News of an upcoming Kindle reader for the Mac has me hoping -- like
Charlie Brown with the football? -- that Amazon will get this one
right. They promised back in March that they'd get the text-to-speech
feature working on the Kindle menus, but that has come to nothing. The
Kindle app for the iPhone/iPod Touch offered some brief hope, but
that, too, was a bust. Now, this news has me wondering if maybe, just
maybe, Amazon will remember the blind community and ensure that the
upcoming Kindle reader for the Mac works with VoiceOver. (I just wrote
to them about this, though I expect to get nothing more than a
perfunctory "thanks, we've forwarded your message along to our Kindle
team" by way of reply. Still, I persist.)
I own a Kindle, and have used it a bit, but it is a terrible pain
without being able to access the menus. Missed a sentence? Want to go
back a page? Want to re-read that particularly interesting paragraph?
Hah! Good luck. You'll likely forget what it was you were after by the
time you are able to get somewhere. If the Mac reader works with VO,
and if it synchs back to the Kindle ...
Yes, you may say I'm a dreamer.


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