Hello All.

I do hope all of you are having a good day/night/afternoon.

I have a few questions concerning the mac Pro which I hope some or one
of you can answer.

1. if someone can tell me how to turn Voice over on at the login screen
so that I can set up a password please?  Just like you can do when jaws
brings up a login screen for you to type your password in.

2.  I wish to know if anyone is using the Mac with a Eurobraille as I
wish to connect mine up in due course.  I was able to connect it last
week (I had some excellent help) but it would not track anything once
the connection had been made.  I have asked my dealer if he has any
documentation for it but he has none so it's having to either look on
their website or asking one of you on list.

3.  This morning I opened Safari to try and open a BBC webpage,
www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive but when ever I pressed voice over option space
after typing in the address without the www's nothing happened.  Can the
Mac stream from the BBC website as the website uses BBC I player.

4. When in Itunes, after listening to a podcast, I wanted to listen to
the one after i.e. let's say Monday's episode of the Archers and when
done wishing to listen to Tuesday's episode.  It didn't matter how much
I highlighted it when ever pressing enter, Monday's episode kept
playing.  In the end I had to delete Monday's episode to get Itunes to
let me listen to Tuesdays.  Can anyone tell me why this would be and
what to do next time please?

Thanks for all your help which has been appreciated so far.

  Kawal Gucukoglu


(Skype User ID):



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