I have Express Scripts. I get my prescriptions with Braille labels on
the bottles; however, I have seen where they support script-talk as

On 3/11/23, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I'm shopping for a new pharmacy by month's end. There are several
> reasons why I'm not sure I want to go with CVS so am looking at other
> options. In particular I'm wondering whether anyone knows whether Amazon
> Pharmacy is supporting this kind of functionality? Another choice I see
> is Express Scripts. I presume there should be a couple more. Any
> pointers much appreciated.
> Best,
> Janina
> M. Taylor writes:
>> Hi! It's your prescription talking."
>> Spoken RxT tells you which prescription you're holding and how to take
>> it.*
>> All you need is a smart tagged prescription and the CVS PharmacyR mobile
>> app.
>> Just call your local CVS Pharmacy to sign up
>> Available now at a CVS Pharmacy location near you
>> What's Spoken Rx?
>> It's a smart tagged prescription label that works with our app to read
>> your
>> prescription information aloud in English or Spanish.  Created for blind
>> or
>> low-vision patients, Spoken Rx shares your prescription information
>> without
>> having to read the label.
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I have been wanting to post about this marvelous free resource for quite
>> some time.
>> Recently, Ricky Enger did a Hadley sponsored podcast on this new resource
>> and I want to make it available here.
>> Below my signature, you will find the transcript of her latest podcast
>> discussing CVS's Spoken RX system.
>> At the end of the transcript, you will find the link to the original
>> article
>> from which you may listen to the audio version of the interview.
>> Spoken Rx is a huge step in the right direction in terms of a mainstream
>> resource providing critical prescription medication information in an
>> accessible format for the blind and low vision.
>> Enjoy,
>> Mark
>> An episode of the Hadley Presents: A Conversation with the Experts audio
>> podcast
>> Thursday, January 5, 2023
>> Learn how CVS pharmacy customers throughout the US can access a free
>> service
>> that reads aloud prescription medication information.
>> CVS Pharmacy: Spoken RX
>> Presented by Ricky Enger
>> Begin Transcript:
>> Ricky Enger: Welcome to Hadley Presents. I'm your host, Ricky Enger,
>> inviting you to sit back, relax, and enjoy a conversation with the
>> experts.
>> In this episode, we discuss the Spoken RX service from CVS Pharmacy, and
>> our
>> guest is Pharmacy Operations Manager, Lindsey Desrosiers. Welcome to the
>> show, Lindsey.
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Thank you, Ricky. So excited to be here.
>> Ricky Enger: Yes, it is fantastic to have you as well. I can't wait to
>> dive
>> into our discussion today. But before we do that, why don't we just get a
>> little info about you. Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do at
>> CVS.
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Sure, gladly. I am a pharmacist by education and I
>> work
>> for CVS Pharmacy and particularly manage Spoken RX, which is an audible
>> label feature available at our CVS Pharmacy locations. I manage the
>> day-to-day operations for Spoken RX, which is very exciting work.
>> Ricky Enger: That's fantastic. I can tell you really love what you do
>> with
>> Spoken RX, and actually we love it too here at Hadley. In fact, we've
>> created some workshops on how to go through the process of getting it set
>> up
>> and then, how to use Spoken Rx. And of course, those are going to be
>> available for free on the Hadley website, and we'll touch on that again a
>> little later. You've kind of alluded to this a bit in your intro, so
>> before
>> we really dive into talking about all the cool things about Spoken RX,
>> what
>> exactly is it?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Yeah, of course. So Spoken RX is a breakthrough
>> feature
>> on our CVS pharmacy application and it reads prescription information
>> aloud
>> in English or Spanish. Spoken RX is an important aid for patients with
>> complete blindness, significant visual impairment, literacy or language
>> difficulties or dyslexia. It's available at no cost to patients, so
>> that's
>> very exciting that we have this in all our locations.
>> Ricky Enger: Yeah, for sure.
