Hi all.

Ever since I started using Yosemite on my iMac, I have had intermittent issues 
with voiceover stopping. I don't think voiceover actually turns off but my 
arrow keys would do nothing, vo-arrows did nothing at least not with sound 
feedback, and command-tabbing gave me little clicking sounds sometimes. If I 
then got vo turned off and back on, I would have speech back until I got into 
mail again. Sometimes mail would also be okay, but often as soon as I got into 
my inbox messages table, the same thing would happen. At first I tended to 
blame it on some kind of bluetooth keyboard bug or on the fact that I switch 
between several bluetooth keyboards regularly. But at one point I plugged in my 
usb keyboard and the problem still occurred. Sometimes, with bluetooth or usb 
keyboard, I would think the problem was gone and then it would start up again 
with nor reason I could find

Finally, I decided to switch to classic mail since mail almost always seemed to 
be where the problem would start and if I then quit mail and got voiceover 
running again the problem didn't seem to occur again until I opened mail. Since 
I have switched to classic mail I have had no further problem. It has only been 
a bout twenty-four hours but I switched at a time when the problem kept 
recurring. I know there are some disadvantages to changing to classic mail and 
perhaps I will eventually find something I can change in my mail settings that 
will solve this, or maybe an update will remedy it, but for now I am finding 
that changing to classic mail seems to have totally eliminated my problem.


I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
thrown in the trash!
Then God gave me a new heart and life:
His joy for my despairing tears!
And now, every day:
"This I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord
never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
(Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

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