Hello Zoe.

I am so sorry for you and I sincerely hope you get better soon.

I am routing for you and hope you can return to these lists.

Keep strong.

> On 27 Apr 2017, at 22:01, zoe fiogkos <fiog...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Hi fellow listers, moderators, and owners. Hope you are all doing ok.
> Unfortunately I have no choice, I have to unsubscribe from all the email
> groups I belong to. I haven't been able to check email and be online for a
> long time and it seems I will be out of things for much longer. When I
> turned on my laptop this morning I had over fifteen thousand emails waiting
> for me. Given my situation I just can't keep up anymore. I pray that one day
> I recover and are able to join my favourite groups again.  My family is
> against me telling people what's wrong but I feel in writing this email I'm
> also helping myself to come to grips with my illness. I will remain
> subscribed a few more days so that I may read your thoughts in hopes that
> your words might help me to continue to fight this awful illness.
> Again I'm sorry for the off topic post and I hope the moderators can find it
> in their hearts to forgive me, and if one day I recover I hope they will
> remember me and let me back in to my favourite mailing groups.
> Before I tell you all my story, I would like to thank each and every one of
> you for either your help on various topics, or your individual private help
> through the phone or private email, or your messages of getting to know me,
> or your words of encouragement when it came to the mac, jaws, NVDA, windows
> 10, household tips, cooking instructions, prayers, and harmless chit chat.
> If I offended anyone in anyway, or gave anyone a hard time please forgive
> me.
> Here's my unbelievable story.
> Last August I was doing a lot of gardening mostly weeding to be honest. I
> was on my hands and knees from morning to night pulling weeds and keeping my
> property clean. I am grateful to the good Lord for blessing me to have such
> a lovely property but it's old and no one ever took care of the garden. The
> result is weeds on top of my weeds. Chemicals are forbidden here in Canada,
> and I haven't been able to find an affordable solution, so I'm left with
> fighting weeds on a daily bases. I am a sun lover and adore summer, last
> summer was the first time in my life that I couldn't wait for summer to be
> over. I was exhausted and I have nothing to remember for my 2016 summer
> except pulling weeds all most every day for the whole entire spring, summer,
> and fall.
> In August I noticed 2 mosquito bites on my elbow and 2 on my inner left
> thigh. The bites were very itchy just like normal mosquito bites, so I
> didn't think anything of it. I also noticed my nails were black underneath.
> I thought it was dirt from the garden, to spite that I was showering every
> single day and cleaning my nails, the next morning they would be filthy
> again. Again I thought it strange but I justified it in my head as to much
> gardening. In August my husband and I visited a few local restaurants and
> spent two nights in a motel in north Ontario for a weekend away.
> I wanted to try my hand at building a small business doing something I love
> so I decided to start making my own bracelets and selling them online. I
> have always loved costume jewellery and to spite my vision problems, I have
> been taught that there is nothing I can't do. My mother always said "try and
> if you fail, oh well, life goes on. Try different things until you find
> something you are good at and you love doing." So I talked to my mom and
> husband and they both backed me as they always do. My mother who adores me
> spent over six thousand dollars to buy my supplies, and encouraged me on a
> daily bases. My husband turned half of my computer room into a work space
> with special lighting, magnifying contraptions, shelving, etc. My husband
> and mom bought me bins with dividers and I spent months sorting beads and
> other supplies by color, size, and type. I got help from someone on one of
> these mailing lists and he helped me to create labels to label all these
> bins. Everything was going great, or so I thought.
> I spent hours teaching myself how to make these beautiful bracelets, I
> finally got the hang of it after much trial and error and I was ready to go.
> I registered on etsy.com and opened up a Facebook small business page. I
> bought more supplies to host a launching party with food, drinks, and gifts
> for my guests to introduce them to my creations and my new business. While
> all this was happening, I noticed in October that the mosquito bites were
> not going away. They had become scabby and even more itchier.
