Hello everyone,
This is Chenelle, I wanted to know when you're using a refreshable braille 
display on I was device such as: iPhone, iPod touch, iPad mini or iPad?
Can you download bro translation programs for other languages suchS French, 
Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic or Russian? Reason for my asking for this 
question is because, I am learning Russian and I want to learn Russian braille 
so I can read or write Russian. There are no resources in the US for which I 
can access the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. I do not own and A Windows computer. 
I only have a Mac. Mike took Sperry program with my Romeo embosser will not 
work with my Mac. Furthermore, the only way I would be able to access materials 
and Russian Brio is to write to the library for the blind in Moscow Russia. 
However, I don't know enough Russian in order to write them in their own 
language. Is there anyone out there thatlives outside of the US that could help 
me with this problem?
Thank you so much for your time I most greatly appreciate it.
Sincerely, Chenelle

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 7, 2015, at 3:31 PM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
> macvisionaries@googlegroups.com       Google Groups              
> Topic digest 
> View all topics
> iTunes 12 and downloads in iTunes match. - 3 Updates
> messages app revisited - 1 Update
> Audio Book Builder transferring books - 5 Updates
> how to add events from emails into calendar - 4 Updates
> can't add Google account to messenbger - 3 Updates
> remapping the capslock for linux - 1 Update
> Braille and Spanish - 2 Updates
> Mysterious - 2 Updates
> using Google chat? - 3 Updates
> Yosemite and a Dead Finder / Partitian an Active Drive - 1 Update
> iTunes 12 and downloads in iTunes match.     
> Gabriele Battaglia <iz4...@libero.it>: Jan 07 09:08PM +0100 
> Hi all.
> I’m a subscriber of an iTunes match account. Before I was able to replace my 
> old mp3 file with a copy of them downloaded from the could, which is at 256 
> Now, on the iTunes 12 last release, the download option is no longer 
> available within the context menu.
> How Can I do?
> Any suggestion will be very appreciated.
> Gabriel.
> —
> Namasté!
> Sent from my iMac27. (Libero)
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 01:17PM -0700 
> Hi,
> You must first delete the copy of the mp3 on your local machine. Then, as 
> long as you didn’t tell iTunes to remove it from the Cloud, it will be 
> available for download the same as in previous versions of iTunes. Also, you 
> must have the “Show iTunes in the Cloud Purchases” box checked in the iTunes 
> Preferences under the Store pane.
> Best.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Gabriele Battaglia <gabriele.battag...@gmail.com>: Jan 07 09:26PM +0100 
> Thanks Tim.
> Precious as usual.
> Gabriel.
> Back to top
> messages app revisited           
> Faisal ali <faisal.a...@icloud.com>: Jan 07 12:25PM -0800 
> Hi,
> I’ve got Facebook chat set up on my messages app under jabber. Is it possible 
> to set it up by forgoing jabber? the set up process was pretty complicated as 
> I recall and not exactly the most straight forward thing on the mac. also, I 
> understand that Adium can handle window live messenger but I’m wondering if 
> this could also be set up in messages? And finally, is it possible to have 
> notifications set up when new contacts go online?
> I want to use this app more regularly and cut out other apps like Adium.
> Thanks
> Back to top
> Audio Book Builder transferring books     
> Sarai Bucciarelli <sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com>: Jan 07 09:09AM -0600 
> Hi:
> They didn’t appear in the music bookshlef, even when I tried to import them t 
> o music by going to file add to library.
> Sarai Bucciarelli <sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com>: Jan 07 10:26AM -0600 
> Hello:
> I’m still not having any luck. Yes, my book shows up in itunes 12 under audio 
> books, but it will not sync to my phone. Here is what I do. I have iTunes 12, 
> and an iPhone 5s.
> I have manually manage content checked.
