I don’t find exporting any more difficult than saving. I personally don’t know 
why Apple does not allow for saving as a Word file, but exporting isn’t an 
issue, unless I am missing something here.

Take care and have a great day.
Jamie Pauls

> On Oct 13, 2015, at 2:58 AM, Krister Ekstrom <kris...@kristersplace.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Although pages is easier to use in many aspects, i do not like it and that’s 
> for one reason and one reason alone: You can’t load a Word document into 
> Pages, edit or modify it and then save directly to Word format again, oh no, 
> you’ll have to ”export” it into Word. The only formats you can save directly 
> into are Apples own and i think text .rtf and possibly .pdf as well. If Apple 
> had done what Openoffice does and have Word as a format you could save to 
> directly that would be ok, after all i think Openoffice has its own format as 
> well, but alas no and that is a deal breaker for me.
> /Krister
>> 13 okt. 2015 kl. 03:43 skrev Christina C. <blindmaclo...@gmail.com>:
>> Ok, I apologize for my confusion, are you guys saying that you use pages? Or 
>> are you guys saying that you don’t like any of the solutions? I am hoping 
>> that I can learn one and stick with it. :)
>> Christina
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