Hi Unita, interesting take on the mailer situation and/or fix, did you ever get 
my message about which distribution makes the best sense to run on a virtual 
machine on the same computer as I only have one computer. And one note taker.

I’m trying to decide between Ubuntu 19, or the talking arched Lennix 
distribution that I downloaded. The issue with Ubuntu is getting some kind of 
software speech out of it. Since I certainly cannot rely on VoiceOver, or is 
there a way to make this work?

Sincerely Maurice Mines.

> On Mar 29, 2020, at 22:23, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Andrew:
> I will attempt my own answer to your questions. Karen will likely have
> her own answer for you.
> I'm unaccustomed to hearing that term applied to a machine running a
> Linux as it's one and only OS; however, it is true that you can do a lot
> from the Linux CLI. Looking at the items in your list one by one:
> email
> Absolutely. Current best choice, imo, would be mutt for your user agent.
> That's what I'm using write now to write this email to you.
> You can run your complete email solution, in fact. You'll notice my
> emails don't come from some third party, but rather from my own personal
> domain, rednote.net, where I accept emails from the Internet and send
> out via the Internet. I happen to use an application called sendmail as
> my MTA, my "mail transfer agent." Were I starting from scratch today,
> I'd probably rather go with postfix than sendmail.
> Web browser
> I still use lynx all the time. However, there's much it can't do today
> for which a graphical-based browser is essential.
> So the answer here is, "no."
> document creation
> Absolutely yes.
> You will soon need to decide whether you're a vim or an emacs kind of
> person. Those are the two top choices for character based editing tools
> on the cli. There are a few others, but you really want to settle one
> one or the other of these. The choice between these two is very much
> about personal preference. Ask for advice and you risk retriggering the
> oldest flame war in starnixland: i.e. star nix for *nix meaning all the
> various flavors of unix like systems including Linux, and including the
> BSD on which Apple is based.
> You'll also use tools like pandoc and markdown.
> Your senior level thesis will be written in latex, which you can then
> use for the remainder of your days.
> PS: I am also my own phone company via my Linux server. Yet another
> story for another day.
> Best,
> Janina
> 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries writes:
>> I’m going to show my utter ignorance.  What do you mean by virgin only linux 
>> machine?  I don’t lack education but in computers/operating systems, I’m a 
>> baby so I need little steps.  So do you mean pure Linux?  And does this 
>> exist?  Can we therefore run email, web browser, document creation like in 
>> an office suite only from command line? I’d like to think that and would 
>> happily work hard to attempt to learn.  Is this what’s meant?
>> Andrew
>>> On 29 Mar 2020, at 19:07, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
>>> If I follow, that would not be the case  if one created a virgin Linux only 
>>> machine  though correct?
>>> having never been a windows user, I was simply  wondering if one could use 
>>> the   Linux command line platform in its entirety, but it seems that is not 
>>> the case.
>>> These days even DOS has Links the chain.
>>> And   as you did not include elinks I am guessing that browser tool is no 
>>> longer an option?
>>> Kare
>>> On Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries wrote:
>>>> Karen:
>>>> It would be the same as you're already familiar with from other Linux
>>>> situations. It's just the plain old Linux console, so the two likely
>>>> options are lynx the cat or links the chain.
>>>> Of course, you still have the option to Alt-TAB your way to the Windows
>>>> desktop for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Janina
>>>> Karen Lewellen writes:
>>>>> Enjoying this exchange.
>>>>> I am wondering what browsers are used in  either this command line
>>>>> environment, or the one you illustrated for Andrew?
>>>>> On Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, Simon:
>>>>>> Yes, but not the graphical desktop of Ubuntu, and not the audio device
>>>>>> drivers either. Just the command line environment.
>>>>>> Learn more here:
>>>>>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
>>>>>> Note I haven't tried this under bootcamp, though I'd expect it to work.
>>>>>> Note also that I choose my words above carefully. It strikes me that
>>>>>> many people don't grok the import of command line interface only.
>>>>>> Perhaps it's because the Terminal application available in the OS X
>>>>>> Utilities folder seems such an afterthought to many people--like--what a
>>>>>> boring utility, why would I ever want it?
>>>>>> Well, it's the whole ballgame of the Microsoft Substem for Linux, and
>>>>>> it's a powerful and major part of Linux (and really all starnix)
>>>>>> environments. That's where the power users hang out, not in the point
>>>>>> and click environments.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Janina
>>>>>> Simon A Fogarty writes:
>>>>>>> Hang on what?
