Hi Chris and list,

I love the Apple Watch and am thrilled that you got one.

If you are having trouble with the two finger swipe, you may be making the 
mistake that I made at first. To do the gesture,place two fingers on the screen 
near the crown so that the fingers are pointing toward the left side of the 
watch. Push your fingers forward toward the left side for the left swipe and 
pull them back right for the right swipe. This works everytime.

Good luck,

Robert Carter

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 23, 2015, at 10:31 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, I figured I'd lay this message out systematically by heading.  This way 
> you can jump to the section you want to read about more quickly.  NO, I won't 
> make this terribly long, but just for your convenience...  So, go ahead and 
> navigate with heading navigation if you wish.
> The Sales Rep
> When I bought this watch, I did so through the Apple Watch sales team at 
> 1-800-APL-CARE.  I was extremely impressed with the level of knowledge, and 
> time that the representative took to answer not just some, but literally all! 
> of my questions in full.  If there was something he didn't know, he was 
> incredibly quick to place me on hold, and research things to find out the 
> answer.  If he didn't know something, he didn't try making up assumptions.  
> He was very straight up with me in saying, "You know... that's a great 
> question.  I really don't honestly know."  The rep was extremely familiar 
> with AppleVis and with David Woodbridge, and before I even mentioned it, he 
> strongly encouraged me to not only check out his Apple Watch 1o1 series, but 
> he also strongly suggested that I join this list, if I'd not already done so.
> Further, the rep recommended I look at the Watch Master series from Fedora 
> Outlyer, which I will definitely probably be doing come the first of the 
> year.  Not sure yet if I'll buy it, as I feel I'm really getting the hang of 
> things quite quickly, but I'm at least gonna definitely look at it, and 
> consider it.
> When I told the gentlemen that I didn't have enough financially right now to 
> add the extended Apple Care, but come the first of January, I'd do it, he 
> wasn't the least bit pushy.  He was extremely cooperative, which I've found 
> most Apple reps to be anyway, but he just seemed to go over and beyond.  His 
> manor of professionalism was immaculate!
> Speed of Shipping
> I was taken aback at how quickly, given the holidays, and! even more so, the 
> cutoff deadline before Christmas, at how fast this sucker shipped out!  
> Folks, I literally ordered this thing on the 18th, which was last Friday.  
> Might I add, I did so at about 5:30PM eastern time.  That was when the 
> payment was processed, and the web order number was sent to me.  I'm not 
> joking when I say, by 9AM Saturday morning, I had a text message, and an 
> e-mail, both, with my tracking number, and an estimated delivery date.  I had 
> pay the extra $20 for expedited shipping by next day 12 noon.  Because 
> however of the fact it was after 5:30 when the order was  placed, they told 
> me actually it would get here by noon on Tuesday the 22nd... Yesterday.
> Well, I didn't really check the tracking info Saturday morning.  I should 
> have though.  Later that day, I checked, and what do you know!  The tracking 
> info had been updated, and then showed it would actually arrive a day 
> earlier, on Monday.  Even better, it said Monday by 10:30AM.  Needless to 
> say, I was blown away!
> It actually did! arrive on Monday, but not by 10:30.  You know what though, 
> I'm not gonna hold that over either Apple nor Fedex.  I mean, come on!  It 
> is! the Christmas holiday.  My local Fedex station is working overtime 6 days 
> a week this holiday.  So, they're probably backed up to high heavens!  I 
> actually got a call from the driver.  He's like, we have a note on your 
> delivery from Apple?  They say you're totally blind, and that we should call 
> you when in the area to let you know to meet us at the door to sign for your 
> package.  Being I have a hearing loss as well and don't always hear the 
> doorbell, this was fan! freaking! tastic!  I didn't even know the sales rep 
> at Apple was gonna arrange that!  So, I actually got the thing around 1300 
> hours on Monday.
> Unboxing Process
> I have got to say.  The unboxing process was ridiculously easy!  Even more so 
> than I'd anticipated.  When I felt the plastic hardshell box that the watch 
> comes in, not the shipping box, I mean the literal Apple Box, I was 
> tactically able to very easily feel a little tab of tape sticking out that I 
> grabbed, pulled, and bam! it was open, and the top just lifted straight up 
> and off.
> The watch was very nicely seated within the box, along with the charging puck 
> cable, and the small little wall transformer block, which I thought was a 
> major bonus.  I didn't know I'd be ghetting another one a those, so that 