> I connect the cable to my Mac, and iPhone. I open iTunes. I navigate past the 
> music radio button, and go to the more pop up. I choose audio books, and 
> press vo space. I vo right arrow over to the my audio books and make sure it 
> says selected. I vo right arrow again until I hear book grid no selection. I 
> interact wit the grid and hear my audio book title: it says 1 of 1. There is 
> no check box here. I make sure VO says selected though. I vo right arrow past 
> the iPhone pop up button until I hear scroll area. I interact with that 
> scroll area. I go to the end, stop interacting, go across until I hear the 
> sync button. I vo space on sync. Itunes dings, I eject phone, and I have no 
> book on phone.
> What am I doing wrong? 
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 09:55AM -0700 
> Hi,
> You are selecting the incorrect Audio Books item. When your iPhone is 
> selected, navigate right once past the Scroll area to the Playlists table. 
> Interact with it and move down to select Audio Books there then stop 
> interacting with the table. Navigate left to the Scroll area and interact 
> with it and it should read info about your Audio Book syncing settings. Make 
> sure that it is set to sync Audio Books and if you wish to simply transfer a 
> specific Audio Book or books to your iPhone, check the box for Syncing Only 
> selected Audio Books and check the books you wish synced from within the 
> corresponding table.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Andrew Lamanche <ioani...@me.com>: Jan 07 08:12PM 
> Just in case you don't know - and forgive me if you do - on idevices 
> audiobooks can be found when you activate "more" tab. Otherwise you won't 
> find them under music.
> Andrew
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 01:20PM -0700 
> Hi,
> You can also customize this so that Audio Books is one of the tabs along the 
> bottom so that you don’t need to use more. It all depends on which of those 
> items you use the most. Since I often listen to Audio Books on my phone, I’ve 
> put it along the bottom for my iPhone.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Back to top
> how to add events from emails into calendar     
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 08:51AM -0700 
> Hi,
> Normally, if you just VO-space on the event, it will open Calendar and it 
> will be added from there. Occasionally though, .ICS attachments from Outlook 
> give sync errors thus a little unreliable.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Aleeha Dudley <blindcowgirl1...@gmail.com>: Jan 07 12:59PM -0500 
> If I am in the body of a message and VO says event detected, I am not able to 
> VO space on it to make it add to the calendar. 
> Aleeha Dudley and Seeing Eye Dog Dallas 
> Vice President, Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users 
> Vice President, Ohio Association of Blind Students 
> Both proud divisions of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio 
> Email: blindcowgirl1...@gmail.com <mailto:blindcowgirl1...@gmail.com>
> The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the 
> characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the 
> expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles 
> between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; 
> blindness is not what holds you back. 
> “The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.” - Arabian 
> proverb 
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 11:40AM -0700 
> Hi,
> OK, things appear to be a little different when it is an “Event Detected” 
> kind of thing. After a bit of investigation, here’s how we’d accomplish this 
> with VO:
> • highlight/select the text related to the event. VO should still announce 
> “Event Detected” when reading the highlighted text.
> • Press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual menu.
> • Choose QuickLook Event from this menu.
> From this QuickLook window, you can edit the necessary fields related to the 
> event and also directly add the event to Calendar by pressing the Add to 
> Calendar button.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Andrew Lamanche <ioani...@me.com>: Jan 07 08:08PM 
> I wonder whether it is necessary to interact with the text first in order to 
> carry out the vo+space command as Tim says. The interacting with the text of 
> the body of the message is necessary to activate links in a message so I feel 
> that maybe that's what needs to happen.
> Andrew
> Back to top
> can't add Google account to messenbger     
> Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com>: Jan 07 12:51PM -0600 
> Hi Tim and all,
> I’ve been trying all morning to add my Google chat account to messenger, and 
> I can’t seem to do it. I know I have the email address and the password 
> right. But every time I click the Setup button, I get dumped back into the 
> email address field. Anyone know what might be causing this?
> TIA,
> Donna
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 11:56AM -0700 
> Hi Donna,
> Instead of doing this in Messages, do the following:
> • Go to System Preferences.
> • Click on Internet Accounts.
> • From the Internet Accounts table, select your Google account.
