A list of grant and loan programs.


1. Members of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) & 
Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU)
Members of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) can join 
the Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) to take advantage of access loans to 
assist someone with a disability. To use the services of the DCU you must first 
join the AAPD. Membership is only $15. To join both AAPD and the Digital 
Federal Credit Union (DCU) at the same time, you can do so from the DCU website 
at www.dcu.org or by calling them at 800-328-8797. At the DCU website click on 
Loans/Visa and then other loans and then Mobility Vehicles and Access Loans. 
The Access Loans can be for up to 72 months and require no down payment.

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2. The Assistive Technology Fund (for Residents of the United States)
Assistive Technology Fund (ATF) which is operated by the Association of Blind 
Citizens. If the person qualifies the ATF will provide funds to pay for 50% of 
the MSRP of the adaptive device. The applicant must be legally blind and a 
resident of the USA. Applications are submitted by email 
(a...@blindcitizens.org) only. Go to www.blindcitizens.org for more details 
(look for Assistive Technology Fund in the left column), and to see the 
qualifications and the application.

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3. National Assistive Technology Technical Assistance Partnership (NATTAP)
The 56 state and territory programs are funded under the Assistive Technology 
Act of 1998, as amended. State Assistive Technology Act programs work to 
improve the provision of assistive technology to individuals with disabilities 
of all ages through comprehensive statewide programs of technology-related 
assistance. Additionally, the programs support activities designed to maximize 
the ability of individuals with disabilities and their family members, 
guardians, and advocates to access and obtain assistive technology devices and 
services. http://www.resnaprojects.org/nattap/

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4. National: International Association of Lions Clubs
Many Lions Clubs provide vocational assistance to persons who are legally 
blind. The international office refers requests for equipment or other 
assistance to the appropriate district offices.
300 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842
(800) 747-4448

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State Specific Assistance
1. Assistive Technology Resource Project Resources (by State)

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California Department of Rehabilitation
2000 Evergreen
Sacramento, CA 95815
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 944222
Sacramento, CA 94244-2220
Information and Referral: Colin Corby
Project Director: Kathi Mowers Moore
Phone: (916) 263-8687
TTY: (916) 263-8685
FAX: (916) 263-8683
E-mail: kmow...@dor.ca.gov
Homepage: http://www.atnet.org

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Department of Social Services, BRS
25 Sigourney St., 11th Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
Project Director: John M. Ficarro
Phone: (860) 424-4881
Phone: (800) 537-2549 (In-State)
TTY: (860) 424-4839
FAX: (860) 424-4850
E-mail: ct...@aol.com
Homepage: http://www.cttechact.com

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4. Georgia Assistive Technology Loan Program 
Credit-Able, the Georgia Assistive Technology Loan Program, provides 
low-interest loans through participating credit unions to enable Georgians with 
disabilities access to affordable financing for Assistive Technology and Home & 
Vehicle Modifications.


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5. Idaho Assistivie Technology Project 
The IATP is a federally funded program administered by the Center on 
Disabilities and Human Development at the University of Idaho, in partnership 
with the Idaho Community Foundation, KeyBank, and Zions Bank. The low interest 
rate offered by the program can often help a person to obtain a loan who 
wouldn’t qualify under traditional loan programs. Contact: Julie Magelky at 
1-800-432-8324 or visit www.idahoat.org

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6. Iowa Compass
Iowa COMPASS provides information to Iowa consumers and family members about 
potential sources of funding for the purchase of assistive technology. 

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7. Kentucky Residents
The Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation (KATLC) offers low interest 
loans through its lending partners for qualified applicants who need any type 
of equipment or home modification that will increase a person to become more 
independent. For more information please visit: http://www.katlc.ky.gov/

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8. Louisiana Assistive Technology program
Residents of the state of Louisiana may be eligible for federally/state funding 
for equipment with special low-interest rates through LATAN’s Assertive 
Technology Loan Program . LATAN’s Assistive Technology Loan Program provides an 
alternative, affordable source of funding to assist people with disabilities 
purchase assistive technology through a special loan program. The 
reduced-interest, fixed-rate, extended-term loan program provides a worthwhile 
option in the funding maze facing consumers who need to purchase assistive 
technology to improve or maintain their level of independence, to increase or 
maintain their productivity, or to improve their quality of life. 

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9. Maine Division for the Blind & Visually Impaired 
If you have a vision problem that prevents you from carrying out the activities 
of daily living, getting an education or a job, there is help. The Division for 
the Blind and Visually Impaired can provide many services to persons with 
severe visual impairments.