> definitely was very nice.
> Really, the only 2 complaints about unboxing the thing that I have are, I 
> have somewhat big fingers, and the way they had the Apple Watch box down 
> inside of the Fedex box was a little bit difficult to handle.  The Watch box 
> was very very very tight, and I do mean tight, in the shipping box.  I kind a 
> wish that they had put it in a slightly bigger Fedex box, but whatever.  I 
> probably could a taken a knife and gotten between the box and the watch 
> container, but at the time, I wasn't thinking about that for some reason.  
> The other of the two things is, it was a little confusing, at least for me, 
> figurring out why I couldn't unwind the Watch band.  When you first get it, 
> at least the milanese band is wrapped in this circular type arrangement.  
> It's kind a hard to explain.  Basically, imagine taking an electical cord or 
> something of the like and winding it up, essentially.  The thing about it 
> that confused me was, I was pinching the band and pulling, trying to get the 
> dad blame thing to unravel.  It wasn't working though.  I then discovered 
> that there was a very small little protective packaging tab which was holding 
> it together.  It took quite a heck of a tug, but I finally managed to get the 
> thing off.  NO, I didn't break it.  This thing was supposed to come off, 
> trust me.
> The charging cable has something quite similar, but it's way easier to get 
> off, in my opinion.
> Putting it on
> I still to this minute can't get over how stupidly easy it is to put this 
> band on my wrist!  I have mild CP in both my hands, and have lost about all 
> of my fine motor skills.  Gross motor, I'm absolutely fine with, but the 
> former? Forget it!  So, doing things like attaching and removing the bands, 
> I've not tried, nor am going to.  I would just seek help from my mom if I 
> needed to change it out.  The band was a really really huge concern, and 
> honestly was the primary thing short of finances that really made me not get 
> the watch sooner than what I did.  After talking to Apple Accessibility, and 
> explaining my situation, they really felt very very strongly that I should 
> get into a Best Buy or an Apple store or the like, and try out the Milanese 
> band.  They really thought it would work perfectly for me, seeing there's no 
> buckle to attach, no feeding the strap through anything, you litterally just 
> grab the metal tab, pull it to tighten it, then just wrap it around the 
> wrist, and let go and bam!  It claspes to the metal mesh of the band 
> magnetically.  I honestly thought they were somewhat unaware of my situation 
> and how hard something like this would be for me.  When I went to Best Buy 
> last month to check on getting my Apple TV4, after hearing they were out of 
> stock, I asked if I could see the watch out of curiosity.  They got the exact 
> watch out of the display area that I now happily am wearing on my writst... 
> the 38MM stainless steel.  They popped off its link bracelet, and put the 
> Milanese on for me.  I tried it on, and was head over heals in love!  I 
> honestly wish all watches connected this way.  It's literally that? easy!
> Getting it off
> This is one area, I think could use some improvement.  It's probably just me 
> though needing to practice more and get the feel of it.  I find that getting 
> it off is a bit annoying.  Often, what tends to happen is, I disconnect the 
> little metallic tab clamping it shut, and start then to loosen the band, but 
> as soon as I start sliding my wrist out of the thing, the little booger snaps 
> back shut with that little metal tab, therefore not letting me keep loosening 
> the thing.  Then, also, when I do get it off finally after a few attempts, 
> when I go to put it back on, I find that I'm accidentally knocking the screen 
> while trying to get it aligned on my wrist correctly, therefore even though I 
> have it set to not speak when raised, because I'm hitting the screen while 
> trying to slide my wrist through, it keeps constantly saying enter passcode, 
> enter passcode, and keeps tapping things on my clock face, thereby activating 
> that passcode screen over and over.  It's really obnoxious until I get the 
> thing correctly seated on my wrist and clamped shut.  With practice though, I 
> think I'll get the hang of that.  Any tips to get around this issue are very 
> well appreciated, by the  way.
> Initial Setup, and Paring
> Again, Apple didn't disappoint with this.  The paring couldn't have been 
> easier!  Tripple clicking the digital crown worked flawlessly the first 
> attempt to get Voiceover up and running.  I was very very impressed.  I also 
> was extremely surprised at how well both the watch, and the IPhone Apple 
> Watch app together talked me through step by step the whole process, teling 
> me exactly down to a T what to do, and how to do it.  I actually pared my 
