I have only tried working with checklists on the Mac. On the Mac side, if you 
press return while on a checklist item a new checklist item is created. If you 
click on a checklist item it is marked completed. There are also some 
activities related to checklist items though  I don't remember the details.
Happy New Year!,
Jonathan Cohn

> On Dec 29, 2020, at 15:31, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone tried using checklists in the notes app in iOS? I just tried to do 
> it and have I’m having all kinds of weird problems. When I tried to add an 
> item to my checklist, instead of adding an item it marked the last item as 
> completed which it was not. Also, it appears that some items in my note are 
> part of the checklist but others are not, and I don’t seem to be able to just 
> make the whole thing one checklist. Does anyone know how this is supposed to 
> work?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> Sent from my iPhone
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