Site seemed ok for me. I had to take the


Off the end of the URL before it would load. Is this still the correct 
page? I couldn't find a Close button, or is this not the right page? It 
appears to be some kind of job listing search site. I tried it in both 
DOM and Group mode and was able to search for stuff and navigate the 
results table.


Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> hello,
> This is one I have never seen before.  The voice over cursor will not  
> move off of "close button" for the web-site:
> How can this happen?  I tried another page off of this site, and I  
> could tab around to text entry and pop-up  boxes, but I could not  
> change any of the pop-up boxes and was anable to read the descriptions  
> on the text boxes.
> Is this a Apple feature, a required HTML / js option or just a hack  
> the web-site creator discovered.
> Thanks,
> Jon
> >

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