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: We worked very closely with the American Council of
>> the
>> Blind throughout the entire process. And they really provided some
>> valuable
>> input and feedback in both the development and testing of Spoken RX. So,
>> of
>> all the similar at home audible label readers that patients can use at
>> home,
>> this is really the first in-app prescription reader application to be
>> developed by a national retail pharmacy. It's very unique because it
>> directly connects to CVS's internal dispensing software in a way that can
>> read the radio frequency stickers to help eliminate difficulties in
>> differentiating and managing medication. Patients will know exactly what
>> medication they're holding in their hand and how to take it.
>> With Spoken RX patients no longer need to have a separate device and can
>> get
>> their medication information anytime, anywhere with a couple taps on
>> their
>> smartphone and scanning their pill container. So, Spoken RX really does
>> add
>> to our existing braille, audio and large print accessible prescription
>> label
>> options that are already available through CVS.com. And it's one of the
>> latest features integrated into our CVS Pharmacy mobile application,
>> which
>> makes it easy for patients to stay connected to health resources, refill
>> their prescriptions, and make appointments for health services such as
>> vaccinations and testing.
>> Ricky Enger: That's awesome. And I just have to say, I love that you all
>> consulted with people who are blind or have low vision to really get the
>> info you needed to make this as good a product as it can be because
>> that's
>> so important. Also, if you don't have a smartphone, and we'll get to this
>> a
>> bit later, but if you don't have a smartphone, don't tune out now because
>> there are options for you as well. Before we get into that though, what
>> was
>> the reasoning behind CVS Pharmacy deciding to develop Spoken RX?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Yes, so at CVS Pharmacy we're always looking for new
>> ways to innovate and really just serve our patients better. Recognizing
>> that
>> prescription management and medication adherence can be particularly
>> difficult for patients with visual impairments or those who cannot read a
>> standard print label because the font can be very small on those labels
>> with
>> all the information available. CVS pharmacy really listened to all of the
>> feedback and decided to develop its own solution. There're really no
>> restrictions with Spoken RX. Anyone can get it and it allows for a
>> greater
>> level of privacy, safety, and independence for our blind and visually
>> impaired patients.
>> Ricky Enger: That's great. So, you don't have to actually wait longer for
>> your prescription just because it has to have a special label, that
>> happens
>> the same day, which is amazing. I guess it's worth asking the question
>> where
>> is it available? Is it just like a few cities and it's rolling out to
>> other
>> places over time or is it available everywhere?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: We're available now in all our CVS Pharmacy locations
>> nationwide. We have almost 10,000 stores and Spoken RX is available in
>> all
>> of the local retail locations.
>> Ricky Enger: That's got to be a relief, because I know that for a lot of
>> people they are in areas where maybe there were previous pharmacy
>> solutions,
>> but it wasn't available in their area for whatever reason. I'm curious
>> though, we've talked a lot about the availability on a smartphone, which
>> is
>> awesome, but for people who for whatever reason are just not smartphone
>> people, either they really want the buttons or they're sticking with the
>> landline for now, is there something available for them to read Spoken RX
>> tags as well?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Yes. The great thing is that we do have multiple
>> options
>> for Spoken RX. If they do not have access to the application, they're
>> able
>> to request one free standalone speaker device from their local pharmacy
>> team.
>> Ricky Enger: That's awesome. So we've talked about what Spoken RX is and
>> maybe in theory how it might work, but why don't we dive a little deeper
>> into that. How exactly does the technology work? You have all of this
>> information that somehow makes it onto the printed label? I'm always
>> amazed
>> by just how much stuff fits there. How does that information then get
>> transmitted to a person who's using Spoken RX?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: The process is very simple. First, I'll just say the
>> enrollment process is very simple. It's free for all patients and there's
>> no
>> restrictions as I mentioned before. Any patient can request Spoken RX
>> audible labels. For the enrollment process, all patients need to do if
>> they're going to use the digital application is download the CVS Pharmacy
>> app from either the App store or Google Play, depending on which device
>> they
>> have and just register a CVS pharmacy digital account. When they go to
>> their
>> pharmacy, they can do this either in the store when they're going in for
>> their prescriptions or over the phone, they can just connect with their
>> local pharmacist or pharmacy team and request Spoken RX in their profile.
