool once they're  
all configured.


On Oct 13, 2009, at 6:10 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

THanks Holly, I apparently did not check the box to skip inbox, so see
what that does. I assume you mean to put the parens around only the e-
mail address? I haven't seen those before so did not include them.
I'll try this out and well I'll just keep trying. I'm sure I'll figure
it out or just get bored and find something else to hammer on. :)
Thanks for your help,

On Oct 12, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Holly Anderson wrote:

> Hmmm, strange.  I've gotten it to work.  Are you checking the box to
> skip inbox, and the box to apply labels?  If you don't check skip
> inbox you will get a copy in your inbox and a copy in the mac
> visionaries folder.  You might try putting the address in parentheses,
> not sure if they are necessary but I put them in there.
> Holly
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 8:12 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> THanks Holly, but still doesn't seem to quite work. GOing to have to
>> keep working at this and I'm sure I'll get it going. Only if the Mail
>> rules would just work on the iPhone/iPod Touch, I wouldn't have to
>> bother with the Gmail filters.
>> On Oct 12, 2009, at 8:58 PM, Holly Anderson wrote:
>>> Hi.  no the  dash is not necessary. gmail will recognize it as reply
>>> to.
>>> Holly
>>> On Oct 12, 2009, at 7:25 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>>> Holly, question. I was looking at the headers and noticed it shows
>>>> Reply-to: then the list address. So, is the dash necessary or is
>>>> that
>>>> something Mail puts in there.
>>>> tnx,
>>>> On Oct 12, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Holly Anderson wrote:
>>>>> hi.  try setting up gmail to filter by the reply to field instead.
>>>>> to
>>>>> do this: type "replyto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com in the
>>>>> filter
>>>>> on specific words text box.   Then check the box apply to label
>>>>> and
>>>>> select your macvisionaries label.
>>>>> hope that helps.
>>>>> Holly
>>>>> On Oct 12, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>>>>> Folks,
>>>>>>  I have a couple of questions. First I recently switched receipt
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> e-
>>>>>> mail for this list to my Gmail account. Therefore, I have Gmail
>>>>>> setup
>>>>>> as an imap account and I tried establishing filters and labels to
>>>>>> accomplish the same thing Apple Mail's rules perform. I created a
>>>>>> label called Macvisionaries and had the to field set to 
>>>>>> macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>>> and based the filter on that label. Unfortunately the messages
>>>>>> addressed to the list are still ending up in my inbox unless I
>>>>>> use
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> local Apple Mail rules. Any thoughts on what I need to do or
>>>>>> should
>>>>>> do
>>>>>> to correct this problem?
>>>>>> The entire point of doing this was to make it possible so when I
>>>>>> got
>>>>>> either the iPod touch or most likely the iPhone, I could have
>>>>>> mail
>>>>>> placed into folders instead of all lumped into one mailbox. If
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> iPhone were capable of using the rules setup in Apple Mail,
>>>>>> then I
>>>>>> wouldn't have any issues, I'd just sync Mail to the iPhone, but
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> understanding is that unless you have the filtering done by
>>>>>> Gmail,
>>>>>> that would not be possible. Of course I'm wrong, please let me
>>>>>> know.
>>>>>> Thanks,

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