Thank you Esther, this is a great link.  I can relax for now.
I recently purchased Take Control of Your 802.11n AirPort Network (1.6) based 
on your recommendation.  I'll be looking at other books in the series after I 
master the concepts of this one.

With best regards,


On Nov 11, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Brett,
> I found the Command-Shift-T "Add to Dock" shortcut listed among new  
> Finder commands for Snow Leopard discussed here:
> The is typically the kind of thing I find in the "Take Control" books,  
> but I haven't checked out the ones for Snow Leopard yet.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Brett Campbell wrote:
>> I quite like the add folder to the dock with command, shift, T.  I  
>> learned the command from this list.  I started wondering what other  
>> commands I might be missing out on.  I found all kinds of keyboard  
>> shortcuts with a google search, but I can't find the command, shift,  
>> T command.   I also searched high and low on my Mac.  Where is this  
>> command found?
>> This isn't imperative by any means, but thanks for indulging me.
>> Thanks,
>> Brett
> > 

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