>> So
>> it's very simple to set this up. The pharmacy team will ensure that they
>> have their indicator and their profile all set and then all their
>> prescriptions going forward will have the audible labels affixed.
>> So, how it works is now our stores are equipped with the proper equipment
>> and they have these stickers that will be affixed to the bottom of the
>> patient's prescription bottle or outside of the container or package.
>> This
>> little tag, which is like a little white sticker, will then be scanned
>> with
>> the Spoken RX application to hear prescription information read out loud.
>> The patient will open the CVS Pharmacy app, and then we have Spoken RX
>> available in the pharmacy section under pharmacy tools. All they need to
>> do
>> is hold their prescription bottle or package with that sticker affixed
>> and
>> hold it within four inches of their smartphone. When it's read correctly,
>> the prescription information will be spoken out loud for the patient,
>> which
>> is great. If they want a standalone reader, they would just put their
>> bottle
>> or package right on the standalone reader and all their prescription
>> information will be spoken out loud to them.
>> Ricky Enger: Great. And that's going to have all this information, right?
>> It's not going to be just the name of the prescription, but you have no
>> idea
>> how often you're supposed to take it or if this one belongs to you or
>> perhaps your caregiver or somebody. So yeah, what is the information that
>> someone can get access to using that spoken RX label?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Yes, so it's actually really exciting. We've further
>> enhanced this to include as much prescription information as we possibly
>> can
>> on those stickers. The information that's spoken aloud is in either
>> English
>> or Spanish, depending on the patient's preference. The information
>> includes
>> key pieces of information such as the patient's name, the medication
>> name,
>> the medication dosage and direction, and exactly how to take that
>> medication. It includes things that are important for that patient to
>> know,
>> if they need to take it with food or taking it first thing in the
>> morning.
>> The really key pieces of information that's important for the patient.
>> And then other details, we have the prescription number on there, we have
>> the dispense quantity and refills remaining, the prescriber name, the
>> fill
>> date, and the discard after date. And again, that's another important
>> piece
>> of information for patient safety is to know when that medication is
>> really
>> good until. Also, the pharmacy phone number, so the patient is able to
>> connect with their pharmacy team directly. The great thing about using
>> our
>> CVS Pharmacy digital application is that there is a direct link to the
>> pharmacy phone number so they can directly contact their pharmacy team if
>> they have any additional questions. So that's exciting. That made it a
>> lot
>> easier for them to contact them.
>> The other cool thing about our digital application is there's an
>> additional
>> option at the bottom where patients can get more details about their
>> prescription. Important details that a patient might want to know, such
>> as
>> if they want to know some common side effects of the medication, if there
>> are some drug interactions, additional warning label information. Or it
>> could just be they want to learn more about the medication and what it's
>> used for. So, there's really a lot of information directly available for
>> the
>> patient at their fingertips.
>> Ricky Enger: That really is amazing. As I said before, I can't believe
>> just
>> how much info is somehow fitting onto that printed label. And as a blind
>> person myself, I was just accustomed to having to memorize things or make
>> notes for myself. And certainly the prescription number if I have to
>> refill
>> it, that's one of the first things they ask for when you call that
>> automated
>> thing, what's your prescription number? I don't know. And so having
>> access
>> to that is really very cool.
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Yes. Yes, exactly. I can't agree more.