> I showed my mom and she justified it just like I had done in my mind. Due to
> my type two diabetes they were taking a long time to heal as many things do
> when you have diabetes.
> At the beginning of November as some of you already know, I started to have
> problems with my right eye. Long story short for those who don't know, I
> suffer from a cornea disease. My cornea was trying to break. This had
> happened before but this time it was persistent and my doctor had to try
> different medications to stop the cornea from breaking. While I was battling
> this cornea problem I noticed my right arm becoming very itchy and the two
> mosquito bites had now become 10. I was so worried about my eye that I put
> this arm problem aside until I solve this cornea issue. I thought I was
> having an allergic reaction to something.
> By the beginning of December my whole entire arm from the elbow down was
> covered in scabby itchy pimples. I thought oh my God what's going on? I
> changed my soap, detergent, and started to watch what I was eating. Due to
> the cornea problem and the Christmas holidays I didn't get to my family
> doctor until January.
> By January both my arms were covered in these strange itchy things. The
> doctor looked at my arms and fingers and said oh don't worry it's nothing,
> you have scabies.
> Pardon my language but I answered what the hell is scabies?
> She said it's a bug sometimes humans get. Usually from sex but since your
> husband doesn't have it and you didn't cheat on him you got it from the
> motel you stayed at, or from a shopping mall, or someone hugged you who has
> it. She continued on to say it will be gone in a few weeks. She said it's
> contagious but since you will be treating yourself in the next week don't
> worry about it.
> She gave me a lotion with pesticide in it and told me to apply it to my
> whole body from the knec down before bedtime and shower after 12 hours in
> the morning. She said do not apply to face and scalp because scabies don't
> go there and it's not safe.
> She said repeat this process one week later. During this week of treatment
> vacuum the house every day and wash linens and all clothing warn every day.
> So off I went astonished at what I had heard. Where the heck did I get
> something like this. Oh well I thought it will soon be over, or so I
> believed.
> On my way to the pharmacy to pick up the lotion full of embarrassment I kept
> on thinking about the doctor's words when she said to me, "zoe I know you
> are a clean person and your house is clean but this illness has nothing to
> do with cleanliness, rich, or pour. Anyone can contract this disease. 
> She continued on to say because you are type 2 diabetic your immune system
> is compromised and so it's easier for you to catch something like this. The
> scabby pimples on your arms, are the bugs laying eggs and leaving their
> pheacies  behind. The body has an allergic reaction to those things. I cried
> all the way to the pharmacy. I went home and began the treatment as the
> doctor had described. My husband and I slept in separate bedrooms and I kept
> away from my mom just encase.
> I put my bracelet business on hold thinking it's only a few weeks. I
> laundered every day running my clothing through the dryer three times to
> make sure I kill everything that could be on my clothing.
> I got depressed but my family reminded me of everything the doctor told me
> and I was consoled and thought to myself what am I crying about this will be
> over soon.
> Boy was I wrong.
> One week later when I was finished the treatment I was still itchy and the
> scabs were still there. I called the doctor and she confirmed what I had
> read online that the body would slowly extract the pheacies and eggs and
> eventually the itchiness would go away, it would take about six weeks for
> everything to return to normal. By the way by mid-January I could no longer
> sleep, the itchiness would keep me up all night itching, burning and crying
> from pain and sleeplessness.
> During January I attended the funeral of a beloved older man who had passed
> away suddenly and I had visited his widow and also I visited a 96 year old
> woman who I have known since I was born, who is like a grandma to me, not to
> mention the hospital visits for my cornea, the Christmas parties and
> services in my church. I thought my God I hope no one caught this from me
> and at the thought I was devastated. My family consoled me saying Zoe you
> didn't know what it was, it's not your fault.
> During the six week period after the treatment I decided to take precautions
> just encase. I stopped going to church, visiting people, I didn't allow
> anyone to come over, I didn't do daily things like banking, grocery
> shopping, etc. I continued to vacuum every day, cleaned the house
> diligently, and of course laundry every single day. My husband and I stayed
> away from each other accept for the occasional peck on the lips quickly.
