Yeah Hi Tim,

Got all that by viewing my express lastnight,

Was looking to add it to our corporate network at work as an experiment however 
it turns out that our network uses a couple of things that the express doesn’t 
to this point take in to account.

But I would assume the extreme does and hopefully the express next version will 
add in.

So I’ve given up on that idea for now but am now looking at configuring my own 
radius server just for something to do.

Cheers for the info though it’s much appreciated.

Simon f

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Friday, 26 August 2016 3:30 AM
Subject: Re: airport express in enterprise


I've never used it with a Radius server other than Xserve., but according to 
the documentation, it should be totally doable.  From what I can tell, just use 
Airport Utility to access the Express, then in the Wireless tab, in the 
Security area, set it to WPA2 Enterprise.  It should ask you for the IP of the 
Radius server and Airport Utility should do the rest for you.  I can't verify 
this for you, but it sounds like it should work and the configuration is quite 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 25, 2016, at 02:35, Simon Fogarty 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Listers,

Ok, just contemplating upsetting my employers by saving them money.

I have an airport express version 2 device so that is N wifi able.

What I want to know is if anyone has got experience using the airport express 
in an enterprise environment

and using WPA2 enterprise authentication
so that is  using a Radius serverwith the

And if so was it difficult to install / configure?

Realistically this would be using an airport express device connected to a 
network where the enterprise authentication would be through a windows server 
2012r2 radius server.

I know the express will do wpa2 enterprise authentication but this I need to 
get passed a number of people whom wish to spend 1600 NZ dollars on a single 
cisco AP where as the airport express is smaller easier to hide and only 150 nz 

Thanks for any information.


Simon F

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