>>>>>>> Ubuntu will install in to windows ?
>>>>>>> That would be great if it didn't screw up my windows install
>>>>>>> How do I do this and is it something you would recommend for someone 
>>>>>>> who really hasn't touched linux in years?
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, 29 March 2020 12:00 AM
>>>>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: OT: anybody on the list using Linux in VMWare or on a 
>>>>>>> separate machine? Pls answer off list
>>>>>>> Hi, Simon:
>>>>>>> I believe Ubuntu installations are still very accessible, but I don't 
>>>>>>> know that for a fact. I'd be surprised if they weren't, but I just 
>>>>>>> don't actually know.
>>>>>>> The nice thing about trying installations is that you lose nothing by 
>>>>>>> trying. The virgin environment is one you can quite comfortably blow up 
>>>>>>> and start over on without losing a thing. In fact, it's a way to gain 
>>>>>>> knowledge. Unhappy with the choices you made installing? No problem, 
>>>>>>> start over. You lose nothing.
>>>>>>> It's not as if you had years of files, email, music, and what not on 
>>>>>>> that machine, to say nothing of carefully crafted configuration files.
>>>>>>> Ubuntu is what I run on my Windows machine. Yes, Microsoft is now 
>>>>>>> supporting running Linux virtual machines inside Windows, and the best 
>>>>>>> supported of them is Ubuntu. Kind of fun using NVDA with a Ubuntu shell 
>>>>>>> to ssh into my Linux server. Works well these days now that someone 
>>>>>>> fixed NVDA focus in the terminal.
>>>>>>> Ubuntu and Debian are related in that they both use similar device and 
>>>>>>> application management, eg., you use apt to install or remove software.
>>>>>>> Here's an example to install mplayer:
>>>>>>> On Debian and Ubuntu:
>>>>>>> apt-get install mplayer
>>>>>>> On Arch (which uses pacman):
>>>>>>> pacman -S mplayer
>>>>>>> Or, more likely one of the front ends for pacman, like yay:
>>>>>>> yay -S mplayer
>>>>>>> On Fedora:
>>>>>>> dnf install mplayer
>>>>>>> The above illustrates why the power user of one kind of Linux might not 
>>>>>>> be all that helpful with a different flavor of Linux. Yes, the basic 
>>>>>>> bash (or zsh) commands are the same as on the Apple terminal, but 
>>>>>>> configuration, software management, and such is as different among 
>>>>>>> Linux flavors as on Mac (where the terminal is essentially BSD Unix).
>>>>>>> hth
>>>>>>> Janina
>>>>>>> Simon A Fogarty writes:
>>>>>>>> Hi Janina,
>>>>>>>> Your knowledge and expertise has got me interested,
>>>>>>>> What about ubuntu these days?
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries
>>>>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, 27 March 2020 6:55 PM
>>>>>>>> To: 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries
>>>>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: OT: anybody on the list using Linux in VMWare or on a
>>>>>>>> separate machine? Pls answer off list
>>>>>>>> OK, Andrew, I understand your situation. I'll give you my advice. But, 
>>>>>>>> as you've undoubtedly already learned, advice is cheap and various 
>>>>>>>> people will be passionate about their views.
>>>>>>>> So, let me give you a first things first approach as my top suggestion.
>>>>>>>> Keep it simple, and keep the main thing the main thing. Linux is a 
>>>>>>>> "some assembly" required kind of environment. If you break it, you get 
>>>>>>>> to keep both pieces.
>>>>>>>> So, forget vmware or any other virtualization. Not because they're 
>>>>>>>> unworthy, they're perfect for their task, but they're complicating 
>>>>>>>> factors that will only frustrate you. After you have experience and 
>>>>>>>> some knowledge, you can always go back there. But learning linux 
>>>>>>>> management under some vm isn't the next thing, it's getting a 
>>>>>>>> unfctioning linux in the first place. I can't stress this point enough.
>>>>>>>> That seems to leave us with a 13 year old laptop. Forget about running 
>>>>>>>> Orca or any graphical Linux desktop on 13 year old hardware. It ain't 
>>>>>>>> happening--not with your level of Linux skills (no offense intended).