> watch manually.  I'm not sure with the camera option how reliable that would 
> a been.  Has anyone on here done it that way successfully?
> Audio Volume
> I really think Apple could have honestly done slightly better with this.  The 
> volume, even with Voiceover turned up all the way, which is done by two 
> finger double tapping and holding, then sliding both your fingers up to turn 
> it up, or down to turn it down, respectfully, could honestly be a bit louder. 
>  Realize that I have a bit of a hearing loss, as said earlier, so that 
> definitely could be playing a huge factor here.  Regardless what anyone tells 
> you, I'm going to tell you the truth, like it or not.  The truth is, if 
> you're thinking it's gonna be as loud as the IPhone, you're mistaking.  It's 
> actually more about like an IPod Touch 4th gen.  I've never heard the 5th nor 
> 6th gens, so I cannot vouch for those.  It's definitely very clear, but just 
> a little on the soft side.  Yes, my alert volume is also set to 100%.  that 
> didn't really help matters too greatly.
> Comfort when Wearing
> Remember, I only have tried out the Milanese Loop band, and I've only seen 
> the 38MM stainless steel model.  I've not seen a 42MM and frankly, I probably 
> would have gotten that had I known it was available.  I still might go to an 
> Apple Store the first of the year when  things aren't so hectic and exchange 
> it, paying the $50 difference.  The sales rep told me it came in either 32MM 
> or 38.  He must have been mistaking, as it's actually not 32, it's apparently 
> 40! 2.  Anyway, with the Milanese band at least, it is so insanely comfy that 
> I barely can even tell it's on my wrist!  That's saying something, seeing 
> that normally I cannot stand wearing things around my wrist.  I hardly ever 
> have worn watches of any type in the past, as they would irritate my skin, 
> and make me break out in a rash by the end of the day.  I've warn the 
> Milanese band however from about 8 in the morning to about 11:30 at night 
> nonstop with the exception of 30 minutes or so in the shower, and it's gotten 
> to where now, I hardly even can feel it on my wrist.  Sometimes, I forget 
> it's there, then a notification comes in making it buzz, and it scares the 
> living crap out of me!  LOL.
> Screen Real Estate
> Again, I wish I hadn't been misinformed on the sizes, but over all, I find 
> the 38MM size to work fairly well for me.  The only complaint I really have 
> is doing the two finger flick from left to right, or right to left.  Call me 
> weird, but I just never seem to be able to get that to reliably work for me.  
> As I said, I don't know yet if I'll trade it in for a 42 or not.  I am 
> considerring my options.
> Apps and Productivity
> I'm quite impressed with the level of things I can do on the watch, that's 
> for sure.  So far, I've used Siri, looked a bit at the phone app, the world 
> clock, the calendar, although I haven't yet added any events, and have looked 
> a bit at weather, Messages, and Mail.  I briefly looked at the Music app, but 
> haven't really done a huge amount yet with it.  I looked at Activity, and it 
> looks like that is going to be a godsend!  I've not yet found a calculator, 
> so if anyone knows of one, please tell me.  I can't wait! to try it out with 
> Starbucks, and with Apple Pay, in general!  The workout app also looks like 
> it will be fantastic!  I also have made and received phone calls from the 
> watch.  Though I'd never do a long phone call from my watch, as the speaker 
> is just too quiet for my taste for that, in a pinch, it definitely does work, 
> and works quite well, actually.
> I've also set up my glances like I like them, and have customized the 
> complications on my Moduler clockface screen.
> In conclusion
> I am extremely! happy with this purchase.  I feel it was very much well worth 
> it.  Seeing also that I applied for Barclay credit, and was approved, I'll be 
> able to pay this thing off over 3 months or so, which given my budget will be 
> perfectly ideal.  Does the watch have some things which I think could be 
> improved?  Yes.  Absolutely it does, but what technology honestly doesn't?  I 
> mean, you can't ever have a gadget that's going to meet everyone's need to an 
> exact T.  It's just not gonna happen, as we all are unique in our own ways, 
> so what works for one person, might not for someone else.  And for that, I 
> totally get it.  All and all though, I see the watch progressing in style and 
> in quality, and becoming quite a revolutionized wearable to own, and when you 
> consider all it'll do, and! the accessibility being built into it right out 
> of the box, I'd dare say that the price actually is very very reasonable in 
> my maybe, not so humble opinion to some people.
> Anyway, Merry Christmas ya'll, and I hope to hear you all's thoughts soon!
> God bless, and keep safe this holiday season.
> Warmly,
> Chris.
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