> I was miserable but this would soon be over.
> I began to make Easter plans, my bracelet launching party, plans, and
> planned for my step daughters visit in the summer to meet our new
> granddaughter.
> Things were not as the doctor or I thought.
> At the end of the six week mark, I was itchier than ever. The pimples had
> spread to other parts of my body and they were scabbier than ever. I made a
> doctor's appointment again and off I went.
> She looked at my body and said "these are scabies I'm absolutely 100% sure,
> but if the medication didn't work, I don't know what else I can do for you,
> so I will send you to a specialist, a dermatologist."
> In the next week after that disappointing appointment I began to feel bugs
> walking in my hair, nose, and ears. My sleep was next to nothing and it
> started to show. My hair was down to my waist and I sat in the garage and
> cut it all off while my mother watched me and cried.
> My husband went to the drug store and got me extra strength Benadryl to help
> with the itchiness and sleep. I began to take one every night to knock me
> out. I started to research my problem online.
> What I read was not encouraging at all.
> I began to read horror stories of people who had scabies and couldn't get
> rid of them because these bugs have become resistant to the medications
> offered by doctors. Further I read stories of people who were diagnosed with
> delusional paratosis and some were even locked up in looney bins. I thought
> to myself, well don't believe everything you read on the internet. Since
> general medicine couldn't help me and I had gotten the call from the
> doctor's office that my dermatologist's appointment would not take place
> until April 10th, I decided to try some home remedies to get rid of them.
> Here the hell began.
> I read that diluted bleach in water would kill them. Not true, I smelled
> like chlorine and about 5 bugs fell off me.
> I read that 12 days of white vinegar on the body would kill them. I also
> went to a natural pharmacy and they told me to shower with castile soap
> every day and let the soap dry on me. When my body absorbed the castile soap
> then I should slather neem oil all over my body.
> Neem oil smells like rotten peanuts and or diarrhea in my opinion. Every
> night for the next 12 days I got in the shower, lathered the soap on me,
> waited half an hour for it to dry, lathered neem oil on me from head to tow,
> wore tight clothing to bed, (tights, socks, turtle neck, full flannel
> sheets, and a thick winter blanket), in the morning I showered with extra
> strength neem and rosemary soap. After the shower I applied coconut oil to
> my whole body  and then applied vinegar 3 times a day to my whole entire
> body. This was my life for the next 12 days.
> Result, every day I would find 20 to 30 dead bugs on my body, so I thought
> great it's working. At the end of the 12 days my skin was badly burned from
> the vinegar.
> Now I had hardly any hair and a burnt body and face.
> I began to suffer greatly. My body was stinging and hurting and the bugs
> were not gone.
> I tried lice shampoo even though I read online that it doesn't work for
> scabies. They were right it didn't work. I would pick them out with a lice
> comb every day until my scalp was so badly scratched I couldn't take it
> anymore. I tried hydrogen peroxide, it did kill many but didn't get rid of
> them.
> I researched more online and found a study based in Australia that said that
> in a study done the only thing that killed resistant scabies was clove oil.
> They are in the process of developing medicine for scabies with its base
> being clove oil.
> I started reading up on people who had used clove oil and most swore that
> they got rid of them. There were a few people who said it didn't work for
> them. I went to the natural place and bought bottles of clove oil.
> I diluted clove oil with coconut oil so that it doesn't burn me and began to
> apply to my whole body every day.
> At night I still used the neem oil.
> Didn't work, I further burned my body and the bugs were still there.
> Starting to panic because I felt the bug activity getting worse, I took a
> bottle of castile soap and mixed it with neem oil and began to shower with
> that. Every time I applied this to my head and body I felt the bugs jumping
> for fear or joy, who knows with the dam things.
> I began to leave this on me and waited for 20 minutes before I washed off.
> They would fall in the tub dead. I thought great something is finally
> working.
> After 2 weeks of this, the bugs were still not gone even though 40 50 bugs
> would fall in the shower every day, sometimes even twice a day.
