The last time I used YouView was about 2 weeks ago. It gave me a couple
of error messages, then finally asked me to update, now it works once again.
Like I said, that was 2 weeks ago. I have not used it since.
but go update it and give it a try.
On 8/8/2015 9:51 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
Oh, crap! that stinks, as I was really really looking forward to
trying it!
On 8/8/2015 10:50 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
Doesn't work now that youtube API changed.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 8, 2015, at 6:50 AM, Jürgen Fleger <>
just read on another list of a great alternative to MacTubes. It’s
called YouView and it’s donation ware:
I tried it out and to me it’s even better then MacTubes. Not that
many unlabled buttons and the screen is much more simple. You can
browse, watch and download you tube videos, even in mp3. There’s no
Menue for controls but use:
Spacebar to play or pause a video
up and down arrow to increase or decrease volume
right and left arro to forward or rewind
escape to close the videos window
It’s really simple to use and very efficiant. On my iMac 27 it
happened when I started the app for the first time that nothing
happened. All which apeared was an empty YouView window. I couldn’t
even close this window. I had to switch off the Mac by holding the
power button for five seconds. But after this accedent it works like
a charm.
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