Hi all. While I have a souped up iMac as my main machine, I've kept a
2009 white mac book core 2 duo machine with two gigs of ram around for
just simple stuff;google, youtube, skype, that sort of thing.

I'm replacing the hard drive with an ssd but would like opinions
regarding what version of OSX to drop into her once I install the new

I don't use this machine a lot but like with all my technology, I like
to keep up with updates. I remember that snow lepard was fine,
lion/mountain lion were fine, Yosemite seemed fine from what I
remember... I don't remember mavericks or el capatan on this machine
so don't have an opinion either way on those two versions.

When we come to siera and high siera though, I'm not sure if the
machine just can't handle the strain these new versions are putting on
her or if it's the tired mechanical hd slowly kicking the bucket but
it's almost unuseable, even with no apps running. I know it's pushing
it but the machine was listed as compatible for siera and the
installer for high siera proceeded without giving me a compatibility
error or anything...

So, once I drop in this new ssd, what version of OSX should I go back
to and more importantly, how do you find them exactly? In the app
store, they don't seem to be available anymore;just high siera...

And no, I can't use super duper for example to clone my imac because
1, it's running siera, and 2, the ssd is pretty full and I don't want
to deal with getting rid of all that stuff on the mac book.

Any feedback from anybody out there?



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