I had these same questions myself some time ago so I did my research.
I love saving money, and really have to since I am a college student.
I discovered that if you buy a mac book pro 13", the 2.4 GHZ model,
you would ultimately get a 21% overall discount.  Note this assumes
that you are a US student, get the 100 student rebate, get the 200 off
on the ITouch, and 100 rebate on a printer.  Then the next step would
be to sell the ITouch for 80% of its 200 value, so you would get 160
for it, on craigslist, and the printer for 80% of its value, and this
will give you 80 dollars.  So you would pay about 1630, after taxes,
upfront for the computer, and get a total of 100, +, 200, +, 100, +,
160, +, 80, =, 640 in discounts.
1640 minus, 640 =, 990 for the computer.  But this assumes that you
sell the ITouch and the printer for 80% of its cost, which can be
easily done for the ITouch but I would realistically get 70% for the
printer.  Also, note that you must get a printer that cost 100, not
more, and they have like 4 or 5 models to choose from at apple.  but
here is more.  Since of a bill past last year, you can put that 1630
on your taxes and the goverment will give you a 1630 toward your
taxes, this is only if you are astuent, and reinburse you back 50%,
or, 815, on your 2010 tax return.  So basically the 1199 mac, cost
you , 175, or so.  If you select a cheaper computer with thisstragety
you will get a larger return since your total taxes will be lower
becuse of the lower computer cost.  The only drawback for this
stragety is that you have to fork 1630 upfront, and htat you have to
sell the ITouch and printer, which if not, will add to your overall
cost.  This beats the amazon deal since you are only saving the taxes
you would pay for the computer, plus an extra 50, which is basically a
student discount for everyone.  Also you should consider the hassle of
going to the rebate, although apple states it simple and easy, I never
believe rebates.  They work but they are enver easy and convient.  I
might end up going for th eamazon deal since there is less hassle,
plus you also get the tax rebate on your 1200 purchase.  I hope I did
not confuse you, just helped you

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