>>>>>>>> Could I, with my decades of Linux experience get an accessible desktop 
>>>>>>>> working on that machine? Maybe, but not very likely. So, a word to the 
>>>>>>>> wise, and all that.
>>>>>>>> You can expect to run the text console environment, though, and that's 
>>>>>>>> where the real power and attractiveness of Linux resides, actually. 
>>>>>>>> Yes, Orca is cool and leads in some compelling feature developments. 
>>>>>>>> But, Mac and Windows are far more accessible, imo.
>>>>>>>> So, if you're uninterested in learning bash (or zsh) console based 
>>>>>>>> computing, you probably want another project.
>>>>>>>> However, if you're still on board, take heart. You have options, and 
>>>>>>>> you should be able to make Linux talk and drive your braille display 
>>>>>>>> with multiple console instances on each boot that you can readily 
>>>>>>>> switch among.
>>>>>>>> Now, getting an installation becomes the problem. At this point I 
>>>>>>>> again remind you to keep it simple. Forget wifi. You configure that 
>>>>>>>> once the machine is booting reliably, not as a condition of 
>>>>>>>> installation. Plan to connect an ethernet cable where you can avoid 
>>>>>>>> driver issues. The main thing, remember?
>>>>>>>> Forget Fedora. It's a powerful Linux distribution and it powers my 
>>>>>>>> Linux vps. I'm sending you this email via my Fedora server in the 
>>>>>>>> cloud. But the installation isn't accessible, so forget it. It just 
>>>>>>>> came off your list--and never mind that someone on some list said they 
>>>>>>>> figured out how to install Fedora with Orca. That ain't you. We're 
>>>>>>>> keeping it simple and keeping the main thing the main thing, right?
>>>>>>>> Fedora is wonderful to use, but you can't use it if you can't install 
>>>>>>>> it in our current scenario, so you're going to forget it--at least for 
>>>>>>>> now.
>>>>>>>> Debian is good. It has a cadre of true believers that wouldn't have 
>>>>>>>> anything else. Only criticism with Debian is that it's arguably too 
>>>>>>>> conversative, i.e. what you get tends to be older, more user tested 
>>>>>>>> versions of kernels and applications. I do believe it's installation 
>>>>>>>> remains quite accessible, though I don't know the particulars. I'd 
>>>>>>>> google for that info, and also see my additional resources item below.
>>>>>>>> Arch is what I run on my personal machines. There's an accessible Arch 
>>>>>>>> installer here:
>>>>>>>> https://tarch.org/
>>>>>>>> Note there's a fundamental philosophical distinction between Linux 
>>>>>>>> distros like Fedora and Debian which "snapshot" into releases from 
>>>>>>>> time to time on the one hand, and distros like Arch which never have 
>>>>>>>> releases but rather practice rolling updates day by day and hour by 
>>>>>>>> hour on the other hand.
>>>>>>>> You can also forget vinux and sonar. As you've discovered, they're 
>>>>>>>> dead.
>>>>>>>> There are newer replacements both actively maintained and in process 
>>>>>>>> of development with varying stages of maturity. I have no direct 
>>>>>>>> experience, so I won't say anything more than to note that the 
>>>>>>>> community continues to spin up distributions of Linux aimed at making 
>>>>>>>> the process easier for newbies. Years ago, I was personally involved 
>>>>>>>> in such a project myself.
>>>>>>>> Lastly, you need to be on the lists with people who focus on Linux as 
>>>>>>>> blind users. Chief of these is the blinux list:
>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list
>>>>>>>> Note you can find additional resources on the Tarch page noted above.
>>>>>>>> Remember, you're offering up 13-year old hardware for your Linux, so 
>>>>>>>> your goal is console only. In that environment you'll have Speakup 
>>>>>>>> and/or Fenrir for screen readers, and brltty for your braille display.
>>>>>>>> Those will be your main choices whether you go Debian, Arch, or 
>>>>>>>> something else.
>>>>>>>> And, you'll be using these either on bash or zsh sells.
>>>>>>>> Or, you may decide to learn emacs and emacspeak--but that's yet 
>>>>>>>> another kettle of fish that comes well after getting a function, 
>>>>>>>> accessible system working.
>>>>>>>> Good luck!
