My biggest concern though with handwriting, and with using the pencil is, how 
forgiving is the thing.  Like I say, I'm not that great when it comes to 
writing.  I may look into it, but yeah, at this point, I'm admittedly a little 
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joseph Hudson 
  Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 5:12 PM
  Subject: Re: IPad: I am in blyss heaven with this thing!

  Oh Chris, I'm sure that if you would've got the pencil. One of the Apple 
representatives would've probably showed you how to work a, if you would've 
really wanted it. I imagine this thing would probably even tell you what letter 
you written on the iPad if you were to use it to write with. Cause after all, 
you're typing on the iPad.

  Joseph Hudson
  I device support
  joseph.hudson89 facebook


    On Jun 9, 2016, at 4:02 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
<> wrote:

    You know what's funny, Ray?  I actually didn't get the pencil, nor did I 
get the keyboard.  Mainly, because for one thing, I already have the Apple 
Magic wireless/lightning keyboard, so I definitely  could pare that thing to 
the IPad if needed.  As for the pencil, yeah, it would be kind a cool to flick 
and double tap with it, but I don't really have enough vision to easily 
handwrite.  I definitely do know my entire alphabet, and definitely do very 
very well remember what both the print, and the cursive letters look like.  I 
used to have way way way way! more vision than I do now, as a child.  I never 
was even remotely close to being sighted.  I couldn't even read legal sized 
large print.  It had to be even bigger than that, but I definitely did learn to 
handwrite.  Now, I'm so outta practice though, I could definitely form the 
letters/numbers, but it would look like pure chicken scratch.  Dr. Gilland at 
your survice!  LOL!  My point is, I couldn't seem to justify getting one a 
those things, as they're like, 99 bucks.  Just to flick and double tap? Not 
even to do the multi finger gestures?  I'm sorry, but, no.  It's not worth it.  
Then, the keyboard, I think if I remember correctly was like $120 or so, give 
or take.  So, yeah.  I therefore just got the IPad itself.  Still though, as I 
said, I couldn't be more happy with it.

    Again, yes, it's definitely a little bit bulky, but, again, for what I get 
with it, it's worth that sacrifice.
    Christopher Gilland
    JAWS Certified, 2016.
    Training Instructor.
    Phone: (704) 256-8010.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Ray Foret jr
      Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 4:30 PM
      Subject: Re: IPad: I am in blyss heaven with this thing!

      Damn it, you’re making me want one now!!!  I’d go for the extra keyboard 
thingie too.

      Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

      Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
      Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!!!!! 

        On Jun 9, 2016, at 2:23 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
<> wrote:


        I have always, as you all probably know, been incredibly happy with the 
IPad lineup of Apple products.  Coming from an IPhone, it definitely took a 
little bit to get used to with the IPad having the split screen on certain 
things.  A great example of this is the native IPad Settings app.

        Anyway, this month, I aquired a bit of extra money.  I'm not gonna go 
into how that happened, but we'll just say I got probably an extra 500 dollars 
from what I'd normally have each month.  For this reason, I decided to sell my 
IPad Air first generation.  No, I don't have Mark's permission to sell it here 
on list, but realize that I'm not doing so anyway.  The IPad's actually already 
spoken for, so there should be no objections.

        Anyway, with my extra money, plus, what I got from selling that IPad 
Air, I went to the AT&T store with my grandmother, and one of my best friends, 
and we all picked me up a bright shiny new 128GB IPad 12 inch Pro.

        OK, before anyone says, Ewwww!  You wanted a dinosaur that was that 
freaking huge, realize something here.  Firstly, I never clamed that the thing 
was the easiest to hold in your hand.  Yeah?  I'll admit that holding the thing 
is a little bit awquard.  I'm not gonna deny that.  But, here's the thing.  I 
dono how many of you all have heard the sound quality of the 12 inch Pro, but 
let me tell you all something: this sucker is breathtaking!  For one thing, I'm 
not sure about the speakers on the first gen Airs, (not to be confused with the 
Air 2's,) but I can tell you now beyond a doubt that the 12 inch Pro has at 
least! stereo speakers.  The separation is phenominal!  It might even have 
quadrofonic.  I can't quite tell.  I need to look up its      specs.

        If you like the volume you get from the IPad Air, or from the IPad Air 
2, for that mind, but you wish it had a bit more low end to it, like what you'd 
get with a pair of external speakers, then the IPad 12 inch Pro is your answer. 
 Let me put it this way.  I have quite a severe hearing loss.  Even for me! I 
can't turn this thing up all the way without blasting myself out.  This thing 
gets loud!  And, I do mean, loud!  If I had to compare, for those of you who've 
heard the Logitech bluetooth U E mobile boombox, think the amount of base you 
get from that speaker, then on top of that think the maximum volume you get 
with the Air, or with the Air2.  Now put those two together.  That's basically 
what you'd have on the Pro, provided that you had it turned about 3 notches 
down from being full max volume.  Suffice it to say, volume isn't an issue.

        the other thing that blew me away is the battery in this thing!  Guys, 
you wouldn't believe this!  I'm not one for making a product look better than 
it really is.  When I say something is a certain way, I don't exagerate things 
as some people might do.  Here are some literal stetistic numbers for ya.

        I decided to benchmark my battery.  I put my IPad on a police scanner 
feed with Scanner Radio Deluxe from Gordon Edwards, and let it stream over my 
wifi.  I started the feed at 3:30PM on the dot, ironically enough.  I let it go 
all afternoon, and all night.  I even let it stay going after I went to bed.  I 
just wanted to see what it would do.  So, at 3:30PM, I had 31 percent battery.  
Guys, I swear I'm not making this up!  When I woke up the next morning right at 
around 5:00AM, get a load a this!  That battery was at 18%  Literally It only 
went down about 13%, and that was over 14 hours roughly, of constant internet 
audio streaming.

        I couldn't freaking believe it!

        Suffice it to say, yeah, the Pro's are a bit pricy, and yeah, they may 
be monster honkers as far as their physical dementional size, but I'm telling 
you now: oh, my, Gawod! are they worth every penny!  So, if you get an 
oppertunity either to get one, or at least to see/play with one of your 
friend/relative;'s, or in a store, do it!  I'm so! not kidding you!  Do it!  
You'll be blown away!


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