>> Ricky Enger: Departing from Spoken Rx for just half a second because as
>> cool
>> as this is, I know that for whatever reason, audible instructions are not
>> preferred by everybody or not accessible for everybody. So you've kind of
>> mentioned this before, but I guess Spoken RX is in addition to some other
>> things that CVS Pharmacy offers for prescription labels. What else is
>> available?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Yes, we do have some additional options. Scrip Talk,
>> which I know a lot of patients are familiar with, uses a tabletop reader
>> to
>> play coded medication information on the label. And this is available
>> through CVS.com. The interesting thing with Scrip Talk is this is
>> something
>> that was built from En-Vision America, and this is the same type of
>> reader
>> that we use for Spoken RX. So, we did partner with En-Vision America
>> because
>> we know that that is a very popular reader. We're trying to make it as
>> best
>> as we can for our patients.
>> The other thing that we have are braille labels. So there's an embossed
>> label that contains the patient's name and the name of the medication
>> that
>> is also available through CVS.com. So we do have other options for this
>> community, but we just wanted to have something that was available at all
>> our direct stores for patients to make it a little bit easier for them to
>> get something quickly.
>> Ricky Enger: Yeah, makes sense. So the part of this that I am just
>> incredibly excited about is that CVS and Hadley have had the opportunity
>> to
>> partner together, even beyond the podcast that we're recording today. So
>> how
>> did all of that come about and why did CVS pharmacy choose to work with
>> Hadley? And in what way is that partnership taking place?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: CVS and Hadley really do share a commitment to
>> empower
>> the lives of those with vision loss or blindness, and really partner to
>> further assist people with a digital solution within the pharmacy. We
>> partnered to create workshops which will help demonstrate how to enroll
>> in
>> Spoken Rx to make it easier for patients to enroll and begin using Spoken
>> RX.
>> These workshops will really show how to use the different applications,
>> whether it be iOS or Android or our standalone reader, and help patients
>> hear those critical prescription details spoken out loud. I really think
>> these workshops will be extremely beneficial. It's going to be a great
>> additional resource for patients to go to for any type of assistance with
>> proper use of Spoken RX.
>> Ricky Enger: Absolutely. And we've had just a wonderful experience
>> working
>> with you and CVS as well. In our show notes we're going to have
>> information
>> about how to access Spoken RX information. We'll have links to the
>> workshops
>> on the Hadley site and links to the Spoken RX information on the CVS
>> website. But if somebody would really just like to talk to a human and
>> get
>> the whole process started, maybe they're not even sure what their local
>> CVS
>> Pharmacy is, which one is closest or what have you, is there a number
>> that
>> people can call just to talk with people from CVS pharmacy who can walk
>> them
>> through this whole process of getting registered or figuring out what
>> their
>> pharmacy is or any of that stuff?
>> Lindsey Desrosiers: Yes. We do have a general phone number that patients
>> can
>> call for any questions, and that's 1-800-SHOP-CVS. This is a great
>> resource
>> for all patients. The other thing that we do have available is our CVS
>> Spoken RX landing page, and that is found at CVS.com/spokenrx. We'll have
>> some further details on our website. Patients are also able to identify a
>> local store on our website, so there is a store locator available. But I
>> do
>> encourage patients to really speak to their local pharmacy team for
>> assistance about getting set up with Spoken RX. The pharmacy teams are
>> more
>> than willing to help patients. And all our pharmacy colleagues have all
>> the
>> information they need to be able to help our patients.
>> Ricky Enger: That's fantastic. Well, Lindsey, thank you so much for
>> spending
>> a little time with us just talking about Spoken Rx and it's clear how
>> excited you are and how invested you are in the service. I think it's
>> going
>> to be incredibly beneficial for people to be able to take their
>> medications
>> independently just through the access that Spoken RX is providing. So
>> again,
>> thank you so much for joining us today.
>> End Transcript.
>> Audio Version of Interview at:
>> https://click.email.hadley.edu/?qs=2a4096efff7ed9f688b3e3053bc23e45a253f3a77
>> f9c41e0ea218a9436e87951a7ce947b225ca62f417c22e99054af17a3bad263ddecd8c5
>> --
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> Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
> Accessibility Consultant https://linkedin.com/in/jsajka
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures   http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
> Linux Foundation Fellow
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