I am running the latest Catalina on my iMac. I have a BT2 Inductive NeckLoop  
which I can connect to my iMac via bluetooth and to my hearing aids via their 
tele coil input.
I shall shortly be hosting some Zoom  meetings. To avoid disturbing the other 
meeting participants I would like to route the VoiceOver output to the NeckLoop 
and the audio from the Zoom meeting to my iMac internal speakers. 
I have been doing some experimenting today and successfully connected the 
NeckLoop to my iMac. I then started playing some music on the iMac and  used 
system preferences to change sound output device to bluetooth which resulted in 
the music being played through my NeckLoop while VoiceOver still came over the 
iMac internal speakers. This is the opposite of what I wanted!
Is it possible to route VoiceOver to the bluetooth NeckLoop and Zoom audio to 
the internal speakers?
Many thanks for any tips …. Paul Hopewell

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