> During all of this I read that the only thing that will get rid of them is
> an old remedy of sulphur soap. I searched high and low in Toronto but no one
> seemed to have it. Finally I found it on amazon and ordered it along with
> sulphur cream and sulphur ointment.
> Finally these things came and a new routine began.
> Every morning I would shower with the castile neem oil mixture, I would
> leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off, then I would lather on the sulphur
> soap, leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off. I would get out of the
> shower and lather on the coconut oil. Thousands of bugs would come out of my
> skin. My mom and husband would wear gloves and pick them off my skin and
> dispose of them safely. At night I would lather the neem oil all over me and
> slather on sulphur ointment on my head and sulphur cream on my face.
> This continued for about 10 days.
> The bug population on my skin diminished every day, but at the end of 10
> days my skin was blistering and drying so bad I began to have horrible pain.
> Every time I got in the shower I screamed of pain. I could again not sleep
> from the pain.
> However the pimples were now nothing but faded scars, so I thought great
> this is working so I said to myself clench your teeth and bear it if it
> means these things would finally be gone.
> I also found online a sight called earth clinic and they said to drink 1
> litre of distilled water mixed with 1/8 teaspoon of borox every day, 5 days
> on and 2 days off, also to supplement this by drinking half a teaspoon of
> natural baking soda mixed with half cup of distilled water morning and
> night. They explained how this destroys a fungus in their gut and doesn't
> allow them to digest properly and will help to get rid of them if they are
> in your blood.
> I also read that the world health organization says untreated people with
> scabies results in kidney failure, heart failure, and even death in some
> cases.
> Obviously with all of this information, pain, treatments, and isolation I
> began to cry from morning to night and started to suffer physically and
> emotionally.
> Bracelet business? What bracelet business. Friends? I couldn't see any
> friends. Email and computers? Non-existent.
> Easter was coming, for me the most important and biggest holiday of my faith
> and existence. I could not go to church, 
> I could not see my goddaughter to give her gifts for Easter. I could not
> cook or make plans for Easter. I could not take communion. I began to spend
> my days when not treating in my garage sitting on a plastic chair covered
> with a plastic bag, swotting the bugs away and crying. With hardly any sleep
> it was taking its toll on me. I couldn't eat because I was afraid the bugs
> would fall into my food, I began to lose weight. 
> Even though the pimples were gone, and thousands of dead bugs would come out
> of my body, even though my skin was now badly damaged the bugs persisted in
> my scalp and face.
> My husband wore a plastic bag over his body and with plastic gloves he
> shaved my head and plucked my eye brows.
> Now I was a worse looking freak then before. Bald, no eye brows, dermatitis,
> burnt skin, tired and it showed, and still with bugs.
> Finally April 10th came and I was so excited to go to the dermatologist and
> finally get some help.
> I wore a shower cap and gloves and went to the doctor making sure not to
> touch anyone or anything for fear of spreading this awful thing to any other
> human being.
> I told the doctor everything I have described to you guys, and then it
> happened my worst fears came true. He looked at my scalp with glasses and
> examined my skin and said, "you don't have scabies, there are no signs of
> crusted pimples, it's all in your head." I responded doctor don't you see
> the scars on my body, I have topically treated for so long that the pimples
> are gone, but the bugs are still there." He said "no they are not you have
> delusional paratosis." My husband popped up and said doctor I have seen the
> bugs coming out of her body, we find them dead in the tub and on her
> clothing. He answered you guys are nuts, and if there is bugs then prove it
> put them in a bottle and bring them to me, she has a bad case of dermatitis
> and she's nuts."
> I was shocked and couldn't believe my ears, everything I had read on the net
> was true.
> I went home and cried until my body could no longer produce any more tears.
> I contacted other scabie sufferers online and they told me it would be hard
> to find a doctor to help because they don't want to admit that the meds they
> give you don't work. Everyone told me that those who chose to take the
> bottled bugs to the doctor got no results. The doctors refused to examine
> the bugs or send them for analysis and many of them were forcibly locked up.