> • Stop interacting with the Internet Accounts table and navigate right to the 
> Applications table.
> • Interact with this table.
> • Navigate down and check the box for Messages.
> Normally that does it. After that change is applied, GoogleTalk with your 
> Google account should be one of the accounts within Messages.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com>: Jan 07 02:04PM -0600 
> Perfect! that did it. Thanks, Tim!
> Donna
> Back to top
> remapping the capslock for linux           
> deedra waters <dee...@the-brannons.com>: Jan 07 10:26AM -0800 
> Ok so seil and karabiner are installed. I changed the capslock keycode to 50 
> since i want it to be the        accent key. I have the capslock mapped to 
> the accent key in the vm. I’m running in circles here people, I have no way 
> still to get the capslock to pass to the vm wtf is going on here? you guys 
> say this is doable but right now i see no way to get it to pass to the vm as 
> a capslock key and i “have” to get this thing working, suggestions please?
> Again, i changed the capslock to 50 in seil, then mapped the accent key back 
> to the capslock key in carabiner though this seems a bit screwed up in the 
> mapping department. Then i went to vmware and mapped the accent to the 
> capslock but it’s still not passing through. So what the heck am i doing 
> wrong. Is this even doable or do i need to toss the apple keyboard in favor 
> of a windows one. If i have to do that I’m going to be extremely upset.
> deedra waters
> dee...@the-brannons.com
> Back to top
> Braille and Spanish           
> Sarai Bucciarelli <sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com>: Jan 07 09:07AM -0600 
> Hello:
> How do I siwtch activities using the same app? I tought you could only have 1 
> activity per app?
> Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk>: Jan 07 05:45PM +0100 
> Hello,
> You can switch activities at any time. VO-x brings up the Activities menu. I 
> have an activity with low verbosity and lots of other things turned off which 
> is used automatically for Mail, but sometimes I switch to it in Safari 
> because what I’m reading is too cluttered with links and such. The beauty of 
> activities when switching languages is that it can change both Braille and 
> the voice at the same time.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> Back to top
> Mysterious
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 08:53AM -0700 
> Hi,
> For Contacts, stop Interacting with the Scroll area where you were editing 
> the contact info, then navigate right to find the “Done” button. 
> Alternatively, just close the Contacts window or app and it will save 
> automatically.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Mary Jo Partyka <choir...@gmail.com>: Jan 07 11:35AM -0500 
> Thank u
> Sent from my iPhone
> Back to top
> using Google chat?           
> Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com>: Jan 07 10:14AM -0600 
> Hi all,
> Does anyone have any tips using google Chat? I'm able to type text into the 
> message field once I locate the message, but once I get the Ping that someone 
> has messaged me, I have a hard time finding the message. I'm currently 
> chatting within Gmail on Safari, if there is an easier way to do this I'd 
> love to know.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
> Donna
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 09:15AM -0700 
> Hi,
> I do this in the Messages app instead.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com>: Jan 07 10:20AM -0600 
> Oh, that makes total sense! Thanks, Tim.
> Donna
> Back to top
> Yosemite and a Dead Finder / Partitian an Active Drive     
> Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com>: Jan 07 09:03AM -0700 
> Hi,
> Does your Mac start up from the Recovery Partition? If so, things should work 
> out OK, otherwise, you may have bigger problems. A couple things to note. 
> Re-installing over the existing MacOS will 99 times out of 100 just do 
> exactly that. You will not lose a thing, it will just install the OS 
> components, and you’re good to go. If you do wish to partition your disk, you 
> can also do this from the Disk Utility app within the Recovery Partition. You 
> will need to select the drive itself when in Disk Utility, not the volume 
> name. Then select the Partition tab and enter the size you wish to make your 
> original partition. For example, on your 2 TB drive, you can say you wish the 
> current partition to be 1000 GB or 1 TB and apply your changes. This will 
> leave the rest of your HD unallocated. Click the Add Partition button and 
> apply your changes and a new partition will be created using the full 
> unallocated space and your original partition will be untouched.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> Back to top
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