Okay, I’m assuming that you are accessing this via the web I hope? Two what version of the iPhone are you running, what version of Bio OS are you running? Because I’ve never had a problem with the Facebook app however what I do run into trouble I just go to the web and use the web interface. I also when using Facebook messenger use a older wrap because the accessibility is better. However it is a OS X app. And when using the actual Facebook website should I run into problems then I go use the mobile site on the computer. Hopefully these few suggestions might be helpful to some.

Sincerely Maurice Mines.
Amateur callsign kd0iko.
VP national Federation of the blind of California Bakersfield chapter.
Official email address, maur...@mauricemines.org.

On 27 May 2019, at 5:42, Anders Holmberg wrote:

I have heard that it eats up battery so i have decided to remove it from my Iphone.
Maybe it will speed it up too.
I will try.

26 maj 2019 kl. 22:13 skrev Petrus Tuerlings <petrus.t...@gmail.com>:

Hi all,
I made an interesting observation on the weekend regarding the facebook app for the iPhone. I finally deleted my facebook account and the associated Apps off my iPhone. I have an 8+ and as soon as I deleted the facebook app and the messenger app off it the speed of my phone went back to the speed it was running when I first got it. I hadn’t really notice it slowing down over the last year as it was gradual, I could have a conspiracy theory about facebook, but I’m guessing it was just a very hungry app as far as using up resources on the device.
Not sure if anyone else has noticed this?
Sent from Petrus' MacBook

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