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Janina
>>>>>>>> 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries writes:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> A few years ago I had a go at trying to learn Linux but I failed and 
>>>>>>>>> gave it up. I never quite parted with the idea of ever returning to 
>>>>>>>>> it.  So firstly I’d like to find out what distro I could most 
>>>>>>>>> reliably install in VMWare Fusion or on an old Del laptop from 2007 I 
>>>>>>>>> think, and whether I could accomplish it without sighted help.  I’ve 
>>>>>>>>> been doing a lot of research on it over the last few days given I 
>>>>>>>>> have lost my work due to coronavirus and am having to stay at home.  
>>>>>>>>> When researching the accessibility of Linux, some say Fedora is 
>>>>>>>>> better, others recommend Vinux or Sonar but both Vinux and Sonar have 
>>>>>>>>> folded and have not been updated although some pages are still on the 
>>>>>>>>> web.  Debian is supposed to be accessible and I tried the last distro 
>>>>>>>>> but while I was able to start the installation after having burnt the 
>>>>>>>>> .iso to cd with sighted help, the installation failed because I was 
>>>>>>>>> unable to connect it to my wifi: Linux wasn’t finding the name of my 
>>>>>>>>> wifi at home - something wrong maybe with drivers , goodness knows.  
>>>>>>>>> Debian is supposed to have Orca and Braille support.  So yes, if I 
>>>>>>>>> could successfully install and run a Linux distro with orca and 
>>>>>>>>> Braille, I’d like to have a go at learning Linux.  It’s a tantalizing 
>>>>>>>>> prospect given linux reputation for stability and safety.  But I’m 
>>>>>>>>> rather inexperienced in terminal or command line so maybe I will fail 
>>>>>>>>> again.  Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  So if I could find 
>>>>>>>>> out a bit on which distro might be best for me, and perhaps some 
>>>>>>>>> contacts off the list to ask question, or even if a proficient linux 
>>>>>>>>> user who’s blind has the time and would be willing at some point to 
>>>>>>>>> give paid tutorials on Linux, I’d certainly feel more secure in this 
>>>>>>>>> venture.  Linux requires a whole new vocabulary whose terms I’m 
>>>>>>>>> trying to understand.
>>>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>>>>>> On 26 Mar 2020, at 06:33, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>>>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Several of us on this list are long time Linux users. What are you
>>>>>>>>>> looking for?
>>>>>>>>>> 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries writes:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> Does anybody on the list use Linux successfully either in virtual 
>>>>>>>>>>> environment or on a separate computer? Please email off list if you 
>>>>>>>>>>> wouldn’t mind sharing your experiences.
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can
>>>>>>>>>>> reach mark at:  mk...@ucla.edu and your owner is Cara Quinn - you
>>>>>>>>>>> can reach Cara at caraqu...@caraquinn.com
>>>>>>>>>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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>>>>>>>>>> Janina Sajka
>>>>>>>>>> Linux Foundation Fellow
>>>>>>>>>> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:    http://a11y.org
>>>>>>>>>> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative 
>>>>>>>>>> (WAI)
>>>>>>>>>> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures     
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
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>>>>>>>>>> list itself.
>>>>>>>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach
>>>>>>>>>> mark at:  mk...@ucla.edu and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can
>>>>>>>>>> reach Cara at caraqu...@caraquinn.com
>>>>>>>>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Janina Sajka
>>>>>>>> Linux Foundation Fellow
>>>>>>>> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:      http://a11y.org
>>>>>>>> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>>>>>>>> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures       
>>>>>>>> http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
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>>>>>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach
>>>>>>>> mark at:  mk...@ucla.edu and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach
>>>>>>>> Cara at caraqu...@caraquinn.com
>>>>>>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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>>>>>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Janina Sajka
>>>>>>> Linux Foundation Fellow
>>>>>>> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:       http://a11y.org
>>>>>>> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>>>>>>> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures        
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Janina Sajka
>>>>>> Linux Foundation Fellow
>>>>>> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:        http://a11y.org
>>>>>> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>>>>>> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
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>>>> Janina Sajka
>>>> Linux Foundation Fellow
>>>> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:  http://a11y.org
>>>> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>>>> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures   http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
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>>>> caraqu...@caraquinn.com
>>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries@googlegroups.com/
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
>> mk...@ucla.edu and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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> -- 
> Janina Sajka
> Linux Foundation Fellow
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:     http://a11y.org
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures      http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
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> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
> mk...@ucla.edu and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> caraqu...@caraquinn.com
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries@googlegroups.com/
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