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10. Maryland Residents
Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority For Maryland residents provides 
product purchase assistance under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998. For 
more information please visit: http://www.mdod.maryland.gov/mtap.aspx?id=180

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11. Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund
3401 E. Saginaw. Suite 216
Lansing, MI 48912
People with disabilities and seniors can use this program to borrow money to 
buy assistive equipment. People can buy many items including: wheelchairs, 
scooter, ramps, modified vehicles, computers, electronic magnifiers and CCTV’s
Phone: 800.828-2714
Fax: 517.203.1203
E-Mail: i...@michiganloanfunds.org
Updated: 08/03/2010

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12. MonTECH – Montana’s Statewide Assistive Technology Program
Providing Access to Assistive Technology Tools, Resources and Supports for 
University of Montana’s Rural Institute – MonTECH
700 S.W. Higgins Ave., Suite 250
Missoula, MT 59803
Program Director: Kathleen Laurin, Ph.D.
Phone: (406)243-5751
Phone: (877)243-5511 (in-state toll-free)
TTY: (406)243-4200
FAX: (406)243-4730
E-mail: mont...@ruralinstitute.umt.edu
Website: http://montech.ruralinstitute.umt.edu/

MonTECH’s Assistive Technology Program offers a Financial Loan Program to 
assist Montanans with disabilities or their supports in obtaining assistive 
technology equipment. Eligible AT equipment may include but is not limited to: 
devices for vision, hearing, and communication; computers and software; 
wheelchairs, scooters and mobility systems; electronic aids for daily living; 
recreational devices and modifications; and home modifications.
A variety of Enhanced Vision’s Low Vision products are on display in the 
MonTECH Demonstration Center and are also available for trial purposes through 
the MonTECH Equipment Loan Program.

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13. Michigan Residents
The Michigan Disability Rights Coalition (MDRC) has established the Assistive 
Technology Loan Fund to help people with disabilities purchase assistive 
technology devices and services. The Loan Fund provides low-cost financing to 
persons with disabilities to purchase assistive technology devices that allow 
for greater access, enhanced communication and job opportunities. For more 
information please visit: http://www.copower.org/

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Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
1110 Navaho Drive, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27609-7322
Project Director: Ricki Hiatt
Phone: (919) 850-2787 (V/TTY)
FAX: (919) 850-2792
E-mail: nc...@mindspring.com
Website: http://www.ncatp.org/

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15. Ohio Residents
Assistive Technology of Ohio (AT Ohio) is a federally funded nonprofit 
organization housed at The Ohio State University. AT Ohio’s mission is to help 
Ohioans with disabilities learn about or acquire assistive technology. 
Assistive Technology refers to devices, equipment or services that assist 
individuals with disabilities to function independently in the areas of work, 
home or schoolOhio is the officially designated tech act program for Ohio.


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Institute on Disabilities

Ritter Annex 423
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Project Director: Amy Goldman
Phone: (800) 204-PIAT (7428) (In-State only)
TTY: (800) 750-PIAT (In-State only)
V/TTY: (215) 204-1356
FAX: (215) 204-9371
E-mail: p...@astro.temple.edu

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17. Utah Assistive Technology Foundation
The Utah Assistive Technology Foundation is a private, non-profit organization 
that works with Zions Bankof Utah to provide zero and low-interest loans to 
purchase assistive technology and telework devices. The UATF also offers some 
small grants ($250 or less) on a limited basis through non-federal funding to 
families who meet federal poverty guidelines. The goal of the UATF is to 
enhance the independence, education, employment, and quality of life for Utah 
citizens with disabilities. For more information please visit: 

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18. Vermont Residents
The Mission of the Vermont Assistive Technology Program is to increase 
awareness and knowledge, and to change policies and practices to ensure 
assistive technology is available through all services to Vermonters with 


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19. Virginia Residents
Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority For Virginia residents provides loans 
for wheelchairs, motorized scooters, Braille equipment, hearing aids, low 
vision aids, communication systems, environmental control devices, building 
modifications for accessibility or telecommunication devices for the deaf. For 
more information please visit: www.atlfa.org

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20. Washington Assistive Technology Foundation
Providing Assistive Technology resources and expertise to all Washingtonians 
with disabilities to aid in making decisions and obtaining the technology and 
related services needed for employment, education and independent living.

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21. Washington Residents
Lions Foundation of Washington works with each chapter in the state of 
Washington and will typically pay for half the cost of a video magnifier with 
the chapter picking up the other half. The end-user needs to be evaluated at 
one of the Lions Low Vision Clinics in the state in order to start the process. 
For more information about this program please contact Gael at the Lions Low 
Vision Clinic of Bellevue at 425-558-4228.


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22. Wisconsin Loan Program 
The program is open to Wisconsin residents of all ages who have a disability. 
There are no income requirements, and individuals are not required to exhaust 
personal or public funding. Under the program, banks provide loans to qualified 
borrowers. Loan amounts depend on the item purchased and the ability to repay 
the loan.

