Hi, Donna. Thanks for the update about VarioUltra. I read the discussion about 
this yesterday. I'd love to get my hands on one to see what it looks like. Wish 
I went to CSUN last week, but I was too busy. I emailed David Bradburn back in 
November to order the VarioUltra 40. Unfortunately, I don't think I can afford 
to purchase it myself, but hopefully I'll get a case opened again with 
department of rehab in California by the end of this month. It would be awesome 
if my counselor can purchase this for me.
How did you like using VarioUltra at the conference?

On Mar 11, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just passing along my latest communication from Baum, this time from David 
> Bradburn of Baum USA.  He says that the back order issue should be resolved 
> by the end of this month.  He also writes the following regarding the 
> hardware issues that Mika asked about yesterday:
> " 3.       As for the USB port and NaviStick cap issues you reference, both 
> issues have been addressed.
> a.       In the case of the3 USB port, the connection has been redesigned to 
> be stronger. All new VarioUltra units in production feature this new design 
> and we have a stock of replacement USB boards to use in the event any 
> customers with older units ever have an issue.
> b.      The NaviStick cap can come off in certain situations, though I am 
> only aware of 3 people who have been affected by it. The cap connection point 
> was previously square in shape while the connection on the VarioUltra that it 
> attached to was circular in shape. The cap connector has now been redesigned 
> to be circular as well, resulting in a tighter, more secure fit." 
> I hope this is helpful.
> Cheers,
> Donna
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