Are there any indications that either or both HIMS and Apple plan to remove the older braille tables at some point? I have not started learning UEB but am prepared to do so soon.

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On 6/10/2015 10:44 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
Hi guys
As a proofreader who has been forced to study UEB lately, I would first like to 
say that UEB is easier to read than to write; in fact, in my no-so-humble 
opinion, it’s a real pain to write for those of us who have been using braille 
since the earth was young. I suggested this to HIMS and I would please, pretty 
please, like to suggest to Apple, that even though BANA thinks to make the rest 
of us switch to UEB that the Grade 2 tables which are now listed as U.S. 
braille by VoiceOver be kept as a choice until some of us are not on the earth 
any more.

Having said all that, it will be easier for computers to put in format in UEB. 
Usually when I’m writing along I don’t care about that, but if I did, UEB would 
be easier to input things like italics, boldface, script, etc. into your 
braille text. It should be easier, for those who care, to switch between Nemeth 
Code and UEB also since there are specific symbols for doing so.


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