> My family and I had a long conversation and came to the conclusion that the
> only thing that could help me was the home remedies and we would not take
> the chance of me being locked up with a diagnosis of delusional paratosis.
> By this time I could no longer do the sulphur treatment on a daily bases for
> now I was greatly suffering. I lessoned the sulphur showers to 1 every three
> days and still my skin was suffering.
> I throughout my area rugs, laundry hampers, runners, old blankets, computer
> chairs, I spent no time in my house accept at night to go to bed on my
> covered bed with heavy duty plastic bags. I wore a shower cap and gloves at
> night, but the shower cap caused broozes on my head. Easter came and left,
> and I didn't bake like I do every year, I didn't cook, I didn't go to
> church, I didn't celebrate with my family, (even though they sent me lots of
> food and sweets), all I did was cry, swat bugs all day, and continued to
> treat myself in hopes that this one day would be gone.
> During all of this my mom who picked the bugs off me every day and cried  at
> the sight of her only child suffering so much developed a lump in her
> breast, (which we are waiting for results).
> When she went to the doctor to have this lump checked out she told the
> secretary what's going on. The secretary who is in her fourth year of
> becoming a homeopath doctor suggested she try to help me.
> Her teacher could help me if I could afford to pay her. The Canadian
> government doesn't cover homeopathic medicine and I have no private
> insurance, so I'm stuck with a kind hearted student who is paying for my
> homeopath medicine and trying to help me. I know she's a student and I'm
> kind of her gini pig but at this point I have no choice. I stopped all home
> remedy treatments and I'm following her instructions.
> Tomorrow is one week since I started following her instructions. I have had
> one good night of sleep, I've hardly eaten anything in a week, The bug
> activity has gotten worse, and I'm severely suffering.
> Not to mention I have ten thousand dollars' worth of bracelet supplies
> sitting in a room collecting dust, while my pour 70 year old mother is
> trying to pay this debt off. My husband and I have maxed out our credit
> cards on neem oil, clove oil, plastic bags, plastic gloves, sulphur
> products, distilled water, vinegar, and anything else you can think of. We
> are barely making ends meet and we are afraid of losing our house and still
> looking and hoping for a cure.
> I don't know if this is going to work, I thought about killing myself but my
> faith in God is strong and that has kept me from taking action. I pray to
> the good Lord to take pity on me and grant me his mercies and compassions
> and heal me.
> I pray that he guides this young student to find a solution to my problem.
> Even as I write this email the bugs are attacking me. It has taken me all
> day to write this email because I'm fighting with the bugs. I have to stop
> every other word to get them out of my nose, ears, and swot them off my
> head.
> By the way I collected some bugs in a bottle and the young student looked at
> them with a microscope and confirmed that I'm not crazy and these are
> scabies.
> Please everyone forgive me for this very long email and pray for me.
> I don't know when I'll be back or even if I will ever be cured but I wanted
> everyone to know why I'm leaving my favourite mailing lists, and I will miss
> you all, I will miss reading your solutions to all problems related to the
> mac, PC, iPhone, etc. I will miss the delicious recipes amongst other
> things.
> I hope that if one day I am cured you will all accept me back and then I
> will let you know how I got cured if you're interested.
> Again my apologies to the list owners and moderators for the off topic post
> and long email.
> May all of you be well and most importantly healthy. Without health nothing
> is of importance.
> Tell your friends and families how much you love them because you never know
> what could happen to you. The worst horror movie or nightmare you have ever
> seen could come true like my case.
> Thanks to those who took the time to read such a long email.
> By the way one of the hardest things is not being able to hug your loved
> ones. My husband has cried like a child because he can't hug or kiss me. If
> these bugs don't kill me, and the emotional and physical pain doesn't kill
> me I will emerge stronger and with heck of a tale to tell those who want to
> listen. Be well all from an isolated, suffering, but hopeful human being
> somewhere in Toronto.
> Sincerely 
> Zoe
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