Yeah it’s turning into a major cluster word sounding like duck,

I’m sad to say apple have really dropped the ball on these operating systems 
this year.

From: <> On 
Behalf Of Petrus Tuerlings
Sent: Thursday, 17 October 2019 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Apple's Destructive MacOS Catalina Update Betrays Trust In Your 
Broken MacBook Pro

Yeah, and I was only thinking last night that I might get the Overdrive App for 
the Mac so I could download books onto my Mac using it. But that doesn’t look 
like it will be worth it now.

On 17/10/2019, at 12:19, Simon A Fogarty 
<<>> wrote:

It's interesting that I've just been speaking to a sighted friend wh says their 
mac book and they say they don't want to replace it as they have I've just  
been speaking to a sighted friend who's mac book has just died and they are 
going for an iPad mini rather than a new replacement mac book due to the feed 
back they are hearing about Catalina,
So obviously the sighted world is not happy with the  way apple are currently 
doing things related to their operating systems

I wish steve jobs would come back!

Can someone dig him up for us,.

-----Original Message-----
<<>> On 
Behalf Of dan d.
Sent: Thursday, 17 October 2019 6:40 AM
Subject: Apple's Destructive MacOS Catalina Update Betrays Trust In Your Broken 
MacBook Pro


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