The nice thing about science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not.

From: Donna Goodin 
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 12:49 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Re: Refreshable Braille devices?


If you're in the U.S., contact your state rehab/blindness organization.  They 
will probably tie the purchase to education or employment, and may also exert 
control over which device they will purchase for you, but it's a start.

  On Jul 24, 2017, at 11:40 AM, Rebecca Sabo <beckyas...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Hi all
  Is there a program or grant program out there to buy a braille display I 
really would like one?

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jul 24, 2017, at 10:07 AM, Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com> wrote:

  I've used both the Ultra and the Edge, and though of course this is just my 
opinion, I think the Ultra is a far superior device.  It's smaller, lighter, 
much more solidly built, and has much better functionality.  I like HIMS as a 
company, but I think they kind of dropped the ball with the Edge. 

    On Jul 24, 2017, at 10:51 AM, Mary Otten <motte...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi Les,
    I agree that devices like the altar are very expensive. But, based on what 
the original poster said she wanted, it sounds like that device would meet her 
needs. Perhaps the Edgewood as well. I know it's less expensive. I am just not 
that familiar with its capabilities in terms of notetaking and file 
transferring, particularly to a Mac. But I think it is about $1000 or perhaps a 
bit more than that cheaper, if that makes any sense.

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Jul 24, 2017, at 8:39 AM, Les Kriegler <kriegle...@gmail.com> wrote:

      Hi Mary,

      In my opinion, all the no takers including the ultra or overpriced. The 
ultra the last time I checked for the 40 so my will cost her about $4000. Not 
worth it in my opinion for what you get. Anybody who buys a blind is no taking 
device is really paying premium for it.

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Jul 24, 2017, at 10:36 AM, Mary Otten <motte...@gmail.com> wrote:

        If you don't want the full blown capability of a very expensive 
blindness note taker, such as the new Polaris, you might consider the varrio 
ultra. That has the ability to transfer files with a USB stick. And it also has 
note taking capability. It has an excellent warranty. Some people also find it 
more complicated than the traditional regular braille displays such as the 
edge. They do have excellent US customer support, as well as an online manual, 
and an active helpful email list. This display comes in 20 or 40 sell links. It 
has a text reader, word processor, PDF reader, spreadsheet viewer and others. 
What it does not have our things like the ability to fetch email or connect to 
the Internet. That is where you would need the full note taker, but then you're 
also going to be paying a whole lot more. And if you're good with your iPhone 
and your Mac, really, who needs that? 

        Sent from my iPhone

        On Jul 24, 2017, at 3:08 AM, Caitlyn Furness 
<caitlyn.furn...@gmail.com> wrote:

          Personally, I love any of the Hims devices, so these are things like 
the new polaris and the U2, braille sense line of products.  The braille is 
nice and crisp, and the devices themselves are just very well made.

          I can’t speak about anything made by humanware except the brilliant, 
but that’s a full sized display and doesn’t have the capability to store files, 
just access what’s on the computer when you are hooked up to it.

          I think the braille edge from Hims also works somewhat like a braille 
note taker, but am not sure on that.

          I’ve had no troubles getting files from the mac onto the braille 
sense.  when I attach it to my mac with a USB cable, the device comes up like 
any other drive, and I can copy and paste things from one to the other, 
although it takes a long time.  Of course, you can also use a usb stick to 
transfer files, or the sd card.

          HTH, and I’ll be interested to see what others have to say on this as 


            On Jul 23, 2017, at 6:26 PM, Sarah Amelia Sackville McLauchlan 
<phantom.va...@gmail.com> wrote:

            Hi all!

            So am looking for some advice/guidance before I go out and start 
applying for assistive tech grant money.  I used to use the BrailleNote, but 
mine died a long time ago.  And even before it did, I was starting to run into 
compatibility issues between it, the program I used to transfer files to my old 
computer (a PC in those days), and the computer itself.  Plus, of course, I've 
since switched to Mac, which I don't think my BrailleNote was compatible with 
anyway.  So now I'm without a Braille device!  But I really want to get another 
one.  What's compatible with Mac, though?

            Basically, what I'm looking for would be a portable, refreshable 
Braille device that I can easily transfer files to from my computer and back.  
Because, although I might use it for writing sometimes, what I'd mainly be 
using it for is reading.  For example, I'd use it to read my papers when I 
present at conferences, or my poetry/fiction at reading events.  Though, I 
might use it for private reading too.  So are there devices in the Mac 
compatible world that will allow me to do that?

            Anyway, thanks.  :-) I figured that, if anyone would know, it'd be 
folks here!

            Sent from my iPad

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